So i nailed a bunny last night...


Well-known member
Hit a rabbit with my front tire on Ellington ramp to dvp south. I wasn't going very fast, but it was cool out and my tires weren't very warm. Saw it coming so i got upright , dropped a gear, braked gently... a bump and a little wobble. I then resumed my turn after killing roger. This wasn't as bad as when i didn't have time to react to a squirrel dive under my rear tire on a slight bend, i felt the rear wobble a bit.

My question, have any of you hit something like a raccon, squirel, rabit, skunk, etc while in a higher speed corner like an on ramp?
Like I was told when I started, If you can eat it on one sitting, get as upright as possible and brace and do not try to change your line to avoid it.
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I came into this thread with so many hopes and dreams...

I thought I was gunna read about beastiality... no fun, I'm out.
LOL jokers

Once, I said I wanted to "hunt a rabbit" and both my friends thought I said "hump". I guess it's all in the ear of the listener :agave:
Ive hit birds, 1 squirrel, 4 chipmunks, 1 turtle, and kicked a Turkey. Im pretty sure im missing something else too.
Just narrowly missed 3 coyotes, a cow (yes a cow), a bear, moose and many, many deer.
Out of all those critters that were trying to do me in the one that almost took me down was a dead snake around a corner in a full lean. Those things are slick lol ;).
And yea very missleading title :boxing:
This is what I thought you you nailed...

^ Looks like she needs to take the MSF.

^^ Looks like he needs to take a closer look at her...exhaust...ports. On second thought, to heck with you, I'll examine those ports.
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