Scarborough Bluffs Secret Spot


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Hey guys,

Do any of you know where the proverbial spot is? All I know is that it's beautiful up there, it's hidden, and it requires a bit of a climb to get up there.

Please gtam, don't make me ask my ex girlfriend. PM me if you gotta - I won't ruin it, I promise.


- ME
Why would anyone want to go to Scarborough willingly? :dontknow:

Sent from my commodore 64 on dial up
It's at the very end of Cecil Crescent.

Park your bike and walk through the park to the lookout point. Great views.
IDK where the "secret" spot is, but there's Sylvan Park at the end of Sylvan Ave in Guildwood Village. It was my playground 30+ years ago.
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This spot is such an important secret, they put the wasteland that is Scarborough around it to keep people away.
I don't know the secret spot, but I know the secret road.
Is that an actual thing? Or are we just making fun of tafb again?!

This spot is such an important secret, they put the wasteland that is Scarborough around it to keep people away.

IDK where the "secret" spot is, but there's Sylvan Park at the end of Sylvan Ave in Guildwood Village. It was my playground 30+ years ago.
It's at the very end of Cecil Crescent.

Park your bike and walk through the park to the lookout point. Great views.
Thanks & thanks! Keep the good suggestions coming. I'll post pics unless the person who provides the info would rather that I didn't :o
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