Rogers down?

Are there any disadvantage of using google dns? Should i change?

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It's very tin-foil hat of me, I know, but if you have a static IP address then potentially Google can log and correlate all of the requests for web pages that you make. Such as www.youpor

opppps ... put that in the wrong box

hah ... box

I guess i'll stick with rogers dns

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my home internet and cellphone internet were down and i called cuz i was board and i was on hold for just over an hour and they stated they were having problems with the internet in diffrent parts of ontario and cellphone lte, 4g and 3g in southern ontario were down , rogers sucks
I was down earlier, started mucking around with the router (don't have a data plan) and checked "Enable Advanced DNS Service" on my D-Link. Dunno if that's what fixed it but it's working again - obviously since I'm here.
LMAO! Mine is fine, it's great actually.
There automated system is down today. It took me 2 hours to get something changed on my phone!
Mine went down yesterday as I did the only logical thing...I went outside and had a drink with a buddy at his place instead of spending time online. Frankly I don't mind if it dies once in a while as it reminds me how dependent we become on it. Unless you urgently need it for business/school...then it sucks.
Funny thing is Tek Savvy a re-leased provider through Rogers was up and working fine for me while my neighbours Rogers service was down
My router is down now. Have no clue what the prob is. Periodically i lose connection on the modem. Thats a new modem too
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