Route and Fun to Nasheville Including TOTD/Blue Ridge/Etc


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Leaving June 9th and arriving home the 17th or a day or two later. Destination from Durham region to Nashville. It'll be 5 of us on the bagger couches so not a knee-down ride. I've never seen Nashville and they've never done any of the fun roads south of PA.
So I need a route down and back. We've got lots of time both directions and no actual dates needed to be anywhere. Making it to Nashville at some point and doing TOTD are the only two mandatory's. Feel free to recommend any must-do roads and places to see down there and along the way.
I wouldn't mind doing Back Of the Dragon again in VA as well.
Have you seen this thread of the better roads down south?!&highlight=stateside

I have some gps files that I put together that took us from the Fort Erie border crossing down to the Smokies and back. If you think your whole crew will like the Back of the Dragon, then this set of routes basically connects all the better roads getting to and from Deals Gap. If you want them, just send me your email address. I think each day was set around 8hrs of riding or so.

How long do you figure you will ride each day?
When in Nashville, go to a restaurant Skulls on Printers Alley. There will be a blues bar right beside it for after dinner drinks.

If you're heading down that way I would highly suggest checking out the Cherohola Skyway.

Much more fun than TOTD esp on baggers.
Pick up a copy of the current Road RUNNER magazine for a write up on the Natchez Trace. The whole thing might be too much for your time frame but the northern part out of Nashville might work. It sounds like a it has more twisties than the southern bit. With 440 miles at 50 MPH it's a long ride for the whole thing. Several sources have cautioned about speeding.
Pick up a copy of the current Road RUNNER magazine for a write up on the Natchez Trace. The whole thing might be too much for your time frame but the northern part out of Nashville might work. It sounds like a it has more twisties than the southern bit. With 440 miles at 50 MPH it's a long ride for the whole thing. Several sources have cautioned about speeding.
I've been on the Natchez Trace and it is a nice, scenic, slow, ride. You're right that the further north you go, the more winding it becomes, but that is not very twisty compared to Smoky Mountains area. Speed limit on the northern end I think was 40mph which was painfully slow for how gentle the road was. Unlike other slow roads like the BRP and Skyline Drive, on the Natchez Trace I did see LEO's parked out catching speeders.

On baggers, it would be a nice ride to ride from Nashville down to Tupelo, Mississippi and then scoot across to Barber's Museum in Birmingham, Alabama, then scoot north to Deals Gap area.
If you're heading down that way I would highly suggest checking out the Cherohola Skyway.

Much more fun than TOTD esp on baggers.

Fantastic road .
If you are riding through eastern Kentucky and Tennessee or western Virginia or the Carolinas you are in mountain country.
The number of great rides and great roads through this area are almost endless.
TOTD is a ride that should be on everyone's bucket list but its not the only ride.
Thanks everyone for the replies. I've ridden down before on the GSXR and done Blue Ridge, TOTD, Cherohola, Moonshiners, many of the main roads in that area. It's the others that haven't done them yet and I'm mostly in need of routes down and back and roads to/around Nashville with things to do.
I don't have any routes or even particular roads to suggest, but I would advise spending a bunch of time tooling around on the back roads of West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Tennessee. The best on-road riding day of my life was down in West Virginia in 2015 just rdiing around with no real destination. I've never had so many surprisingly fun/scenic roads pop up in such a short span of time. Yeah, it's 6 toed hill folk country and there are times when you'll swear you hear banjos and squealing pigs, but man is the riding ever nice (nice mix of twisty and scenic that would work well for a bagger).

On my way home from the Dragon I took the BRP, what a boring ride. Get off the slab and away from the people.
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Leaving June 9th and arriving home the 17th or a day or two later. Destination from Durham region to Nashville. It'll be 5 of us on the bagger couches so not a knee-down ride. I've never seen Nashville and they've never done any of the fun roads south of PA.
So I need a route down and back. We've got lots of time both directions and no actual dates needed to be anywhere. Making it to Nashville at some point and doing TOTD are the only two mandatory's. Feel free to recommend any must-do roads and places to see down there and along the way.
I wouldn't mind doing Back Of the Dragon again in VA as well.
Just wondering if you have a motorcycle route to share from Durham Region to Nashville
Just wondering if you have a motorcycle route to share from Durham Region to Nashville
I used a route to the Dragon that ShaneKingsley sent me so he is likely your best bet. Our 2018 trip once at the Dragon had a massive storm front headed towards Nashville so we decided to bypass it and explore Northern TN into KY (excellent btw). We did make it to Nashville this year however did not take the bikes but the place is amazing.
I have fond memories of Nashville including arguing with two locals about how Shania Twain could be classed as a country singer, having breakfast with multiple Elvis's as there was a convention in town, the Dukes of Hazard museum, having a conference at the Gaylord Opryland convention centre (with indoor Venetian canals and Gondolas) and going to the Grand Old Opry which was the chintsiest thing I’ve probably done. Felt like one big week long acid trip.
I have fond memories of Nashville including arguing with two locals about how Shania Twain could be classed as a country singer, having breakfast with multiple Elvis's as there was a convention in town, the Dukes of Hazard museum, having a conference at the Gaylord Opryland convention centre (with indoor Venetian canals and Gondolas) and going to the Grand Old Opry which was the chintsiest thing I’ve probably done. Felt like one big week long acid trip.
We did a 10-day Nashville trip this year as my bachelor party. It was excellent :)
You know,you can ride from Northumberland all the way down to the gap a nd beyond without touching a interstate....
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