Running.. ugghh

The way I used to run my longer training runs was I would pick a pace I feel I could manage and do that pace for the duration of the run, so that I am tired by the end, but still able to finish. For example, if I was running a 10k and running 5min/km pace would tire me out, then that is what I would do for my long runs.

Now I am trying to run slow, because running slow for longer distances will help in a variety of ways to run fast later (ie race day). So running a 10km route, I will run a 6min/km instead. When I am done the run, I have barely broken a sweat and was running at a speed that I could have carried a conversation for the whole run without ever being out of breath. It's quite a challenge to purposely run slower than you know you can. I find myself looking at my watch every few minutes to check my pace.

Today we ran 15km because Sundays is when we run long, slow distances. I barely broke a sweat and although this is my longest run in almost 2 years, I felt I could have easily done another 5-10km.
Don't underestimate the value of running slow:)
+1... hadnt run in 2 years (used to do 5-10 km on avg)

I went with my runner-friend to help me, motivate me, on a run ...she does half-marathons for fun so that was pretty easy for her...
I thought i was going for a 3-4 km run at most...we ended up doing 9km, all because she helped me pace-down
Going back to our conversation on carbs, this video just came out yesterday and it's very informative. (Disregard the 'bodybuilding' language, half of the video doesn't have anything to do with bodybuilding)

Good information nonetheless

Don't underestimate the value of running slow:)


Like with most activities consistency is what gets you results, not one off monster workouts and the truth is that you cannot sustain 'fast' running very often. So the easiest way to be consistent with running is to run 'slow' most of the time. For me when in shape 2-3 'hard' sessions per week (~10% of total volume) were quite challenging.

Like with most activities consistency is what gets you results, not one off monster workouts and the truth is that you cannot sustain 'fast' running very often. So the easiest way to be consistent with running is to run 'slow' most of the time. For me when in shape 2-3 'hard' sessions per week (~10% of total volume) were quite challenging.

+1000 consistency is key.

Just to add on to this, even doing short distances is beneficial. Running 1 mile a day at whatever pace you want (I usually do 7.5-8.5 miles an hour) helps your long distance game as well so long as you are consistent and serious about it.
5:30 am, never wished so hard for anything, but I wish I had brought my runners. At in laws and awake. It's sooo nice out
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5:30 am, never wished so hard for anything, but I wish I had brought my runners. At in laws and awake. It's sooo nice out

A little frosty out now.

Went for a 4km run on the 24th with my dad. My hip felt ok during the run but sore after. Probably going to avoid running for a while longer.

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I walk most mornings at an indoor track locally.This week the place is chock full of new faces with their starbucks and cellphones clogging the place up.Ugggghhh.
I walk most mornings at an indoor track locally.This week the place is chock full of new faces with their starbucks and cellphones clogging the place up.Ugggghhh.

In all fairness, the warnings were sent out.

Give them a week or two and they'll be gone once they see no progress.
Give them a week or two and they'll be gone once they see no progress.

Starting speed workouts next week now that base runs are up to 20km. I did a long slow run that was 19km, but it turns out that would have actually been just as fast as my fastest 1/2 marathon time. I think I'll sign up for the Chilly Half Marathon and see what happens.

Starting a yoga 30 day challenge thing next week too, so we'll see how long that lasts for. Maybe I'll last a week or two.
Attention all runners!
Happy New Year, the days are getting longer now and spring is just around the corner...
Will be here in fact, in eight weeks.

Today's topic is MAGNESIUM.
(No, not super-light forged wheels, heheh.)

Years ago, I would hear advice from older people, my family etc.
Someone would sprain their ankle or twist their knee or something, or would be stiff & sore, bad back, whatever.
The advice would be: take a hot bath with Epsom Salts.

I thought, man is that stupid. Soaking in the hot water is going to do 99% of that, LoL.
I mean, how is that bath powder going to miraculously heal your knee?
Turns out that our skin is the body's largest 'organ' and it readily absorbs things from the environment!
And Epsom Salts are mostly Magnesium.

