I win by not going to tims
he's gotta be splitting the winning with you on that one
I don't agree. Guy I know got a scratch card as an anniversary gift from a friend. Won $1mil. Gave the friend half. I'm dumbfounded.
I wonder how this works.
How many people buy a coffee in hopes of winning something?
I question if it really generates more sales other than the something new to blab about ads giving them fresh air time.
..............shows appreciation to the regulars.
I wonder about that.....as a regular you're drinking it anyway.....and if you have dry spell on winningshello2
it just might annoy you. It reminds me of the ham fisted way a previous employer used to hand out bonuses. A few people at the sharp end were giddy as all get out and everybody else grumbled about the unfairness of it all. So it cost them money to annoy most employees.
No, all the market research shows if you show appreciation to your customers directly they will come back more. Look at Sunny, he got excited and is possibly going through garbage to find out he didn't win anything.
Look at Sunny, he got excited and is possibly going through garbage to find out he didn't win anything.
I just dug up an old cup.... I won a CAR!
McDonald's guarantees a free cup with every 6? coffees
I wouldn't be dumb enough to give a lottery ticket as a gift but if I received one I'm pretty sure, before anything got scratched, I'd have a light hearted and jovial conversation about the consequences in the event of a win. Then I would show him my teeth.