Otherwise - and I'm speaking as someone who loves video games - motorcycle games usually have such alien controls that they don't hold my interest for more than a few minutes. I was almost interested in Ride 3/4 but the bikes sound disappointingly bad. Like early 2000s bad. I do think that even in games that don't control great, you can learn something about track layouts and entry speeds etc.
The physics are usually weird. Also weird af to control lean with the right stick. Tbh I dislike motorcycle racing games.
Also lack of VR and laser scanned tracks is another huge issue. ACC and iRacing's Laguna Seca (Mazada Speedway, or whatever it is now) has a proper huge vertical plummet at the corkscrew. The elevation changes also change how the operator handles the car (will spin easier with loose setups.) GT and Forza, for example, are far flatter all around the track.
Maybe if we ever hit true matrix like "jacking in" one day though! Dunno how anyone's gonna create hardware for motorcycle sims due to gyroscopic forces needed when hanging off the bike.