Saturday December 5th?

Sorry for the late reply guys.

Absolutely everyone is welcome to join in. It's most likely the last ride of the season so lets get out there and have some fun. And the more the merrier.

My cell is 416 826 5232 in case anyone needs to get a hold of me.

Yea you gotta do what you gotta do,how about ashkan and rest?we are still on right???

Yea you gotta do what you gotta do,how about ashkan and rest?we are still on right?

Hey guys, so i created a google drive folder with a bunch of pictures and videos that myself, Sherab and Sujan took from the ride.

If anyone wants to grab them, send me your gmail account and ill add you to the group.

if the weather stays above 0, then I am going to do an Algonquin Park ride in late December... maybe just before x-mas, or just after...
can't say I've done that before so it will be interesting!
Boxing Day ride Shane? :)

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I can't I have to dj a party in the city that night and it will be a really late jam.
I know I'm busy Dec 24,25,26 and the 27th for sure. Maybe Jan 2nd or 3rd?
As long as the roads are clean enough and no ice or snow, I'm good.
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