Bowmanville is Durham Region? There's almost a dozen sewage treatment plants there. If it's actually biosolids than it will be what's left after the aerobic or anaerobic digester process on the sludge. Relatively inert although it is pungent.
Farmers love it, rich in nitrogen. We used to apply our biosolids in Chatham Region, now the sludge is palletized and bagged for resale.
Yep! I was told the septic company will deposit their septic load at the WPCP, then likely pick-up a load of Biosolids and go and spread that.
Remember when biodiesel was a big deal and companies would slap Biodiesel stickers on the sides of their diesel fleet vehicles? Maybe something similar for biosolids would make the appearance of poop wagons leaving things behind in farmer's fields less alarming
Agreed 100%. As I observed from a distance, I can't confirm or deny whether the trucks are marked. I didn't contact the company directly, but I did search their website and they have no mention of it on there either.
The York Region blackwater system feeds down to The Duffin Creek plant in Pickering. So those some of those biosolids you are seeing spread in the field might of come from my house. LoL.
I know there have been very major construction projects along York-Durham line and huge expansions at Duffin Creek WPCP, to bring York waste there. The next time that foul reek fills my nose, I will think of you!
Anyhow, it very clearly a "johnny on the spot" type pumper truck (carrying real untreated raw sewage) you see dumping in the field? Have you gone out and looked at what they're dumping? I know it's not a pleasant experience but it may be telling - if you see what is evidently raw sewage (toilet paper and all still) then the answer is clear, but there is a chance that it could be partially treated or something where the land application is acceptable.
This is exactly what they told me to do! (gross!) They also offered to send me the contract information to review, which contains all the technical information, locations, and conditions/restrictions this company has been granted.
They went on to say in Durham Region, it's an exclusive contract that is very desired and financially beneficial. It would be extremely irrational for the company to jeopardize loosing the Regions contract. But, that doesn't make it a guarantee...
I declined all the info. Temp is dropping, I'll go check out the field when the ground starts to freeze (so I'm walking on it, not in it).
43°58'06.2"N 78°40'07.4"W
Those are the GPS coordinates of the field. Put it into to google, look at earth view and zoom into the field. You can see the extensive roadways they've created, and even dark discolourations where things had been recently spread.
OH! I didn't realize there was a google street view along the back road adjacent to the field. It's from 2011, but if you go to the end (as far as you can) you can actually see a very recent dumping very close to the road.