Self defender gets charged

He shot dead an unarmed thief. Shooter was not backed into a corner or under threat. A normal person would have shouted from a window or the front door, and that deterrent is usually effective.

Sneaking up to striking distance before vocalising, bringing a gun, and being trigger happy, all thanks to military training, is a shortcoming and not an excuse.

That race issue is brought up because killers of natives are statistically less likely to be convicted. It is a separate problem, but it is on display here.
Good friend moved to SC many years ago. He fit right into the gun culture nicely. He was told by a biker friend who is a SC Highway patrolman that if he finds someone breaking into his stuff, to shoot first and ask questions later. Before you call the police, drag his dead ass inside. Won't be any questions then.
As a fellow former reservist his defense is pretty baseless. You're trained to follow orders, absolutely and immediately. However you're also trained to use your least in the infantry. Can't speak for the other WOGs.

Good friend moved to SC many years ago. He fit right into the gun culture nicely. He was told by a biker friend who is a SC Highway patrolman that if he finds someone breaking into his stuff, to shoot first and ask questions later. Before you call the police, drag his dead ass inside. Won't be any questions then.

Yes there will be questions.. and some of them will be about the drag marks.
Yes there will be questions.. and some of them will be about the drag marks.
That comes down to the attitude of the police. There should be questions, but some people are willing to suspend reality to make their job easier. Make some notes, shoot pictures from strategic angles, bingo bango, job done it's beer o'clock.
As a fellow former reservist his defense is pretty baseless. You're trained to follow orders, absolutely and immediately. However you're also trained to use your least in the infantry.



The only organ of mine that got used was my liver..!!?
Why would you kill somebody breaking into your car? Your car is worth more than someone's life? You be ok with someone killing your son or daughter breaking into cars. He should have stayed inside with his wife and called the cops.
As a gun owner, and someone who is very pro concealed carry, and very pro castle law, I feel this guy deserves to be charged and sentenced.

There was zero reason to engage the thief outside your premises.

Honestly, if he had gone outside with a shotgun, all it probably would have taken to stop the theft was yelling loudly to "freeze", and then racking the pump action.

That sound alone will make you stop what you're doing and run away.

Mind you none of us were there, and we don't have any of the full details.
Why would you kill somebody breaking into your car? Your car is worth more than someone's life? You be ok with someone killing your son or daughter breaking into cars. He should have stayed inside with his wife and called the cops.

It seems there is a large part of our society that thinks killing someone over a crappy old truck, or ATV, is perfectly acceptable.
... there is also a large part of our society that think immunizations causes autism
... there is also a large part of our society that think Epstein killed himself in jail
... there is also a large part of our society that think killing people in the name of religion is acceptable

It seems there is a large part of our society that is WRONG.

... and NOTHING in this twit's military training taught him to store a loaded shotgun in his bedroom, run out of the house in the dark with said shotgun, up to an unknown interloper, TOO CLOSE to the interloper, THEN START BLASTING.
As a gun owner, and someone who is very pro concealed carry, and very pro castle law, I feel this guy deserves to be charged and sentenced.

There was zero reason to engage the thief outside your premises.

Honestly, if he had gone outside with a shotgun, all it probably would have taken to stop the theft was yelling loudly to "freeze", and then racking the pump action.

That sound alone will make you stop what you're doing and run away.

Mind you none of us were there, and we don't have any of the full details.
I understand the desire to protect your property, but by taking a gun out with you, in my mind you have already escalated way beyond what is reasonable in the situation. He could have called the cops and waited, he could have yelled at him from the door, he chose to engage him with a gun.
Even in your scenario, I think it is a terrible idea. I don't carry a gun to make scary gun noises. If I am holding it, it is for shooting, not sound effects. The sound puts people into fight or flight. He had no idea who he was dealing with or what they had on them. The sound of a gun racking could have them spinning towards you with a gun in their hand and now you have an untenable situation. By the time you see what they have in their hands and if it is a threat, you are too late if there is something there so you are forced to shoot on the spin in "self-defence" even if you don't know if they are a threat. That sounds like what happened here. Homeowner unnecessarily escalated the situation way beyond what was required and someone died because of that.
First, based on all the evidence I know of he should be found guilty, like many here have pointed out. For all the reasons pointed out in this thread.

