Saturday 30th June,Leave Scarb.-Do twisites HaltonHills,Niagara+LakeErieLakeshore

forgot to mention to the guy that randomly joined our group with the gixxer 1000 nice riding and not one popo was to be seen except for the beginning of the ride in halton.So what goes guys post up your pics comments and such
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this was the last group picture of the day... where exactly were we, i don't know... haha

for those of you whom i met today, feel free to add me on crack book (facebook) and keep in touch for the next ride on behalf of theassassin of course ;)


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Yeah, it was a great ride. Assassin, thank you for organizing this. It was great to meet new people and have some fun on
winding roads. (Red sv650s).
I lived in Niagara for 20 years and I have a great route puttogether out there. The pace for this ride is "spirited" and youshould have an SV650 minimum, if you're spanking it a bit .No offence intendedbut, no Newbs, 250's or Cruiser bikes. I've done this ride a number of timesthis year and the roads are in great shape!......(might explain why I've got70k on my poor old GSXR1000)

Meet Saturday June 30th at Markham Station Restaurant(corner of Markham rd and Sheppard). They serve 24 hour breakfast if you like.I'll be there about 8:45am, show up for breakfast or a coffee and chat. I parkon the walkway beside the glass out of the way of cars! We'll leave at 10:15am.Ride the 401 to Ice House Restaurant on Guelph Line just south of the 401 for11am, meet us there if you like. We'll do the twisties in Halton Hills and headinto Hamilton and up the escarpment to see who wants to join us at the TimHortons at Mud+20 for about 1pm. Have a quick lunch and leave about 1:30pm orso. We'll do the twisty backroads from Hamilton to Niagara Falls arrivingaround 3:30-4pm. You can join up any time or leave at any time if you letsomeone know. We'll always be within 15 minutes of the QEW or 401, I can pointyou to it. We’ll have a break in the Falls then continue out to Port Colborneand ride the Lakeshore along Lake Erie to South Cayuga, then twisties toCaledonia and then back to Hamilton if you've still got riding left in you! Youshould text me your name, bike and colour and where you're going to join us at6 4 7 9 6 5 4 2 0 4 so we know if you're late or if you get lost during theride. Check my past rides for pictures and reviews (and drama if you like that,haha).

just two words: WAS FUN! too bad I had to peel off for a bday and couldnt go all the way...
(white vfr)
Hey Assassin, are you leading another one of these rides this weekend? Hope you are!
That was FUN! Assassin, thank you for organizing this ride! Hope to share some rides with you in the future!
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check out the guy on the motard at 18 secs one leg doing stand up wheelies,crazy and the cop pulling the gun and they just keep blowing through the roadblock sick and the music is so fitting "trouble on my mind"

Maybe its time for gtam ride of the century downtown toronto on a saturday night:cool:
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Pics I took: Dundas, Hamilton Ridge rd, above Niagara Falls. Thanks for all the comments. I'll be posting rides every week or 2.
2nd pic of Falls didn't upload. Need someone to PM me about the "Qouta size limit" for uploads.

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