So I'm in the garage workin' on bikes........

LOL, I anticipated that response..just wasn't sure who was going to step up.

By all means, park your helmet on the ground, medic, Enjoy!
and how is a noob supposed to know this if we're not told????...i took the m1 exit course and nothing was said about this...

Yes...but did you READ the beginner's guide? It's in there. ;)
I mowed an old ladys' lawn the other day.

Gary, your Mom's doesn't count ;)

Great job FullMotoJacket! Look at it this way, you stopped...the 6 'too cool to care' guys didn't. Maybe they would have hassled him, made him feel bad or what have you....perhaps you were there and inclined to stop because he needed YOU to :)
You're awesome:)

Thanks, but the point I'm trying to make is It's not awesome. What I did and will continue to do to me is matter of fact, and should be the same with everyone else that rides. I was ****** at the riders that went by and ignored the guy stopped in a precarious location. My friends and I call them spodes.
Thanks, but the point I'm trying to make is It's not awesome. What I did and will continue to do to me is matter of fact, and should be the same with everyone else that rides. I was ****** at the riders that went by and ignored the guy stopped in a precarious location. My friends and I call them spodes.

You're absolutely right FMJ. I stop for people that need help all the time, something my daddy taught me. I'm one of those people that can't turn a blind eye. People are very selfish and it's refreshing to see people like you still exists.
Yep, I don't understand how people can't just help other people... People don't even like to just say hi to strangers. Taking 2 second to hold a door open for someone you don't know can make their day. Smile are contagious people!

I've stopped and helped a bunch of bikes. Once, a lady on a big harley was stranded on Hwy 60 in Algonquin. Luckily, I had my bike trailer in the back and had left the street bike at home. Her bike was deffinately not going to make it any further, so we put my dirt bike in the bed of my truck and loaded her bike in to my trailer and I drove her to her friend's cottage that was her destination, it was only 10 minutes out of my way and I wasn't in a hurry that day anyways. She was gratefull, and I ended up getting some BBQ and a Beer out of the deal!

As a snowmobiler, if anyone is stopped on the side of the trail we make sure they are ok, especially at night, as on some trails it's hours until another sled might pass them, could save someone!

Oh, and I'm sure pretty much all of us have had the whole kickstand down+bike in gear=stalled bike before.
I was in a busy parking lot not long after getting my FZ6, bike would turn on but as soon as I dropped it in to gear it died. I spent a few minutes trying to get it figured out with people walking by... Then a-ha! Stupid kick stand. Haven't done that since.
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Funny thing happened Sunday night, I read this post and thought hey that's a nice thing u did.... I haven't stopped for many on the side and the one or two I have they were all okay and waiting for a friend to show up with a truck.
Needless to say that night I'm riding home to Baden, 11pm and wifey is ****** I'm home late :( but I know I can still get a piece...and I'm in a rush!!
I see a fellow rider walking his bike up the expressway I though hell why not, take two seconds...?
Pulled over and ask if he's good expecting a friend to show up soon?
He tells me he's got a flat rear and lives in Stratford! 3/4 hr away and I was like Damm that's sucks...
So I check the rear and see where the nail punctured, tire all shredded up in the centre....
I just left my buddy's house 2 mins away and called him up to see of he's got a tire patch kit... Yep!
Ride back grab his truck, the kit and he also had an air pig that was empty. Went to the gas station tossed in a loonie for air and filled er up.
Meet up with the guy about 1/2 kilometer up the rd from where he originally was (still walking the bike home I guess?) he wasn't expecting me to come back either he told me.
Patched it up, filled er up with air and away he went. He felt nothing but gratefulness and gave me $20. I said no at first but figured ain't my truck, gas, patch kit or air pig so I took it and gave it to my bud.
It kinda sucked cause I missed out on the Sunday night wifey night but hey.... Felt Good helping others in need!! I guess you never know if u can help unless you ask?
I didn't see him on the way home so I at least got him 1/2 hr closer??
I think common courtesy is declining, but not at all gone.

On my day trips this year, being GPS-less, I'll stop at the roadside with my four ways on, looking at maps or Google Maps on my BlackBerry. About every second or third car will slow down when passing me, roll down a window and ask if I'm OK. This is usually on quiet country roads.

I did learn the 'helmet at the roadside' trick in riding school (Conestoga) and will look for it on rides.

Good for the riders who stop and help. I hope to do the same if I find someone in trouble.
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