Salad dressing


Well-known member
Be careful out there.

Truck drivers these days are no where near as good as they used to be. I don't know why, am not part of the industry in any way but I feel like the drivers used to be a lot more skilled. Now some of these guys drive their enormous trucks like they are smaller cars. Its terrifying if you are near a reckless truck operator that rapidly changes lanes like hes in a Miata..
Truck drivers these days are no where near as good as they used to be. I don't know why, am not part of the industry in any way but I feel like the drivers used to be a lot more skilled. Now some of these guys drive their enormous trucks like they are smaller cars. Its terrifying if you are near a reckless truck operator that rapidly changes lanes like hes in a Miata..
I just wanna know who tf they are talking to on their headsets at 5 am.
Many (but not those that are employees driving branded trucks) are on the phone the entire day. And before I get any flack, I can deal with up to 300 truck drivers a day at work.

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Truck drivers these days are no where near as good as they used to be. I don't know why, am not part of the industry in any way but I feel like the drivers used to be a lot more skilled. Now some of these guys drive their enormous trucks like they are smaller cars. Its terrifying if you are near a reckless truck operator that rapidly changes lanes like hes in a Miata..

That's drivers in general today. Truck or car (or even bike). I think everyone is skilled to a point, but have poor attitudes which leads to little care for other drivers on the roads. I can't count how many times I've seen a dumptruck southbound on the dvp push their way into lanechanges. Or even trailers on the 401wb doing the same thing.

If people keep up with the 'me first' mentality, won't be long before we have roadrage incidents.
I was just thinking the roads will be oily and they better clean it properly...something tells me they wont.

Old truckers I think in general took care of their rigs so that meant they had to be safe as it paid the bills or they had to keep the company owned truck mint to keep their job.

Remember the old truckers grew up here, meaning they grew up around cars/traffic so they know they can crush and kill someone in a snap.
Those rigs look impressive inside like flying a plane. It's amazing how they maneuver those rigs.

Today's truckers don't give a crap, it's a like digging a ditch to them, busting their hump to make minimum age or less.
They did not grow up with cars in the family. They don't respect their jobs (used to be a profession). They have power and will exercise it.
I've been in the industry over 20 years. It has gone downhill. Too many bottom feeder companies that will hire anyone with a pulse and crayon that shows up at their door.

Not everyone is an idiot though so be careful with the broad paintbrush. Inside the GTA (or any big city) the issues with professionalism and/or sheer idiocy are indeed much more widespread, however.
That's how I read this. But now realize that you meant the salad dressing on the road.

The excess mayo is probably going to cause a stink later on in the week...
Today's truckers don't give a crap, it's a like digging a ditch to them, busting their hump to make minimum age or less.
They did not grow up with cars in the family. They don't respect their jobs (used to be a profession). They have power and will exercise it.

Don't you dare criticize the magic of conservative deregulation!
I was just thinking the roads will be oily and they better clean it properly...something tells me they wont.

Old truckers I think in general took care of their rigs so that meant they had to be safe as it paid the bills or they had to keep the company owned truck mint to keep their job.

Remember the old truckers grew up here, meaning they grew up around cars/traffic so they know they can crush and kill someone in a snap.
Those rigs look impressive inside like flying a plane. It's amazing how they maneuver those rigs.

Ah, the good old days.. like Smokey And the Bandit, Convoy and "BJ and the Bear" :-) :-)

Today's truckers don't give a crap, it's a like digging a ditch to them, busting their hump to make minimum age or less.
They did not grow up with cars in the family. They don't respect their jobs (used to be a profession). They have power and will exercise it.

I've heard some guys talk about how they know a relation or two who get into trucking to make $$$$. I guess it Can pay big possibly.. especially if you've got the $$ for a truck but no other skills/education to work here if you;re an import.
Totally thought this thread was about something different
Truck drivers these days are no where near as good as they used to be. I don't know why, am not part of the industry in any way but I feel like the drivers used to be a lot more skilled. Now some of these guys drive their enormous trucks like they are smaller cars. Its terrifying if you are near a reckless truck operator that rapidly changes lanes like hes in a Miata..

I drove trucks and own a Miata. This made me chuckle.

The industry is very different nowadays and there's no money in it, hence the sh*t drivers. Doesn't help that most of them rode camels previous to driving trucks.
Ah, the good old days.. like Smokey And the Bandit, Convoy and "BJ and the Bear" :-) :-)

I've heard some guys talk about how they know a relation or two who get into trucking to make $$$$. I guess it Can pay big possibly.. especially if you've got the $$ for a truck but no other skills/education to work here if you;re an import.

Used clapped out trucks are cheaper than a Miata.

I think a buddy was making $0.44 a mile (27 cents Km) driving for a broker long haul. At 50 MPH average that works out to $22 an hour, sleeping in the bunk and living on KFC. Shower once in a while at a truck stop. Home every couple of weeks.

Now they prefer teams so the truck gets more hours but the pay is about half per km but the person sleeping also gets paid the same. Nice life (not)
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There is money in driving still if you work for a good company. There are highway drivers at the place I work for making comfortably into 6 figure territory driving company trucks and they're never more than 5-6 hours from home at worst and don't work weekends.

The problem is that it's a race to the bottom in this industry - there are companies out there that are so desperate to make a few pennies on the mile that they'll cut their rates to the point where they're making hardly anything - not enough to actually hire skilled drivers, much less actually maintain their equipment.
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