Share of people with no sex in the past year

Another possible reason?

Big people need lovin too....I don’t think this is too prevalent.

Big thing is expectations as others have said.

‘I want the perfect man/woman who will do everything I want and perform to my expectations.’ Nothing less will suffice.

Until reality kicks in and the incel movement becomes the echo chamber that complain about how the other sex is the issue, and that person is perfect in every way.
Another possible reason?

Everybody is getting fat though lol

When I was in health sciences, the stats were already >50% overweight, and ~25% obese. I am assuming it's FAR higher now.

Until reality kicks in and the incel movement becomes the echo chamber that complain about how the other sex is the issue, and that person is perfect in every way.
Already happening imo with a minority of frustrated single folk.

For example, on /r/relationship_advice, the two most commonly upvoted (aka. popular opinion) is therapy or divorce/break other disgruntled single people (often women, you can tell from the responses/context.) They literally create their own echo chamber via something similar to:

Mind you, I'm not gonna try and provide solutions because this isn't my problem I tried before and it jaded the living **** out of me (as a paid job to listen and provide advice for relationships.) Sometimes it's just fun instead to:
I remember reading a study from Japan, I think, where basically young men just gave up trying to appease women. It read that women there were getting so demanding in what they wanted on first dates, that guys just basically said ‘the hell with this’ and stopped trying to date. Apparently it was a huge deal there.

But what do I know, been married for 8 years and met my wife before Tinder and all those things came out.
I was under the impression that when thinks got more serious there were percentages for things like engagement rings. X% of the guys yearly salary, wedding costs vs house down payment, brides dress, number of bride's maids, ushers etc.
if more women are getting laid, than dudes are, the ladies team must include some slutty dirty girls.

more research required.......
I have a half brother in New Zealand. One night he and a buddy responded to cries for help from a couple of females adrift on a dinghy, getting them safely ashore.

It turned out they were hookers and the johns literally cast them off when business was done. For their efforts my brother and his friend were offered freebies.

My married brother declined and when he told his wife of the adventure she insisted on doing a drive by of the "Ladies" work zone to see the competition.
Seems to me that sites like Tinder make them only want the hottest men, who are always ready to accommodate them. The rest of the guys are just too fat, ugly and poor to be considered. Sort of an exacerbated Darwinism. Man, our birth rate is dropping like a stone among young people because of this.
Both sexes have the problem in varying degrees.


I know a single guy, decent with his own house. I also know a lady that would be a good "Needs*" match for him. *Needs: age, sexual preference, economic expectations, practicality, work ethics, dedication etc. It doesn't include the "Magic" feeling.

However she isn't a 10 and he is slightly delusional in his points out of 10 rating. OK looking, slightly short, some intellectual shortcomings but honest and self sufficient. Cleans up well. Not a couch potato.

On a meat market, neither are trophies but she could make it work. He couldn't.

I know a couple of single women that are similar, they were holding out for a hunk. Now that they are well past their prime they express contentment by enjoying their solo lives, the toilet seat always down, not having to step on a wet bath mat, make someone else's coffee, share closet space, having to consider a complex budget etc. Some may be genuine but a lot are rationalizing. Sometimes the bus you think is too crowded is the last bus.
I don't think immigrants are the problem.

I know to younger folks, it looks like you are competing against these newer entrants in the job market and the housing market, but the reason you have a job in the first place is because of the increased economic growth that immigration provides.

With Zero Population Growth, there just won't be enough consumer spending to keep businesses healthy and growing.

I am an immigrant and lord knows how many jobs I've supported and mouths I have fed just with the motorcycle and car purchases I've made over the years...

There are a raft of other reasons why housing is so expensive. Top of the list is foreign investment and the government's accommodating agenda that encourage it. People who have no vested interest in Canada, pumping up the real estate market like a casino, and then taking their winnings back to their own country without paying any significant taxes in the process.

If you're going to make money in Canada, at least spend it in Canada. Otherwise, GTFO.
I can't figure out Zero Population Growth.

In extremely simple terms a couple can have two children when two of their parents die.

A herd of 25 year olds get married and have a flock of kids at age 30. The offspring aren't allowed to breed until the parents die, typical age 80, fifty years later.

Generation 1

Born 2000
Marry 2025
Breed 2030
Die 2080

Generation 2

Born 2030
Marry 2055
Gen 1 dies 2080 and at age 50 gen 2 is allowed to breed. This will not work well.

I know the concept of zero population growth contains a lot of biological stats, mathematical calculations and probabilities but when the breathing is hot and heavy, who is going to turn on the lights and Google the statistics?
I can't figure out Zero Population Growth.

In extremely simple terms a couple can have two children when two of their parents die.

A herd of 25 year olds get married and have a flock of kids at age 30. The offspring aren't allowed to breed until the parents die, typical age 80, fifty years later.

Generation 1

Born 2000
Marry 2025
Breed 2030
Die 2080

Generation 2

Born 2030
Marry 2055
Gen 1 dies 2080 and at age 50 gen 2 is allowed to breed. This will not work well.