My guess is his stupidity was driven by his property being stolen and/or his truck being broken into multiple times--drove him to the escalation point, he was wating for it to happen again. Either that or he is a sociopath and/or psychopath that just wanted to kill someone...anyone.
My guess is his stupidity was driven by his property being stolen and/or his truck being broken into multiple times--drove him to the escalation point, he was wating for it to happen again.
That makes sense and actually brings up an important issue. Similar to the teachers issues, the number of police bodies available is low compared to the demand (mainly driven by high cost per officer). In many jurisdictions, property crime doesnt even rate on the response scale. If police arent going to respond and homeowners arent allowed to protect their own property, what is the solution?
As a fellow former reservist his defense is pretty baseless. You're trained to follow orders, absolutely and immediately. However you're also trained to use your least in the infantry. Can't speak for the other WOGs.

I concur. Except for Bojarski, he was a little too excitable, and would sometimes do the unexpected.
No offence to any other Bojarskis out there.
I understand the desire to protect your property, but by taking a gun out with you, in my mind you have already escalated way beyond what is reasonable in the situation. He could have called the cops and waited, he could have yelled at him from the door, he chose to engage him with a gun.
Even in your scenario, I think it is a terrible idea. I don't carry a gun to make scary gun noises. If I am holding it, it is for shooting, not sound effects. The sound puts people into fight or flight. He had no idea who he was dealing with or what they had on them. The sound of a gun racking could have them spinning towards you with a gun in their hand and now you have an untenable situation. By the time you see what they have in their hands and if it is a threat, you are too late if there is something there so you are forced to shoot on the spin in "self-defence" even if you don't know if they are a threat. That sounds like what happened here. Homeowner unnecessarily escalated the situation way beyond what was required and someone died because of that.

Oh I get where you are coming from.

The moment he left the safety and protection his home afforded him he made a mistake.

His second mistake was taking a gun out with him.

The third mistake was pulling that trigger.
Good friend moved to SC many years ago. He fit right into the gun culture nicely. He was told by a biker friend who is a SC Highway patrolman that if he finds someone breaking into his stuff, to shoot first and ask questions later. Before you call the police, drag his dead ass inside. Won't be any questions then.

My sense of humor is getting really dark. This actually made me laugh but it's ******* wrong lol
Just insane favoring criminals. When protecting your family should not be an issue.
Nobody is favoring criminals here and nobodys family was at risk. By any account I have seen, this was purely a property crime until someone died.
I think it goes a bit beyond property crime. It's one thing for someone for steal your vehicle in a mall parking lot, it's another for someone to violate your space to steal your property. We are headed towards a complete lack of respect for property without enough enforcement and minimal repercussions for the perpetrators. "property crime doesnt even rate on the response scale" Sure a single truck is not worth someone's life, but overall respect for property is worth a few lives. I don't want it to get to the point where people get shot just for trespassing, but between I think we need to find a middle ground between Yoshihiro Hattori and Ian Thomson.

I think it goes a bit beyond property crime. It's one thing for someone for steal your vehicle in a mall parking lot, it's another for someone to violate your space to steal your property. We are headed towards a complete lack of respect for property without enough enforcement and minimal repercussions for the perpetrators. "property crime doesnt even rate on the response scale" Sure a single truck is not worth someone's life, but overall respect for property is worth a few lives. I don't want it to get to the point where people get shot just for trespassing, but between I think we need to find a middle ground between Yoshihiro Hattori and Ian Thomson.


Agreed, there is more to it than the monetary loss. Our sense of security is lost and in many cases there is sentimental value that can never be recovered. To the thief that broke into our house decades ago it was just a bracelet but to my daughter each charm commemorated a special event. The thief never saw the tears in her eyes. My wife wanted to throw out all her clothes and move. For another victim it may have been their father's watch or his old car.

So who are these losers and what do we do with them? Shoot them on the spot or later after a trial? Do we come up with a three strikes law as in parts of the USA where a perpetrator goes to prison for life because after two strikes they stole a bicycle?

Don't expect it to get better. The baby boomers have had and largely used up the best the world had to offer. Advertising has spawned hordes of self entitled individuals that can't accept that the gravy train had gone so they will go after someone else's gravy. Sorry McDonald's, I don't deserve a break-in today.

The answer is education. Not the ABC's or 3R's but rather the reality that a large part of life sucks, other than to your mother you aren't special and crap flows downhill. No political candidate that wants to be elected is going to say "Suck it up." and change anything.
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