So I got hit! First time and need help

no, that's what bothering me, they didn't charge him or me and told us both to go to CRC.
From what the cops explained the insurance would decide who was at fault.
That's what I was thinking all the time after the incident, and it bothers me.. I should have stopped in the middle of the intersection, I have done it before. I assumed the guy saw me, I just assumed he was rolling in the intersection to go after I finished my turned. But no apparently I was not spotted at all, the old guy did not even have a clue from which direction I was coming from, he kept on saying that I hit him.

guess like many said, shake it up and move on :( .. I already miss her

you mean you miss me?? lol! kidding... ya it's evident that he hit you since you have a damaged exhaust and he has a damaged front bumper. doesn't take a genius to figure out what happened.

I'm glad that you are not hurt.
no, that's what bothering me, they didn't charge him or me and told us both to go to CRC.
From what the cops explained the insurance would decide who was at fault.

Catch is without witnesses you will automatically be at fault since you were turning left (afaik). The witnesses should sway this and he should have been charged for failing to stop. He was not charged you may be pooched.
The fault determination rules are clear here.

If there is a police report or witness stating that he didn't stop and you did, he is 100% at fault.

If it is unclear if you stopped, you are 50% at fault.

If it is unclear whether he stopped, you are 50% at fault.

It sounds like he is 100% at fault, now you just need to prove that to the insurance company and get a new bike.
If the insurance company tries to tell you that you are 50% at fault, despite there being proof that the other party is at fault, kindly tell them you would like to take it to arbitration.
I was in an accident in the past, where someone turned left in front of me (I had the green). The insurance company tried to say it was 50% my fault.
I told them I wanted to take it to arbitration, they said they will have to call me back. When they called back, they said they have looked it over again and found that the other party was at fault 100%.
If the insurance company tries to tell you that you are 50% at fault, despite there being proof that the other party is at fault, kindly tell them you would like to take it to arbitration.
I was in an accident in the past, where someone turned left in front of me (I had the green). The insurance company tried to say it was 50% my fault.
I told them I wanted to take it to arbitration, they said they will have to call me back. When they called back, they said they have looked it over again and found that the other party was at fault 100%.

I was found 50% at fault when a taxi driver had to drive up onto the sidewalk behind me in order to broadside my truck, when I was turning into a parking structure. The insurance ombudsman told me that I should have been completely at fault, but was lucky that under the rules of fault determination I could only be found 50% at fault. Police said they would charge the cab driver with careless.
Glad you are ok man , was he wearing eyeglasses ? i would ask for medical assessment of his eye sight... if he didnt see your green bike ,id like to know what else he cant see while he is driving ...
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Glad you are ok man , was he wearing glass ? i would ask for medical assessment of his eye sight... if he didnt see your green bike ,id like to know what else he cant see while he is driving ...

apparently he's a very senior guy, looks like 80+ years old and the firemen said he just lost his wife... sigh...
apparently he's a very senior guy, looks like 80+ years old and the firemen said he just lost his wife... sigh...

Sympathy if he did, but how did that come up? Fishing for a little sympathy? In what world would that make a difference?

This is my signature

To clarify, the corner I was on its a 2 lane each way going east and west and single lane north and south. Four way stop, I was on the left lane (east corner) going left, he was on the right lane (west corner) going right. I stopped first, he stopped and I went to make my turn and that's when I saw him starting to go (half way in my turn ), I am a 100% sure he did not see me, it happened at 8:50 not dark enough and as mentioned, I have a green bike. When I saw him rolling I hold on to my horn and did not let go of it until I was on the floor, he had more than enough time to stop but he didn't, and as mentioned my mistake was to assume he was just going to roll in the street right after I had cleared the way, big mistake on my part. why didn't I move more left on my lane I don't know for sure, if I remember correctly a car was arriving on the south east corner to make a stop.

CRC officer was not impressed that I had to go in to file a report, specially since my arm is hurting and damages look above 2000 dollars, they made a copy if the flyer the cops provided me which had the badge of the cop @ the scene.

I'm going to the hospital to get my arm and back and neck checked. My arm pain has been increasing all day and moving it is getting painful.

I spoke with my broker they submitted my info n all the stuff the the insurance company and I'll be hearing from them after. The plan is to get the bike fixed by the kahuna since I got it from them only if other driver is found @100% at fault. Otherwise, I'll do minimal changes to have my bike on the road.

Just sucks to be in this situation, thanks everyone for the info and support.

