Scarborough GROUP RIDE 4.0 - EVERY Sunday, 1:30, Timmies at Kennedy Commons

Will anyone be at kc earlier than 1:30 sunday?(easter with fam)

i would like to hit this route around 11.

Lemme know.

Im heading down from Uxbridge for the ride.
Havent heard much either.. should be people there though.

Weather looks awesome, should be peeps there. I gotta peel potatoes for dinner but should be there by 2pm =)

-Jamie M.
Amazing ride today guys! Super sorry for the slow pace due to all the popo around =) Super glad I've still got my bike/license after todays run!!!

Can't wait for Juan to send me some of his dual go pro vids, should be some sweet footage!

Thanks to everyone that came out. Was kinda cool cause we got to take everyone home. The scarb peeps stayed in scarb, stouffville peep got an escort and uxbridge then whitby =) Was a good route for the peeps that came from outside of town =)

Can't wait for more nice weather like this!!! And less popo =)

-Jamie M.
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Turns out my "exhaust" is already **** the bed....
I dunno if I'd even call that an "exhaust" really =) Should sound great on the vids, finally, someone with an "exhaust" louder then mine!!! =)

-Jamie M.
I dunno if I'd even call that an "exhaust" really =) Should sound great on the vids, finally, someone with an "exhaust" louder then mine!!! =)

-Jamie M.

Haha, yea i didnt think it was possible. I remember getting passed by you on the way to Algonquin, and i **** myself when i heard you fly by, haha
Thanks for the good ride today guys,

i think you should keep a a bag of ear muffs and just give them away . it was loud , but it didnt bother me .
thanx for the run guys , was fun .
Haha, yea i didnt think it was possible. I remember getting passed by you on the way to Algonquin, and i **** myself when i heard you fly by, haha
Thanks for the good ride today guys,

nice ride guys ,hell yes that was looooooooooooud but nice sound :)
anyone coming out today?
I think a bunch of people are out on the Niagra Falls run, I missed it because I had to change tires for a friend... I'm willing to go for a ride, probably gonna rain but shouldn't last too long......
I'm looking at a few different weather radar's right now... Will post shortly and send out facebook spam as well.

-Jamie M.
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