Small nail in tire

Just an update, I ran that plugged tire to ~10400km. Here is a pic of the plug inside and tire condition outside. Basically forgot all about it, and I wouldn't hesitate to do it again.

The plug outside shrunk down a bit when the air pressure was removed, but it did protrude inside a bit as I had hoped.
So I ran the patched tire on the track. No issues whatsoever. Air seal is perfect. When these tires are done I'll try to remember to snap a photo of the inside.
I trust patch but won't do plug
Update: Tire's been through 4 track days + some street with the patch. No issues at all. I just replaced the tires so here's what it looks like from the inside:

Update: Tire's been through 4 track days + some street with the patch. No issues at all. I just replaced the tires so here's what it looks like from the inside:

Ummm, that plug/patch job is incomplete. The clear plastic 'wrap' that's on the patch part should have been peeled off, and then a vulcanizing liquid put over top of the patch and surrounding area.

On my own cars in the past I've just squeezed crazy glue into small nail holes, let it cure for a couple minutes and then inflated the tires. Never had a problem. Definitely wouldn't do it on a customers car though.
Here's the outside. I've circled the puncture area. I think it's that little divot in the center but it's honestly hard to tell now. No chicken strips =)

Rosey Toes did the patch. I saw him use the vulcanizing fluid under the patch.

Wow, I guess this is a noob question but wth is up with the surface of that tire? Looks like it had rubber puked all over it.
That's the glue that holds the patch to the inside of the tire. Once glued you're supposed to cover the patch also with the black tar-like crap.

Here's the outside. I've circled the puncture area. I think it's that little divot in the center but it's honestly hard to tell now. No chicken strips =)

Rosey Toes did the patch. I saw him use the vulcanizing fluid under the patch.

That's the glue that holds the patch to the inside of the tire. Once glued you're supposed to cover the patch also with the black tar-like crap.

Not sure if he did that then. I did see him use some black tar-like liquid at one point but don't remember when exactly. I'll keep it in mind for next time, thanks. In any case, the patch did it's job.
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