Small displacement motorcycle insurance

You are restricted to riding on private property - not the same thing.
Only your private property. Any one else's private property and you still need the unobtainable insurance.

(4) Every owner of an off-road vehicle that is driven on land other than land that the owner occupies shall, upon request of a peace officer, surrender, for inspection, within seventy-two hours after the request is made, evidence that the vehicle was insured under a motor vehicle liability policy in accordance with the Insurance Act "
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Thanks for all the response.
I will apologize for not making it more clear I was only interested in street legal motorcycles.
It is clear that if you blue plate the bike over 50cc for street use, insurance is no issue.
If you are "off road" plated you are f***ked.
Price is a matter of shopping around.
The way I see it from personal experience as a Toronto dweller and first time insurer with an M2, Green plating a bike under 150cc is very difficult unless grandfathered, paired under an existing bike or other recreational vehicle, or changing over to a new insurance provider fully.
As far as I can tell the same can be said for Blue plating bikes under 150cc, though shopping around may reveal some insurance providers that insure at a high premium but a cheap alternative is very hard to find if not impossible.😑😔
The way I see it from personal experience as a Toronto dweller and first time insurer with an M2, Green plating a bike under 150cc is very difficult unless grandfathered, paired under an existing bike or other recreational vehicle, or changing over to a new insurance provider fully.
As far as I can tell the same can be said for Blue plating bikes under 150cc, though shopping around may reveal some insurance providers that insure at a high premium but a cheap alternative is very hard to find if not impossible.😑😔
I blue plated my Honda Spree 50, additional insurance is $161/year.
Maybe its a case of the insurance company not wanting to give YOU insurance!!!
I remember being 21 with a bad driving record and trying to insure a limited production sports car.
The agent had his rate book open for a quote until I told him what I wanted to insure.
He slammed the book close and laughed in my face.
My 1968 Honda CD125 is "fit unplated" (thanks SO!) and as much fun as it is as a pit bike for rallies I'd like to get it legal. Curious how that discussion will go with desjardine. They didn't have much trouble with my 76 CB750 so who knows.
If not TD or Wawa would likely be steep with just it alone.
I’m insuring a Honda Aero (80cc two stroke scooter) and no issues at all. Though above 49cc it’s considered a motorcycle and requires a M class vs the limited speed class. The best part is that it counts as history on my insurance record
Insurance is just numbers. If they are happy to write policies for the same riders on 230 cc bikes, I can't see 140's being higher risk. Charge me the 230 price and let them ride.

Firstly, just want to say, plenty of companies insuring plenty of small displacement bikes. I've had numerous 50, 150, and 250cc scooters insured and on the road over the years.

Second, to GG, you'd be surprised!

I had a Vespa 50cc, registered as 50cc (it later got a 150cc motor swap), and believe it or not, it cost MORE to insure that than it did to insure a Vespa 250cc.

Both bikes were around 2006-2010 model years, and this was around 2022, so they were both 10+ years old at this point.

Apparently the 50cc owners tend to have **** happen a lot more often, the 250cc don't seem to get into as much trouble. Might have something to do with the fact that the 250s tend to cost substantially more so you end up with a different kind of owner, and also the 250s come with immobilizers so maybe successful thefts are more rare.

Now, it's only an $80 difference we're talking about, with the same company, but considering I'm only spending $180/yr on insurance on the 250cc, that's a 44% difference! Kinda crazy! lol
Now, it's only an $80 difference we're talking about, with the same company, but considering I'm only spending $180/yr on insurance on the 250cc, that's a 44% difference! Kinda crazy! lol

Side note on this: If anyone reading this has any friends who need cheap transportation, are looking to add another vehicle, or are just one of those whiney little bitches that say "RiDiNg Is ToO eXpEnSiVe In CaNaDa It DoEsN'T mAkE sEnSe" or whatever other stupid excuse - zip it and read:

My 2006 Vespa GTS 250 was about $3,200, with only 1,900 km on it. It needed an $100 voltage regulator. I installed it myself (bloody knuckles kind of annoying job, but, do-able).

I spend about $180 a year on insurance, and about $60 on oil and filter, and let's round it to $10/yr on gear oil and brake fluid.
That's $250/yr to run.

The thing lane splits easy, does highway 401 speeds easily (see here: Vespa on the 401, totally do-able but... ), and has enough I can bring home an 18 lb bag of dog food under the seat, and still fit a full face helmet in the top case, so I can pick up all the sweet babes I get on my sexy-as-**** red Vespa.

So if you know any of those people I described at the start of this post, share this with them, they need to see it.
Firstly, just want to say, plenty of companies insuring plenty of small displacement bikes. I've had numerous 50, 150, and 250cc scooters insured and on the road over the years.

Second, to GG, you'd be surprised!

I had a Vespa 50cc, registered as 50cc (it later got a 150cc motor swap), and believe it or not, it cost MORE to insure that than it did to insure a Vespa 250cc.

Both bikes were around 2006-2010 model years, and this was around 2022, so they were both 10+ years old at this point.

Apparently the 50cc owners tend to have **** happen a lot more often, the 250cc don't seem to get into as much trouble. Might have something to do with the fact that the 250s tend to cost substantially more so you end up with a different kind of owner, and also the 250s come with immobilizers so maybe successful thefts are more rare.

Now, it's only an $80 difference we're talking about, with the same company, but considering I'm only spending $180/yr on insurance on the 250cc, that's a 44% difference! Kinda crazy! lol
I was referring more to the unobtainable insurance for small green plate bikes. Giving kids 230's because they can't get insurance on 140s at any price seems ridiculous.
I was referring more to the unobtainable insurance for small green plate bikes. Giving kids 230's because they can't get insurance on 140s at any price seems ridiculous.

Totally understand. It's most likely because the insurance cos don't seem to have a ******* clue when it comes to motorcycles in Ontario... just saying that there's always that chance that there's a history of the smaller bikes getting into more trouble.

Hell, I can insure my Bonneville (865cc) for less than it costs me to insure a Grom... Never underestimate how badly kids ruin everything lol
Totally understand. It's most likely because the insurance cos don't seem to have a ******* clue when it comes to motorcycles in Ontario... just saying that there's always that chance that there's a history of the smaller bikes getting into more trouble.

Hell, I can insure my Bonneville (865cc) for less than it costs me to insure a Grom... Never underestimate how badly kids ruin everything lol
Do you happen to live in a city or more rural area? also is all your insurance bundled with one company, Home auto and motorcycles?
Must you have a high enough income to qualify for discounts?
Just trying to figure out why I pay $2500/yr on a 2015 DR200 in Toronto.
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