Snow Blower Recommendations

Just gave my 30 year old Honda 8hp blower to my neighbor this morning and went out and bought a new Honda 9hp.It served me well but this thread was making me want a new machine.
My single stage MTD self destructed the other day with the big dumping we got. My own fault for trying to manhandle it through snow too deep for what it was designed for. Time to bite the bullet and get a 2 stage. I’ll fix the single stage myself and sell it on, just needs the auger assembly replacing as some metal bent, not just the rubber paddles.

So....Lowe's have this Briggs and Stratton model on sale with an extra 15% off comes to about $690 or something....does it look decent? I don’t want to blow a massive wad of cash on this as I have some vets bills coming up that are going to be high. Under $1000 is my’s the Lowe’s machine.. Any opinions?
well if its anything like the one in my garage, I've been disposing of it for about 15yrs now.......... should take another decade to be complete.
Moved to the country this year and a newer Craftsman dual-stage came with it for the 100ft driveway. My plow atv is way more fun to use but I've used the snowblower a bunch just to get the year-old (or older) gas out of it. Surprised how well that thing works. Push button starts instantly, doesn't bog down unless I'm being stupid, and seems like it should last. Granted it's the first snowblower I've had but so far I'd recommend it.
I bought one. Came to $770 all in so a pretty decent deal for what’s supposed to be a $1k unit. Comes with a 3y warranty too instead of a 2y like most other base consumer units. Briggs and Stratton engines on my power washer and mower have lasted ages and been pretty reliable. Hopefully this one will too.
Meanwhile my Fisher Price / Toro power shovel keeps on working no matter how many times I beat on it. Can't kill that thing.
Bought this for $799 in the winter of 2010, Yard machine 28" Chinese motor I think, starts in a few pulls. Run rotella T 5w/40 in it and coated the whole thing when I bought it new with Loyds 3000 rust proofing from princess auto. Done me good for a cheap unit.


I assume you know to use non-ethanol gas and stabilizer. One tank might last all season..... Unless you're also clearing the snow for the neighbors.
I have never used stabilizer. I just empty out the gas at the end of the season and it just sits in my garage over the summer. In November I put new gas in and it starts right away.

There is a bolt on the bottom of the carburetor thru which you can easily empty the gas out into a can.

I do the exact same thing with my lawn mower.

I also don't use stabilizer in my motorcycle, just fill the tank up to the top with fresh gas before I park it for the winter, never had a problem doing this.
Had the seals or something dry out on a lawn mower once. I leave a little bit of gas in them over the winter now.
Meanwhile my Fisher Price / Toro power shovel keeps on working no matter how many times I beat on it. Can't kill that thing.

My 30+ yo 2 stroke Toro may have finally kicked the bucket. It was running fine when I shut it off but trying to pull it over on saturday morning it felt bad. When things warm up a bit I will pull it apart and see why it's so hard to pull over. There is no way in hell it will ever start with this much friction, but it is possible it is just a stuck belt (although it feels metallic so I think the end is nigh).

My brother bought a Honda snowthrower and hates it (according to him not enough throw, not any faster than a shovel and doesn't like anything that isn't light powder). I may buy it off him and he'll get a proper snowblower.
Those electric shovels/ snowthrowers are like a 3" weiner, it will get the job done, its just going to take longer.
If you don't mind spending a bit of money it is very difficult to beat a Gravely walk behind multi-purpose tractor, you can outfit it with a grass cutter for the summer and a blower or a snow blade in the winter. They work awesome good, used ones are probably available although they do hold their value significantly so the price will still be up there compared to something powered by a Wuy Zhohyi Yangkong Xinhuu.
If you don't mind spending a bit of money it is very difficult to beat a Gravely walk behind multi-purpose tractor, you can outfit it with a grass cutter for the summer and a blower or a snow blade in the winter. They work awesome good, used ones are probably available although they do hold their value significantly so the price will still be up there compared to something powered by a Wuy Zhohyi Yangkong Xinhuu.

My grandfather had a Gravely walk behind when I was a kid. He had the mower and the tiller attachments for it. I remember we would always borrow it with the tiller in the spring to turn over the vegetable garden. Great machine. When I got older we just switched to doing one pass with the tractor and disc. 12'x30' garden turned over in seconds, not sure why we didn't always do it that way :shrug:.
My plow atv is way more fun to use

Hahahahah, got that right! My driveway isn't that big and it's overkill I know, but you can be sure I'm out plowing my driveway after even a few inches - it's the only chance I get to play on my ATV in the city :P

A guy I'm subscribed to on youtube posted this vid a few days ago, I thought it was awesome but then he told me the price... for $4000 it sure BETTER be awesome!

Honda HSS928CT

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