Smokey and my bandit :(

...saying engines run lean in cold weather is just nonsense and aperantly wasn't "Googled" properly by gryphon lol
Boooya, GTAM forums and I and all the other readers and posters have little patience with those who post misleading (or just plain incorrect) information.
Especially in the Technical forum, where it is assumed or hoped those without knowledge will not guess poorly in response to legitimate questions.
Internal combustion engines, all else being equal, run leaner in cold weather and richer in hot weather!
This is just a fact. It is first-day stuff in 'carb tuning 101' class (which you apparently never attended)...
I was tearing down and tuning banks of Keihin carbs back in the 1970s. I have forgotten more about carburetion than you'll ever know.
And I can WRITE the tech info that YOU, Boooya, should probably have 'Googled' heheh...
Now I don't mean to rag-out on you friend, but you might consider being a little more humble.
Once again you wrong, fuel does not atomize well with cold dense air so you need to dump more fuel to start and warm up a cold engine, chokes in carburated engines do this and clossed/open loop o2's do this in efi units.
Bottom line is running lean is bad for internal combustion engines is it not?
I'm guessing you have the only car on gtam that burns less fuel in the winter as well do to it running so lean?
But I'm not going to argue with you. The only thing you are correct about my friend is how much you have forgotten about it ;).
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