Should driver license read "M" or "M1"?


Hi. Couple of weeks ago I passed the test and got M1 license (on paper). Last weekend I passed exit M2 test at courses and got certificate this Mon. Today I received my new plastic DL and it reads "M". Not "M1", not "M2", just "M" and "G".
I am confused in two things:
1) should it not be reading "M1" or "M2"? If so, does this mean I got "M" mistakenly?
2) if it always read "M", and M1 or M2 is just a status somewhere in gov system, then why do I need to go to Drive Test to apply for M2? Courses sent my exit M2 test to gov, so they would automatically change M1 to M2 on 61st day after I got M1, no?
Hi. Couple of weeks ago I passed the test and got M1 license (on paper). Last weekend I passed exit M2 test at courses and got certificate this Mon. Today I received my new plastic DL and it reads "M". Not "M1", not "M2", just "M" and "G".
I am confused in two things:
1) should it not be reading "M1" or "M2"? If so, does this mean I got "M" mistakenly?
2) if it always read "M", and M1 or M2 is just a status somewhere in gov system, then why do I need to go to Drive Test to apply for M2? Courses sent my exit M2 test to gov, so they would automatically change M1 to M2 on 61st day after I got M1, no?

1) It has been a while for me to remember exactly, but if I understand your current progress, yes it should read GM1

2) that’s an easy answer. Government bureaucracy.
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Hi. Couple of weeks ago I passed the test and got M1 license (on paper). Last weekend I passed exit M2 test at courses and got certificate this Mon. Today I received my new plastic DL and it reads "M". Not "M1", not "M2", just "M" and "G".
I am confused in two things:
1) should it not be reading "M1" or "M2"? If so, does this mean I got "M" mistakenly?
2) if it always read "M", and M1 or M2 is just a status somewhere in gov system, then why do I need to go to Drive Test to apply for M2? Courses sent my exit M2 test to gov, so they would automatically change M1 to M2 on 61st day after I got M1, no?
Your photo license is wrong and should just be used as photo ID.

The paper license you received after writing your M1 exam is your current license endorsement. After you complete the waiting period you can go in on the 61st day from when you received this paper license to upgrade your license to M2. Your new paper license will then read GM2. Your photo ID that follows should say the same.
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Hi. Couple of weeks ago I passed the test and got M1 license (on paper). Last weekend I passed exit M2 test at courses and got certificate this Mon. Today I received my new plastic DL and it reads "M". Not "M1", not "M2", just "M" and "G".
I am confused in two things:
1) should it not be reading "M1" or "M2"? If so, does this mean I got "M" mistakenly?
2) if it always read "M", and M1 or M2 is just a status somewhere in gov system, then why do I need to go to Drive Test to apply for M2? Courses sent my exit M2 test to gov, so they would automatically change M1 to M2 on 61st day after I got M1, no?
I'm guessing you're a male rider. Sex is right above the class, so if it's just 'M' and above the class- it is probably your sex? Sorry if I sound like an idiot but thought I would put it out there because on the first glance I had a similar confusion that lasted for a few mins...then I checked again lol

IIRC, M1 is not updated on the card (validity is 90 days). The card should indicate GM2 (for full G license and M2 license) and GM (for full G and M license). Follow what @Evoex mentioned above to get an updated license!

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