Smart Turn System

My '84 V65 had them, but they were gummed up with all the funk that had accumulated over the years.
My 1987 BMW K75 has it. Turns them off after 100m. I usually turn them off myself ...
HD Self-cancelling signals work very well most of the time and the separate left-for-left, right-for-right signal switches took me about 30 seconds to get used to. It's more intuitive than the standard single switch system.
Thousands of HD riders aren't complaining!
Some of the systems may accumulate you points on the M2X, as their timing doesn't always meet the requirements.
Some of the systems may accumulate you points on the M2X, as their timing doesn't always meet the requirements.

Good point. (Ha Ha) Mine take 20 seconds before they turn off. That is an awful long time. Even at normal speeds, in a built up area. Could have passed several roads in that time.
However, I think that most riders turn them off with out even thinking.
This is just an up date. I`ve had the STS for quite a while now and so far it is working great . When I left or right turn it always shuts of as soon as I complete the turn and most certainly has made motorcycling much safer. For me this has been money well spent. I hope this can help some one.
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