I picked up a discarded 80's vintage toro 2 stroke in the summer that needed a little points love. It got it's first workout on the weekend. I hope to god it has more power than it provided and will pick up steam after another few workouts. For the amount of noise it was making, the snow wasn't moving very far.
This is probably the closest modern equivalent (although mine has vanes not a throwing chute.)
In university, I revived a 2 stroke power shovel. That thing was pretty amazing in light snow, but quite useless in the heavy wet stuff.
Personally if I was investing in a snowblower, I would need it to deal with the frozen windrow the plow leaves. For everything else, shovelling isn't that bad. Do any of the single stage ones chew through ice well? I would expect they don't due to the way they are spinning, but maybe some work.