Really glad we can have a discussion about this here without somebody wanting to stab another (seriously, try this on Reddit for an echo chamber of "**** you" lol)
I think Better Bachelor is pretty close to a misogynist (considering he's lost all hope) but his viewpoints aren't entirely off as there is a vocal minority of women who do match what he's arguing about.
Also, I'm seeing the bold in what you're saying between both sexes.
We tend to attract those who are similar to us as friends. My fiancee has friends just like her: stayed single until they got their degrees, hyper successful, and all way too innocent. The problem is more than 75% of them failed to find a partner after graduation. Women also won't date down. And now they can't find a guy that isn't a complete **** up (makes significantly less, no ambition, etc. etc.)
Btw, as for the virgin porn star thing.....I think the trend is equal on both sides: the body of Captain America/Black Widow, the brains of Tony Stark/Oracle [Batman], and a bed time attitude that rivals Harley Quinn/Joker.