Here's the thing: if you go to the doctor and ask about Magnesium, the doctor doesn't like explaining all about health and fitness etc, which takes time.
The doctor's time is always in heavy demand.
So he'll order blood tests, and report that your Magnesium is "fine".
But Magnesium needs to be very precisely concentrated in your blood, not too high or too low, and if you have walked into the doctor's under your own power, of course your blood Magnesium is "fine".
Therefore blood tests will never, ever identify a Magnesium deficiency! Which 90% of people have.

Your body will exhaust every trace of it, from every tissue in your body, to maintain the exact level in your blood required to keep your heart beating.
But Magnesium-deficient tissues and cells are suffering, hurting, and not functioning in good health!
All your muscles require Magnesium, and also your nervous system (which controls the muscles), your brain, and your autonomic nervous system which controls involuntary muscles like your intestines and bowels...

Since I became aware of all this - and I wish I had known years ago - I began to supplement my diet with Magnesium Bisglycinate (in which the amino acid Glycine is used to enhance the absorption of the Magnesium by your body).
Dramatic! would be an understatement, heheh...
Right away I noticed I was dropping the deuce, instead of once in the morning, like three or four times per day! Yikes.
My whole system is revived! No more 'slow' stomach, heartburn, acid reflux, belly-ache, swollen gut, constipation etc. etc.
I lost one pant-size right there, just emptying out my Magnesium-starved guts deficient in involuntary muscular contractions.

My whole nervous system is awake again, and I can think far more clearly, 'foggy-headedness' being banished.
(I used to sometimes feel hung-over like I'd been drinking the night before - only I had not been, heheh...)
Anyway: just a heads-up! Try it yourself. Especially if attempting running or physical fitness etc.
MAGNESIUM. Seems there's some truth to those old wives tales and Epsom Salts baths after all...

Here's something I stumbled upon just now, which prompted (reminded?) me to write about Magnesium:
L8R guys
5yr Bump!

The last year has destroyed my workout routine. At my peak I was running around 50-60km/week and doing yoga 6 days/week. Since March of 2020, haven't done much at all for exercise - like a switch was just shut off from one day to the next. Haven't put on a bunch of weight because I've been eating less, but lost a lot of cardio, flexibility and strength. I find that strength and fitness is really important for motorcycle riding - especially picking up my bike! I have no idea how I even did some of the long days on the bike last year being so out of shape.

A couple weeks ago my wife and I started running 5k's about 3x a week and started doing yoga every day at 6am before work. In only 2 weeks I've felt a massive improvement.

So my wife and I decided to sign up for the Mississauga 1/2 marathon, which is a virtual event to be completed anytime during the month of May. Going to start training again for this 1/2 marathon and hopefully will be able to keep up with running at least 30km/week after that.

Anyone else fall off the running or exercise wagon and starting to get back on?
5yr Bump!

The last year has destroyed my workout routine. At my peak I was running around 50-60km/week and doing yoga 6 days/week. Since March of 2020, haven't done much at all for exercise - like a switch was just shut off from one day to the next. Haven't put on a bunch of weight because I've been eating less, but lost a lot of cardio, flexibility and strength. I find that strength and fitness is really important for motorcycle riding - especially picking up my bike! I have no idea how I even did some of the long days on the bike last year being so out of shape.

A couple weeks ago my wife and I started running 5k's about 3x a week and started doing yoga every day at 6am before work. In only 2 weeks I've felt a massive improvement.

So my wife and I decided to sign up for the Mississauga 1/2 marathon, which is a virtual event to be completed anytime during the month of May. Going to start training again for this 1/2 marathon and hopefully will be able to keep up with running at least 30km/week after that.

Anyone else fall off the running or exercise wagon and starting to get back on?

I started running in nov , ran all winter, then stopped in march...
Havent stopped doing yoga because I literally cant function without it, have to get some in or I risk injuries

I REALLY miss the gym though, the difference in strength and stability after working the same muscle group just twice is incredible
5yr Bump!

