running in extreme heat for cardio conditioning and increasing resistance to heat.

you'll definitely loose a lot of water weight, but what do you feel about high intensity interval training (HIIT) you can customize to your liking and change it up, search it on google and you will find different routines from different people, I started doing it about 2 months ago it really boosted my cardio, what i do now is 20 second sprint at 100% and then jog for 2 minutes then sprint again 20 seconds all out do this for about 20 minutes. just change up the times if you find its getting easy.
I am wondering if you are bsing here. I am scrutinizing your claims. The consesus is 9 to 10 min a mile if you are FIT! 8k is about 5 miles. You state 43 mins, which would put you the Fit category. Anyone with those numbers are avid runners with years of experience. Any avid runner would know their hydratrion requirements. I have to wonder what your angle is with this thread given the GTAM audience?
I'm not a runner. My knees and right ankle can't do more than 10k no matter how much time I put in to it, but I could go out right now and do 8k in probably 40 or 45 minutes and I can't remember the last time I went for a long run. I could do a 1 mile run right around the 7 minute mark and I don't train for it... Very achievable goals for where the average person who looks after themselves should be.
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