I didn't really want to jump into this conversation, but this does seem to be a common misconception with income taxes. I can't count how many times I have heard nonsense from people like "If I work that OT (or get a raise, or whatever) it will bump me into the next tax bracket and I'll actually make less!"
I found this chart:
Which indicates that for the 2015 tax rates, for income over $150,000 up to $220,000 the tax rate is 47.97%... so 48%.... but that is only for that portion over $150k... so if you make $160k, only $10000 of that is taxed at 48%, not your entire income.
If you make $160000, your total income tax payable would be $52970 according to
www.taxtips.ca/calculators/basic/basic-tax-calculator.htm so roughly 33%
Not that 33% income tax isn't high, but it is not 48%.
Okay... so take that $160000, subtract $52970 and you have $107030 to spend. Subtract $7030 for property tax, and then lets say you spend the entire rest on HST taxable items (unrealistic, but trying to guess fuel expenditure minus food expenditure, etc, is just a guessing game)... that would be $88495 spend on price tag items and another $11505 in HST.
So... in total, this fictitious fella who made $160000 spent a total of $52970 + $7030 +$ 11505 = $71505 in taxes, or out of $160000, 44.69% of his income in taxes. Still high... but nowhere near 70%.
I also don't think things like taxes the company you bought from paid count... in general they charge a market rate, and the market rate is determined from supply and demand, not the amount they paid in taxes. They might have more room to compete, but I don't think you are automatically going to see lower prices if a given company suddenly pays 5% less in tax... they will charge what people are willing to pay.
Also mandatory expenses like third-party insurance and licensing are not taxes on you, they are a cost of doing business to your business, or a cost of your lifestyle.
Anyway... I never, ever thought I would be one arguing against the taxes side... I very much agree we are taxed to much and my personal opinion is that we have more services than we need or can afford. I, for one, am very cheap and would love to live in an area with minimal services... I just feel a need to argue against mis-information every once in awhile.