The last year has destroyed my workout routine. At my peak I was running around 50-60km/week and doing yoga 6 days/week. Since March of 2020, haven't done much at all for exercise - like a switch was just shut off from one day to the next. Haven't put on a bunch of weight because I've been eating less, but lost a lot of cardio, flexibility and strength. I find that strength and fitness is really important for motorcycle riding - especially picking up my bike! I have no idea how I even did some of the long days on the bike last year being so out of shape.

A couple weeks ago my wife and I started running 5k's about 3x a week and started doing yoga every day at 6am before work. In only 2 weeks I've felt a massive improvement.

So my wife and I decided to sign up for the Mississauga 1/2 marathon, which is a virtual event to be completed anytime during the month of May. Going to start training again for this 1/2 marathon and hopefully will be able to keep up with running at least 30km/week after that.

Anyone else fall off the running or exercise wagon and starting to get back on?

Good on you Shanekingsley. I’ve had a very hard time keeping up my activity levels and trying to find that motivation. A big part of the problem is I’m more motivated by team sports or manual labour, team sports are difficult now and I work from home.

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Good on you Shanekingsley. I’ve had a very hard time keeping up my activity levels and trying to find that motivation. A big part of the problem is I’m more motivated by team sports or manual labour, team sports are difficult now and I work from home.

Sent from my iPhone using mobile app
Yard work!

A new park was built 5 minute walk from my house with a nice full court basketball court. I got a nice outdoor ball for Christmas and it's about time to get back at it.
I started running in nov , ran all winter, then stopped in march...
Havent stopped doing yoga because I literally cant function without it, have to get some in or I risk injuries

I REALLY miss the gym though, the difference in strength and stability after working the same muscle group just twice is incredible
I've been finding that with all the computer work for my job, running and yoga will have to be a daily part of the routine too, otherwise getting older will be painful.
I've been finding that with all the computer work for my job, running and yoga will have to be a daily part of the routine too, otherwise getting older will be painful.
They moved you indoors?
If you're on a computer all day, your glute strength will take a hit
Forgot about this great thread! Got introduced to running around 8 years ago when I used to attend a "boot camp" type class that incorporated some small bits of running, and discovered how much I liked it.

I'm still a "casual" runner and participated in a few 5k's in the years since, and took it more serious the last 2 years or so and focused on getting my 1 mile times down to new personal bests, but still won't do more than a 5k as I start getting bored.

last 2 years or so, I'm down at least 55 pounds, thanks to mostly running, and weightlifting. I feel GREAT and regret not starting all this much sooner.


On a similar note, any shoe snob's on the thread? as an aside to my discovery of running, I'm a huge fan of running shoes and have gathered quite the collection.

Some of the new Carbon plated models are mind blowing. the new Asics Metaracer is the my current lust model....
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I fell off pretty badly last March...
I was swimming 3 hours / week and cycling indoors a good 4 hours/ week.

After shutdown happened i became a hermit... tried to lift some iron in april/may... but i ballooned like a mofo due to too low of an activity level (no more walking to go station, or cycle commuting, etc etc)
June saw me cycling almost daily in the morning and i hate mornings with a passio), and the mood got better and weight gain stopped.

Fast forward to Jan 2021, i started trying run every day, minimum 1km (i don't REALLY) like running... and i've only missed one day so far, and started adding back cycling in march :)
So a bit better compared to last year, taking the 80/20 approach where 80 percent of my running is ridiculously slow and 20 percent is high intensity (following the same approach with the cycling) both with some structured plans.
I was supposed to do a half ironman this year... but since i can't even practice swimming i guess i'll focus on something else, get the half-marathon under my belt and make it "easy" know, like those people on strava that run them for fun on a weekend and go from there. Hopefully masters swim resumes in fall and i can get some time in the pool with a better running body, cycling kinda just happens for me because i enjoy it

Lets all be friends:
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