I know the concept of zero population growth contains a lot of biological stats, mathematical calculations and probabilities but when the breathing is hot and heavy, who is going to turn on the lights and Google the statistics?
Huh? Many people are only having one kid or no kids so that would result is a drastic population reduction over time. Obviously this is offset by the people having more than two and immigration. I suspect the number of couples having more than two kids is much smaller than the number of couples having one or less. I know the often stated average is 2.5 but I don't see that playing out amongst couples I am exposed to.
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That’s the old school terminology, they changed it a while ago to STI - sexually transmitted infection.
Apparently “infection” sounds better and is less offensive than “disease”.

How dare you offend VD or Herpes cells, are some sort of STI+phobe?
  1. Many North American women truly believe they are entitled to the top guys
    1. Both mentioned buddies are in the top 10% income wise
  2. The amount of "crazies" are multiplying due to the focus on individualism
  3. A noticeable amount of men, who are deciding to be childless, have given up on relationships
    1. Look at Better Bachelor as a good example
Re 1) I know a female that fits that description. Ended up with a well paying job after 2 years college and copped an attitude, took a year off work, toured the world, bought a lot of baubles. Then says she still thinks she DESERVES a house. Who on this planet deserves a house? I feel everyone deserves the right to work for one.

Re 2) Advertising is basically: "You are important and if you bought our product it will make your potential into reality." Look rich to become rich is a pyramid scheme. Pyramids are built by laying stones on top of stones with the apex stone being the last. Pyramid schemes are built by lifting the apex stone and piling layers of stone under it starting with the upper layers. If you aren't in the upper layers you get pinned in place and can never get out.

Re 3) While the biological urge is there the weight of 1 and 2 above plus the family reform act is enough to scare many away from fatherhood.

Re 3)
I know a couple of single women that are similar, they were holding out for a hunk. Now that they are well past their prime.....

Describes my SIL perfectly! Holding out for someone high on the social ladder, must be and make a boatload of money. She is now in her late 30’s and has gone from a solid 8 to a ‘meh’. But at least she likes her one bedroom condo and her cats....
Describes my SIL perfectly! Holding out for someone high on the social ladder, must be and make a boatload of money. She is now in her late 30’s and has gone from a solid 8 to a ‘meh’. But at least she likes her one bedroom condo and her cats....
Also the people who are having kids makes me wonder where we are going as a society. Lots of 18 to 22 year olds having multiple kids with no prospect for success for them or the kids. They have learned that the government will give you more than enough money to live party and get high if you keep pumping out kids with no need for a job at all.

Sent from my Chesterfield using my thumbs
Also the people who are having kids makes me wonder where we are going as a society. Lots of 18 to 22 year olds having multiple kids with no prospect for success for them or the kids. They have learned that the government will give you more than enough money to live party and get high if you keep pumping out kids with no need for a job at all.

Sent from my Chesterfield using my thumbs
Number of kids is often inversely correlated with income (excluding government handouts as "income").
Huh? Many people are only having one kid so that would result is a drastic population reduction over time. Obviously this is offset by the people having more than two and immigration. I suspect the number of couples having more than two kids is much smaller than the number of couples having one. I know the often stated average is 2.5 but I don't see that playing out amongst couples I am exposed to.

I said EXTREMELY simple. Each parent replaces themselves and as my simple calculations show, it doesn't work. The one child policy in China has created a different set of problems. Some are due to logistics and others due to culture, largely having a male heir.

If we were talking about a herd of cattle there are options like selective breeding and culling. Not politically correct here.

If I had to guess I would have thought the number of children in the average family was less than 2, it's apparently lower than that by a lot. Family would, I assume, include empty nesters, newly weds, gays etc.

Per Google and US numbers: The average family consisted of 3.15 persons in 2020, down from 3.7 in the 1960s. This is reflected in the decrease of. In 1970, about 56 percent of all family households had children under the age of 18 living in the household. This percentage declined to 40.66 percent in 2019.

Canada: 2.9

Some interesting data but I'm not sure of the date of the study

Really glad we can have a discussion about this here without somebody wanting to stab another (seriously, try this on Reddit for an echo chamber of "**** you" lol)

I think Better Bachelor is pretty close to a misogynist (considering he's lost all hope) but his viewpoints aren't entirely off as there is a vocal minority of women who do match what he's arguing about.

Also, I'm seeing the bold in what you're saying between both sexes.

We tend to attract those who are similar to us as friends. My fiancee has friends just like her: stayed single until they got their degrees, hyper successful, and all way too innocent. The problem is more than 75% of them failed to find a partner after graduation. Women also won't date down. And now they can't find a guy that isn't a complete **** up (makes significantly less, no ambition, etc. etc.)

Btw, as for the virgin porn star thing.....I think the trend is equal on both sides: the body of Captain America/Black Widow, the brains of Tony Stark/Oracle [Batman], and a bed time attitude that rivals Harley Quinn/Joker.

There are still a lot of dinosaurs out there, men that exert control by making more than their wives.

A fifty year old guy is seen as cool if he dates a much younger chick. Turn the genders around and the woman is a cougar, slut whatever.

If a woman has a good job and married financially low it could work if he's into something intangible. An artist, writer, motorcycle racer etc as their incomes can't easily be pegged. Drummers are out and kidding about the racer. If she married a factory worker she's slumming and won't be invited to the swanky affairs.

There was a joke and I may not do it justice but...... A guy's wants a wife that is a socialite in the living room, a economist in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom. He ends up with an economist in the living room, a socialite in the bedroom and a whore in the kitchen.
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