Saving a parking space ?

... One Saturday I was getting into my truck and a girl pulled up in the aisle and stopped to wait for my space. As I was backing out, a guy in a blinged out white Pathfinder raced up and tried to snake the spot. I backed out just enough to block him, but let the girl that was waiting slide into the spot. He was not amused. I was going to roll down my window and ask for his autograph, but thought better of it.

props to you.
It reminds me of people at resorts and cruise ships who come down at seven in the morning to put towels on their preferred lounge chairs but then don't actually show up to occupy them until after lunch... Meanwhile others have been milling around for hours trying to find any chair, much less the Primo ones that the self-absorbed arsebags "reserved" 5 or 6 hours earlier.

Toss towels on ground... problem solved.

Turn off camera... inch forward slowly... he'll move.
If he's smart, he'll have a camera phone on him., showing a car inching forward and hitting him.
Toss towels on ground... problem solved.

Great idea so long as you can confirm they belong to the aforementioned chair hogs who are actually nowhere to be seen.

If it actually belongs to the no-neck who just happened to lay his towel down before going to chat up the bartender for a few minutes and get a frosty beverage, well, not such a great idea.
If he's smart, he'll have a camera phone on him., showing a car inching forward and hitting him.

And then overexagerate the collision Star-Trek style (not everyone will get that one), feign a horrible spinal injury from the "colission", soak insurance for $20K of "rehab" on their "debilitating injury", and meanwhile all our insurance rates go up again next year.

Oh, sorry, wrong thread. :p
Great idea so long as you can confirm they belong to the aforementioned chair hogs who are actually nowhere to be seen.

If it actually belongs to the no-neck who just happened to lay his towel down before going to chat up the bartender for a few minutes and get a frosty beverage, well, not such a great idea.

Most of our cruises the crew is supposed to go around every half hour or so and remove towels and such.
No Savesies.
I've seen fights in the lot at Yorkdale in December.

Haha, I've done Christmas shopping there before but somehow had achieved the perfect state of mind to let it all slide. Driving a completely expendable beater probably influenced my perspective (the memory of sliding in next to the driver's side of a double parked BMW, and the subsequent rage note on my car still keeps me warm at night)
Those were the guys I picked fights with in high school.....though I was more like 12" shorter....

Seriously though, an assault charge wouldn't do him any good.
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Most of our cruises the crew is supposed to go around every half hour or so and remove towels and such.
No Savesies.

We've had mixed results with that. On at least one cruise there was a no holds barred towel nazi that made short work of the chair hogs, but on many others the crew doesn't seem willing to ruffle feathers. You know how it is, the passengers are always right, must be nice to the passengers, don't irritate the passengers...even when the passengers are being total and complete *****. Saw it several times when a chair hog had their towel removed and then felt slighted after the fact and wanted to know who did it so they could file a complaint and next thing you know they're on a cruise forum trashing the cruise line for "ruining" their cruise.

We cruise a lot...and you wouldn't believe the petty and utterly ridiculous things I've heard people complain about.

I feel bad for the crew sometimes dealing with ignorant entitled SOB's, I actually go out of my way to be super pleasant to them as I know there's a good chance they've dealt with a reasonably steady stream of self absorbed arsebags before me. They seem to appreciate the effort, sometimes letting down their guard a little and actually enjoying themselves for a few minutes.
I feel bad for the crew sometimes dealing with ignorant entitled SOB's, I actually go out of my way to be super pleasant to them as I know there's a good chance they've dealt with a reasonably steady stream of self absorbed arsebags before me. They seem to appreciate the effort, sometimes letting down their guard a little and actually enjoying themselves for a few minutes.

Decent of you. Some of those positions are pretty crappy jobs.
If he's smart, he'll have a camera phone on him., showing a car inching forward and hitting him.

If he was smart... he wouldn't stand in front of vehicles in very busy parking lots and piss off the drivers.

Unlikely the camera would be rolling before hand... even if he did get some of it on video... it probably wouldn't be conclusive as to what exactly happened.
In that video... When he stepped to the driver's side to talk... if that car started moving, he would have had to jump in front of it to be hit.
If he's smart, he'll have a camera phone on him., showing a car inching forward and hitting him.

Actually... since it would be at a mall.. the wife would certainly be with me... so I would just get out and push the guy out of the way while she parked. I would be more than willing to get into a fight if put into that situation...
I wouldn't think twice about any charges... wouldn't care that much if I was.
Actually... since it would be at a mall.. the wife would certainly be with me... so I would just get out and push the guy out of the way while she parked. I would be more than willing to get into a fight if put into that situation...
I wouldn't think twice about any charges... wouldn't care that much if I was.

I'm not sure about you, but my wife gets ****** when I tell people off.

I normally just go the the back of the lot and haven't had any trouble finding a spot yet.

Edit: Besides, are you really going to be stupid enough to leave your car in a spot, with someone who you've just beat the crap out of right there? You must have bullet proof glass and run flat tires then.
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I'm not sure about you, but my wife gets ****** when I tell people off.

And then I have to be in a crowded mall AND listen to her b**** at me while we're there. No thanks.

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