Sat Nov 13 Oakville Trafalgar Leighland

The day to run all the street bikes from home garage to my shop for the winter.

Last run. Last bike.

I came to a stop as the light turned red.

Picked up the car behind me slowing down. Moved attention back to other surroundings as he plowed into me.

92 year old.

He continued forward after he hit me. I got pinned under bike and bike was eventually under his wheel.

I got dragged along for awhile under the front end. His tire pushing the bike along and thus me kept me from going all the way under the front.

Pedestrians finally got him to put it in reverse and back off the bike and me.

I take it he was slowing and his foot slipped from brake onto gas.
Holy moly, glad you are ok! (y)
Glad you are okay worst fear in riding is getting hit from behind. I concentrate more on the mirrors coming to a stop in traffic than looking ahead and even then leave an escape route. Glad there was no car in front of you.
One less 92 year old driving at least is some small silver lining and maybe a new ride for you ....GWS rider. If you are going to lose riding time...mid Nov not a bad time to recover.'s a miracle that you're others have already said, get a lawyer and get checked out by a doctor if you haven't already done so...your adrenaline keeps the pain away for a short time, however you'll probably feel it tomorrow...that is if you already didn't feel crappy today...sending prayers for a quick recovery...
Glad to hear you weren't more injured. That could've gone a lot worse.
As others have said, you are covered under the drivers' insurance due to not being at fault.
From past experience, you just need to let your insurance know the opposing side policy # and collision report #.
They would then figure everything out from the opposing insurer and pay for your bike, gear and medical if needed.
I would only lawyer up if things don't start heading in that direction.
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