
Well-known member
This is just purely disgusting but Casey Anthony (girl that allegedly killed her daughter and then covered it up for months) was just found innocent on all charges except for lying to Law Enforcement officials.... Anybody follow this case at all???Worse than OJ.
This is just purely disgusting but Casey Anthony (girl that allegedly killed her daughter and then covered it up for months) was just found innocent on all charges except for lying to Law Enforcement officials.... .

Well I'm not on the jury or anything but it would seem that there is not enough evidence? I would think that a jury would prob not give her an easy pass otherwise.
This is all speculation on the part on my opinion of course.

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From what I've read (not much) all the evidence was completely circumstantial.
Unfortunately all they had to prove was doubt.

Read "The Sociapath Next Door" for how people like Casey Anthony walk among us.
From what I've read (not much) all the evidence was completely circumstantial.
This is somewhat true, but really... if you watch some highlight clips of what's gone on in the last few weeks you might think differently. I know there are some legal people on here that may have a different opinion but for the general public like myself.. (and all the protesters out front of the court right now) it seemed like the only thing to decide was Death Penalty vs. Rotting in jail.. I am honestly shocked.
You drew your conclusions based on what the media decided to make you think. And when it comes to media, fear mongering and sensationalism brings in viewers and sells ads.

I tend to trust the jury in these kinds of cases. I assume they were normal level-headed individuals who deliberated on what was presented to them in court and drew a logical conclusion. This doesn't necessarily mean she's truly innocent, but they made a decision based on the facts presented to them rather than what they saw on TV and in the media.
You drew your conclusions based on what the media decided to make you think. And when it comes to media, fear mongering and sensationalism brings in viewers and sells ads.

I tend to trust the jury in these kinds of cases. I assume they were normal level-headed individuals who deliberated on what was presented to them in court and drew a logical conclusion. This doesn't necessarily mean she's truly innocent, but they made a decision based on the facts presented to them rather than what they saw on TV and in the media.

+1 Deciding another human being's fate based on concrete evidence will be the best, remember that we would rather let a 100 guilty people free than jail/kill the one innocent person. In this case Jurors found her not guilty and so be it.
Sickening??? why?

None of us were in the courtroom for the entire trial, we didnt hear or have access to what the jury did. Im on the jury's side on this one. The jury consisted of 7 women and 5 men, and they decided to not even charge her with manslaughter, it was a unanimous decsion. Im suprised by it too, but for it to be unanimous and not a hung jury, they must have had a good reason. I think it goes past reasonable doubt in this case.

Being serious I agree with:

+1 Deciding another human being's fate based on concrete evidence will be the best, remember that we would rather let a 100 guilty people free than jail/kill the one innocent person. In this case Jurors found her not guilty and so be it.
[video=youtube;a1s5sLY4hVo][/video]Being serious I agree with:
Forget the media, that has nothing to do with it. I am just overly judgemental... Honestly, accusing your DAD AND BROTHER of sexually assaulting you.How about ZANNY the Nanny???? The media didn't invent her, Casey did.
Unfortunately...she may very well have done it and it may have seemed obvious to everyone in court, however, the fact is if there if no concrete proof that can tie her to it...the jury would not be able to convict. Apparently the body was so decomposed when found there was no way to even tell how she was killed, so a lot of that information was theory and guess work. Looking for proof based on that would automatically be flawed... Yes, she's a liar. Her own attorney stated that...but there was no actual proof that she had anything to do with the death. A jury is instructed they can't convict no matter how it seems obvious and how much the suspect lies and suspiciously muddles things...unless you can actually prove something. It's supposed to be the safe-guard against convicting the wrong person.
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OP is a prime example of how the media has control over how regular people thinks.

Between Jane Velez Mitchell and Nancy Grace and their co-"reporters", CNN's live minute-by-minute trial coverage already had the needle in Anthony's arm long before the trial ever started. Despite their histrionics though, the evidence presented at trial did not conclusively prove that death was due to criminal cause, or that Anthony was responsible for that death however it came about.

I don't know if Anthony was guilty of murder, guilty of manslaughter, or if she was guilty of nothing more than incredibly poor optics due to her abysmally bad judgment and irresponsible behaviour. However, it would be wrong to convict someone and impose a death penalty without firmly conclusive evidence pointing to intentional murder committed by Anthony. There was none.

In that sense, justice has been served by her acquittal even if there is no head to mount on a stake at the end of the day.
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Most murder convictions are based on circumstantial evidence, as there are usually no eye witnesses to the crimes. I followed this case pretty close. There was enough evidence to convict her of murder, the problem was they decided to go for the death penalty, and it's really hard to send someone to death without massive amounts of evidence. The other problem with going for the death penalty is double jeopardy, once found not guilty of a crime that involves the death penalty, they can't re try her on that same charge ever. They should have gone for a time sentence, and they would have probably got a conviction. They should have considered other charges, such as doing an indignity to a body, tampering with evidence, obstruction of justice, ect. that way they had a better chance of sending her to jail for a long time. The prosecution really blew the case.
I have not been following the trial on a continual basis, but whenever I channel surf and end up on Headline News, all I see is botox and yelling about this trial.
Most murder convictions are based on circumstantial evidence, as there are usually no eye witnesses to the crimes. I followed this case pretty close. There was enough evidence to convict her of murder, the problem was they decided to go for the death penalty, and it's really hard to send someone to death without massive amounts of evidence.

The judge's instructions to the jury pretty much sealed the verdict. The instructions are here ->

The cause of death could not be established. As a result there was not enough evidence to prove there even was an unlawful death, never mind a murder committed by Anthony.
I don't watch the HoLier thaN thou channel. How long has this story been their bread and butter anyways?

I have no idea, I just started watching the case last weekend at my fiancee's parent's. I remember seeing her on the news a couple years ago, saying her kid got kidnapped by the nanny... and then I see that on over the weekend and got into it, seeing as the trial was wrapping up. Has it been on there a long time?? I don't really watch tv much and don't get HLN.

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