So long GTAM...for now | Page 2 |

So long GTAM...for now

You are doing the right thing...for now. You are a good and smart rider...except for the early years of dragging your bags out by Guelph Line.:lmao: If your head is not in it then don't put your body under.

Those bags helped my bike corner D. I remember that ride to this day, was a ton of fun
No plans to get rid of anything at the present time

Almost did the same after a left turner changed my world and I broke a ton of bones. In the end though I realized I don't want to live a life hiding from what I enjoy. I'm sure you'll come back too it in time, but if your heads not in the game, it's a good idea to take a break.
Ride if you want to.

Don't if you don't.

If you think you might change your mind, don't sell your stuff. If you don't need the cash, you can always sell later.

No need for anything beyond that.
i've decided to hang up the leathers for now...been pondering it for a while and came to the conclusion that i am not willing to accept the risk of motorcycling at this time in my life.

You are doing the right thing...for now. You are a good and smart rider...except for the early years of dragging your bags out by Guelph Line.:lmao: If your head is not in it then don't put your body under.

I don't know you but if you've dragged your bag out by Guelph Line I feel I know you. By stepping back you're doing what feels right. That's a good thing. There's comfort in knowing you've done it well and it will always be there if you decide to ride again. In some ways the second time around can be even sweeter. You'll be older and realize there really is nothing to live for. That's liberating.
Does your riding or not benefit me in any way? When it does, I will begin to care.

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