Thanks everyone for the suggestions and quick responses, really appreciate it! Getting closer to the date now and seems like the jitters are getting larger along with wife's belly!
RESP is a definite that I'll be setting up soon as lil guy is born.
TFSA, haven't thought of that for baby yet but will look into it. I didn't start until recently, and even then was stupid to keep it only as a savings account. However, the issue is the same as for me...WHAT to buy with the TFSA in order to grow for the kid's future. I like to play it safe, and especially if there's many years to allow it to grow.
@JB thanks but read the Wealthy Barber a couple of times now. Need to get my hands on the updated/new version. I think Tangerine is giving away free copies actually. Need to go check now.
Here it is if anyone is interested:
RESP is a definite that I'll be setting up soon as lil guy is born.
TFSA, haven't thought of that for baby yet but will look into it. I didn't start until recently, and even then was stupid to keep it only as a savings account. However, the issue is the same as for me...WHAT to buy with the TFSA in order to grow for the kid's future. I like to play it safe, and especially if there's many years to allow it to grow.
@JB thanks but read the Wealthy Barber a couple of times now. Need to get my hands on the updated/new version. I think Tangerine is giving away free copies actually. Need to go check now.
Here it is if anyone is interested:
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