Seadoos / Jetskis

seadoos are awesome, me and my buddies rent one for a weekend every year. i think it cost us $450 for a full 24 hrs with tax, wakeboard, rope, delivery and pickup to my cottage (they wont let you take their trailer)and a set of skiis.
dragging a 3 man tube behind a seadoo is amazing, you can really whip them around but as the tube crosses/slingshots it reallly steals all the speed and you need to get on the throttle hard or it will toss you. we had a 1000cc yamaha last year and this year a actual seadoo i think 130hp it was rated at.

i thought about buying one but we would really only get good use out of it once a year, kids are too young right now and 1 more on the way, and then add in insurance (im a broker and ya seadoo insurance is cheap but its still a cost) maintenance and then there will always be some sort of damage to it every season, be it a broken part or physical damage.
add in family taking it out when im not there and not really knowing where rocks are on the lake...ownership of one isnt for me, not right now anyway.
it would take 28 years of renting once a year to offset the cost of buying one new....i may look into a used one in a couple years..something in the 5k price range is where i would want to be on the high end.

i feel like having a seadoo and not having a friend with one could get old a little fast. ide rather ride a motorcycle alone than tour around a lake alone on a seadoo. but thats just me.
dragging a 3 man tube behind a seadoo is amazing

Just a note for anyone interested, the law says that you need room on the jetski for the driver, a spotter, and ALL passengers being towed, so a 3 seater Jetski is only legal to tow a single person.

There are some 4 seater skis out there (so you could legally tow 2 people) but they are not common.

Towing 3 or more people behind a ski isn't legal any way at all. And yes, the police DO care. I got pulled over several times while towing because my wifes Polaris (the only one we could tow with, my Yamaha was legally only a 2 seater) didn't look like a modern 3 seater - thankfully there was a big sticker on the back end that clearly stated it was, so we never got any tickets, but the OPP know that people flagrantly disregard that rule (or simply don't even know it exists) and can and do hand out tickets for it.
Just a note for anyone interested, the law says that you need room on the jetski for the driver, a spotter, and ALL passengers being towed, so a 3 seater Jetski is only legal to tow a single person.

There are some 4 seater skis out there (so you could legally tow 2 people) but they are not common.

Towing 3 or more people behind a ski isn't legal any way at all. And yes, the police DO care. I got pulled over several times while towing because my wifes Polaris (the only one we could tow with, my Yamaha was legally only a 2 seater) didn't look like a modern 3 seater - thankfully there was a big sticker on the back end that clearly stated it was, so we never got any tickets, but the OPP know that people flagrantly disregard that rule (or simply don't even know it exists) and can and do hand out tickets for it.

had a 3 seater seadoo both times, spotter on the back with a camera actually, and 1 in the tube. i said 3 seater tube because it is wider and whips out better and more stable on the seadoo than the 1 man tube. the 1 man tube i have flips too easily so its not as fun, by the time you make your first hard turn they are out and you have to turn around and get them.
the 1 man tube works well on the boat because of the wider turns, the 3 man tube with only 1 person in it behind the boat is hard to get out of the wake...especially if the person is light, but if its got all 3 in it behind a boat you can get it out, it needs the weight to swing it.

wakeboarding behind the seadoo really pulls the machine around, again much better behind the boat, didnt try the skiis behind the seadoo, we only did them behind the boat.

different machines tow different toys better IMO, personally on the seadoo the wider tube is better,a dn yes at legal capasity for the machine.

i know they are strict on the capasity of the seadoo, to tow you have to have a 3 seater, im fairly sure the rental place wouldnt hand out a 2 seater seadoo with a wakeboard and rope, they would be the ones on the hook...but ya i checked the label.
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