A war memorial is not a tribute to the ilk that fought to enslave or exterminate others, that is the difference.
The ban on Nazi symbols does not extend to, for example, historical movies originally made in that era.
A war memorial is not a tribute to the ilk that fought to enslave or exterminate others, that is the difference.
a few hundred years we will be all the same colour...and it ain't gonna be white...more like coffee coloured
Poor ignorant people everywhere need to be stomped!![]()
Did the last time you got stomped on do you good?
Let's hear your proposal.
The ban on Nazi symbols does not extend to, for example, historical movies originally made in that era.
History is history. Some who went through bad times, want to, and need to forget it. Others need to remember so that it doesn't repeat itself.
Tearing down and erasing the bad things as though they never existed, doesn't work.
There's always going to be someone trying to exploit people and their anger.
We need to help each other overcome our anger.
I was watching citytv & some of the people were carrying Russian flags. Do those people even know what communism represents?Numbers are exaggerated, but they have a point.
You just won the internetDidn`t ISIS destroy monuments in the middle east .
You just won the internet
What history? How does a Jewish person or African-American even begin to start dialogue with someone who calls for their current annihilation or subjugation?
.... "history isn't erased by removing statues, we don't need statues of Hitler to remember what he represented". .....
I visited Dacau when I was younger, it gave me some perspective on what happened, that I wouldn't have gotten had it been removed. So I believe that the German gentleman is wrong, sometimes we need links to the past, to realize how truly horrible we can be to each other, and keep us on the straight and narrow.
Why would you have them try and start dialogue? That's for the rest of us to do.
Was thinking the same thing. Removing statues, plaques or changing names of buildings doesn't erase history. It just doesn't flaunt the negative....like the Langevin block renaming.
How?Dachau is a monument to the horror of the past so it won't be repeated in the future. I went to Natzwiller Stuthoff in the Vosges Mountains and saw the camp there that still has the crematoria and a lynching area and electrified fences preserved....it was bone chilling. Every school kid should see these things. Statues are totally different.