Second series for bike and sled guys!!!


Well-known member
Just wanted everyone too know that there is a second series being run with a bike and sled class in it. The DSE Sportsman Racing series had three non point events last year and has a full points schedule for 2012. None of the dates conflict with the OSCA dates so for the guys looking for some old fashioned sportsmen racing and fun check out there site.I'll be running this series along with the OSCA series....
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Is there any other info...
On this series ?
Just follow the links in the upper right corner of the series homepage...This is the anaugural season for the DSE series...So there's not alot known about it at this point,especially in the bike and sled class..Andrew Stirk runs the series and when we particapated last year it was very well put together...spread the word!!
Hey guy's (Glen) lol!!!! The thing is that all the guys that are doing the events at the race track have gotten with the long term racers in the bike and sled class, and would like to see a great turn out that they had in the series last year!!! The thing is that we have worked so hard with talking to all the guys that put all the racing together and put more bike and sled class together so we all have more better racing with so many great guys at the track with some of the best motorcycle and sled racing with all the new series coming out this year!!! Everyone and anybody can race a bone stock bike to full mod bikes, sled, this is bracket and it's a even playing field for all racers!!! Its who is a better racer, and for all you guy's who think your a real racer BRING IT TO THE TRACK AND SEE HOW YOU DO!!!!!!!!!! The guy's have worked hard with bringing more series and races to the bike and sled class's for better pay out's and more fun. Time to meet some of the best guys you will ever meet with helpful hints to make you a better racer at the track... So come on out and show us that the bike and sled class's will grow and grow for years to come!!!!


Tait / Usherracing / 2007 hayabusa
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If there's any question just ask and we can answer all your concern about the up and coming race season!!! We will be working hand and hand with the guys that are putting the events on!!!! We would like to see as many bike's as we can get out there and have some of the best payouts and racing for everybody, IT'S A FULL EVEN FIELD WITH A DIAL IN!!!! VERY FAIR RACING FOR THE BONE STOCK GUYS WHO WANT TO RACE!!!!!!

Here is the other bike series
Here is a backet racing for the bike guy that have a stock bike that can race the faster guy and win the race, even racing is with a dial in witch means you pick your time from what your times have been running in that day!!! Very even racing and nice payout too!!! Good luck to all racers and thanks to the sponsors for putting this series in your race schedule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :thumbup:

2012 DSE Sportsman Racing Series Schedule

Points #1 & 2 June 9 – 10 Toronto Motorsports Park Cayuga Ont
Points #3 & 4 June30- July 1* Toronto Motorsports Park Cayuga Ont
Points #5 & 6 July 28- 29 Toronto Motorsports Park Cayuga Ont
Points #7 & 8 September 1-2 Toronto Motorsports Park Cayuga Ont
Points #9 & 10 September 15-16* Toronto Motorsports Park Cayuga Ont
Well said tait....If there are riders out there looking to get into dragracing there bike or sled, this is a great opportunity!!! Bracket racing is a great way for everyone to particapate...Hope too see alot of new faces out this year...Any questions feel free to send a pm or throw up some questions..Glenn
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