Should online video result in HTA related charges?

Yes, you could be charged, if the speed fast enough even arrested. There was a video on youtube of a ninja on a highway in ontario and an investigation was put forth to apprehend the guy, doing 260kph(displayed) on a 100kph highway. And yes the video is useable in court.. In otherwords if your going to speed in your video, don't show the speedo, or atleast block it out before you post it. Oh and don't make it obvious what road your on .. Lol
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bikes' speedometers are known to be inaccurate to about 10% of the actual speed. If you can prove the speedometer wasn't calibrated properly would the ticket get thrown out?
The charge is speeding, the "fine" is the speed. If you were doing 110 in a 100 than you can say the 10% inaccuracy means you weren't breaking the law (speeding). If you were doing 115 in a 100 they'll maybe lower it to 5 over but it'll be a far stretch to say you "weren't speeding".

In my court case recently they used one of my onboard videos (with my permission). It didn't show my speed, but showed my tach, etc. The crown was trying to say I was doing more than the 20km/h "recommended" ramp speed (not in and of itself a crime, but to add to my "careless driving"), but when taking into account my -1/+3 sprocket setup (had a receipt dated two weeks prior to the accident for the installation of the sprockets with my VIN# on it), using the website right in court I was able to prove, using RPM's and gear, with a -1/+3 I was doing 18kph :)

The crown freaked and wanted to get my -1/+3 receipt thrown out, as there was no proof it was installed on the bike at the time of the accident. The judge said because the VIN# was on the receipt, it was the crowns duty to prove it had been changed since the state it was in two weeks prior to the accident :) woot :)

-Jamie M.
i know this is an old thread but i have a good friend of mine with a ninja 636 and he posted a video on youtube called ninja 636 on 407 and in that video he was topping out the bike... only the speedo was visible and a few weeks later he received a phone call from opp about the video and they said he has to turn himself in or they will come arrest him... after a really long court process and a lot of $$$$ on lawyers he got off but dont count on that being the case all the time!.. a lot of you guys will be surprised the amount of cops that watch facebook and youtube for this kind of videos and go after the authors!!!!!!!!!
i know this is an old thread but i have a good friend of mine with a ninja 636 and he posted a video on youtube called ninja 636 on 407 and in that video he was topping out the bike... only the speedo was visible and a few weeks later he received a phone call from opp about the video and they said he has to turn himself in or they will come arrest him... after a really long court process and a lot of $$$$ on lawyers he got off but dont count on that being the case all the time!.. a lot of you guys will be surprised the amount of cops that watch facebook and youtube for this kind of videos and go after the authors!!!!!!!!!
Is the vid still up? Couldn't find it. PM me if it's a private link ;)

-Jamie M.
If you can prove that your tires size equaled your speedometer to be off 35% then you could use it as a defense.

The situation where they are convicting you on that kind of video is completely different.

As I have stated before, with regards to toddb, he can't use that speedo arguement for his case. Its completely irrelevant to the question of guilt.
The situation where they are convicting you on that kind of video is completely different.

As I have stated before, with regards to toddb, he can't use that speedo arguement for his case. Its completely irrelevant to the question of guilt.
shot in the dark question - thought maybe he had a case file to provide proof.
Hypothetically speaking; say I post a video online in which my speedometer is clearly visible, and from time to time in this same video so is the speed limit on signs posted along the roadway. Has anyone heard of someone being charged with speeding as a result of the video evidence posted? I think there would be some challenges in bringing charges solely on video evidence, but in a world where Bill C30 can be proposed, who knows what the future holds? and once the videos are out there you can't take them back.

As a new owner of a Go Pro HD I was just wondering if this is a real risk? Should this scenario be a consideration when determining camera placement, or am I just a nervous nellie?

Yes for certain they can nail you! This has happened more than twice in the UK. The rider filmed themselves riding to their home door; cops just showed up and laid charges.....for ALL offences recorded! Do some research on UK recording self incrimination.

UK Case:

Toronto Case (of simply online bragging!!!)

I can't find the one where the cops ID'ed the rider through the video of the guy riding to his door. I read it in a biker newspaper about 5 years back in the UK.

I also read that another notorious rider in a neighbourhood used different bikes to wheelie through speed cameras (with a concealed plate). The cops made a mission of documenting footage of the rider over a year, on different bikes in different gear, and ended up tracking him and convicting based on gear alone!!! They built a profile of the rider and his various bikes and gear and nabbed him on the road one day in one of his sets of gear.

Don't doubt for a second that even a cop with a hard on for bikers doesn't spend part of their off-time watching you tube offending videos!

And FFS don't brag or state anything you have done illegally, unless you're talkin' smack at a Timmy's parking lot and you know who you're talking to!
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Wasn't there this stupid teenager from Bramptom that posted a COMMENT on the internet bragging about going 100 km/h on a 50 km/h residential street and someone from that forum (from Pennsylvania) calling the OPP and the OPP following through with charges? The sad part is that the stupid teenager admitted to his post being true and he was charged under 172... lol what an idiot, the OPP questioned people on his neighborhood and one of them said that he "indeed" had sped on their street a couple of times.

Not even in 500 years would I have been charged on that little evidence, well for starters I would have never admitted it in the first place.

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