Sent from phone

To clarify, the corner I was on its a 2 lane each way going east and west and single lane north and south. Four way stop, I was on the left lane (east corner) going left, he was on the right lane (west corner) going right. I stopped first, he stopped and I went to make my turn and that's when I saw him starting to go (half way in my turn ), I am a 100% sure he did not see me, it happened at 8:50 not dark enough and as mentioned, I have a green bike. When I saw him rolling I hold on to my horn and did not let go of it until I was on the floor, he had more than enough time to stop but he didn't, and as mentioned my mistake was to assume he was just going to roll in the street right after I had cleared the way, big mistake on my part. why didn't I move more left on my lane I don't know for sure, if I remember correctly a car was arriving on the south east corner to make a stop.

CRC officer was not impressed that I had to go in to file a report, specially since my arm is hurting and damages look above 2000 dollars, they made a copy if the flyer the cops provided me which had the badge of the cop @ the scene.

I'm going to the hospital to get my arm and back and neck checked. My arm pain has been increasing all day and moving it is getting painful.

I spoke with my broker they submitted my info n all the stuff the the insurance company and I'll be hearing from them after. The plan is to get the bike fixed by the kahuna since I got it from them only if other driver is found @100% at fault. Otherwise, I'll do minimal changes to have my bike on the road.

Just sucks to be in this situation, thanks everyone for the info and support.

Sent from phone

Yeah i'm surprised why you were sent to CRC. When people are involved and there is injury, I thought the cops are suppose to provide the assessment on the scene?
Sorry to read about this. Was a very pretty bike but you're ok that's the important thing. I'm sure bike will be back up and running in no time. Good luck!
That's what I was thinking all the time after the incident, and it bothers me.. I should have stopped in the middle of the intersection, I have done it before. I assumed the guy saw me, I just assumed he was rolling in the intersection to go after I finished my turned. But no apparently I was not spotted at all, the old guy did not even have a clue from which direction I was coming from, he kept on saying that I hit him.

guess like many said, shake it up and move on :( .. I already miss her

Chalk it up as a very bad experience. People keep posting here - ride like you're invisible. My M2-exit course instructor mentioned that some ridiculous percentage of riders who got into accidents saw another driver, saw their maneuver but did not do anything to avoid the collision. You're way more vulnerable on the road than the cager, so let them through even if they're 100% in the wrong. Drivers in GTA get worse every year, that's another very noticeable thing here. Heal up, maybe take a bike safety course to refresh some skills, get another bike and ride safe!
Did you get the number of that chick in daisy dukes? You know, as a witness.

Dude, all those crystal crisp PhotoTag pix this season and you NOW post up a BLURRY out-of-focus pic?!?

Glad to hear you weren't seriously injured.
Hope you get 'er fixed and you'll be back in the game and back to leading rides before the season is over.
Hope you get 'er fixed and you'll be back in the game and back to leading rides before the season is over.

I know! I already miss him leading the way. I always fully trust his skills and always feel super safe when he leads so im a bit surprised that it happened to him. Well we all make mistakes and just have to learn the lesson from it.
If ins rights it off but doesnt brand it then you have the option to buy back plus get money back. They wrote mine of as the cosmetic was way more then what the bike is worth so i got my bike back plus 2400 I only paid 2800 lol and now my friend fixed all the cosmetic stuff an I am good to go best deal ever
People keep posting here - ride like you're invisible...

Ahh, damn! All this time I thought it was "Ride like you're INVINCIBLE!" Now it all makes sense :-)

Glad you're okay. I learned to fear the streetcar tracks the hard way. Best lessons are the ones with the most impact and the least damage.

You should have been clearer to the police officer that the other man was at fault and failed to make a safe turn. I would have gone so far to ask the cop "what if I broke my neck and died today" and gone that route.

Call your insurance. Update them.

BE 100% perfectly clear that you arrived at the 4 way stop BEFORE the car. That you had the RIGHT OF WAY to make your left turn, as you arrived clearly prior to the car turning right.

Insurance pretty much automatically place blame on a left turning vehicle regardless of circumstances, and it does not help you that the cop did not place a charge on the car driver.
I know! I already miss him leading the way. I always fully trust his skills and always feel super safe when he leads so im a bit surprised that it happened to him. Well we all make mistakes and just have to learn the lesson from it.

well , it happens to best of us sometimes . Andre is a good rider with respect to the road . riders with 30 years experience get in to accident or drop their bikes too. accidents can be unpredictable sometimes , in this case trusting other drivers and assuming they will behave the way you behave leads to accidents . i do feel and think this way sometimes and get upset when ppl dont drive , ride the way they are supposed to ...
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