Rob's wife sues Doug

Here's the thing: a small cabal of cons put this clown in as their choice of candidate, not the people of Ontario.

Ontarians were clearly tired of the Wynne Liberals and the Progressive Conservative party had a perfect opportunity to put someone at the helm that had integrity, intelligence, proven leadership acumen, an impressive oratory and a workable platform. Instead they decided that the next premier was going to be a low-brow Trump effigy, a clown and a buffoon with more proverbial skeletons in his closet than John Wayne Gacy.

Ontarians were hosed by the radical wing of the PC party of Ontario. If this twat forms the next administration it won't be the fault of Ontarians; look instead to the Trumpistas hiding in the "progressive" conservative party for blame. Indeed, it could be argued that the same retards that put Hudak and Brown in charge were responsible for the previous easy Wynne victories...
Yes, but it's up to ON voters if they acquiesce to the PC Party and their actions, giving them a majority mandate. We'll see how much ON voters hold the PC party's actions accountable. Based on past provincial electoral experience, ON voters don't care much about accountability or even integrity. What a sad experience with the Liberals over the last number of terms. And look at the TO Ford experience. Elect a clown, expect a circus.

The one good thing about the municipal experience was the limited powers of the Mayor who has to work with council to get things done. The circus went into full effect and it limited cooperation and damage. Ford was fairly ineffective, but the circus held him and council in check. This won't be the case in a majority provincial context because they have much more power.

This election is like Sophie's choice amongst the three parties.
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Not proven in court but pretty damaging, especially when Doug's defense thus far is to say that Renata has a substance abuse problem.
I think she has a well documented substance abuse problem. Including some criminal convictions.

That aside, I wonder how much Patrick Brown had to do with this? His sister, Fiona Brown, is a partner in the law firm that represents Renata Ford. Coincidence?

My guess is Renata and Doug were not fond of each other. It's likely the Ford Family assets were never matrimonial property, and she never had a claim to them. I'm guessing the lawsuit was mostly an extortion attempt and when Doug replied 'no-deal', they saw slim chances in court so they satisfied another want -- vengeance.
Its been an extremely disfuctional family for years , nothing new here folks. Doug and Renata have been at it for years , the timing is pretty good to kick the family hard.

Deco label hasn't been profitable in a decade and they shuffle estate money around to keep it afloat?? If I owned that company, with the contracts they have had, I'd be running it pretty much the same way. They all keep the nice houses and SUV's, they have good accountants.......
I can see how as the executor, Doug might have resisted passing down Rob's estate to Renata out of concern that she'd waste it on her dependencies. If that's the story then the question is if that's a legitimate reason for withholding someone's inheritance.

Anyone know?

Yes. A friend of mine with substance abuse problems father died. His sister was executor in a 50-50 split of assets. She filed for power of attorney over him successfully and gave him a monthly stipend.
Yes. A friend of mine with substance abuse problems father died. His sister was executor in a 50-50 split of assets. She filed for power of attorney over him successfully and gave him a monthly stipend.
Okay but that's not the same. It sounds like Doug would have had to have Renata disqualified legally from her direct inheritance.

I imagine that might have removed her kids from her care though, which maybe Doug wanted to avoid. Or maybe he just wanted her money. As always, so many possibilities and we'll never really know the whole truth.
It would depend on the wording and stipulations in the will. It sounds like Rob left his brother in control and spelled out why.
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Ah that could explain it too, but then she'd have no grounds for a lawsuit.

One would think a law firm of repute would have access to all of this and would have ascertained whether the case had any merit.
One would think a law firm of repute would have access to all of this and would have ascertained whether the case had any merit.
Ideally, but it's possible Doug was withholding some info that they could have used to determine her legitimate entitlements. There was something I read about Doug failing to produce info that he had promised years ago.

Sooooo many unknowns.
Ah that could explain it too, but then she'd have no grounds for a lawsuit.

You don't need grounds to file a civil suit. The likelihood of it behind dismissed is high, and you leave yourself open to malicious prosecution, however.

One would think a law firm of repute would have access to all of this and would have ascertained whether the case had any merit.

Lawyering is one of those professions where any publicity is good publicity. The firm wont feel any backlash from the suit, and the timing of tossing this particular grenade along with the Brown link makes it seem suspicious at best.
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They all run in the same circles. Lawyers, bankers, politicians. Brown's sister is completely immaterial to the question of the lawsuit's legitimacy.
This is only surfacing now? Sounds like blackmail..

Society is so ****ed up for destroying people's credibility and lives based off of "so called" allegations. Innocent until proven guilty is a day in the past.
This is only surfacing now? Sounds like blackmail..

Society is so ****ed up for destroying people's credibility and lives based off of "so called" allegations. Innocent until proven guilty is a day in the past.
Innocent until proven guilty has never been a social standard, it's a legal standard, and even then only in Western countries.

People can, will, and should judge for themselves based on the circumstances and the information available. In this case the story fits everything we already assume about the Ford family. Do you think Wynne is innocent of anything because she's never been formally accused, let alone convicted? Or is it OK to think someone's guilty before they're accused but not after?
The latest trash from TorStar suggests Renata might have a spending problem - perhaps Bob and Doug anticipated this and organized some protection for his kids against a hapless drunken mother.

In the 24 months after Rob Ford's passing, his widow re-mortgaged their family home 3 times for a total of $780K. Blow at high dough?
Well, it ain't easy to run a business in Ontario, I'll tell you that. All that beaucracy (sp?) you have to fight to make a profit. Plus with Liberal party in power for 15 yrs, the price of hydro has gone up along with everything with it. That's exactly what the Ford's has been fighting for since day 1.

As always in Onterrible, it's not what you know it's who you know. Safe travels until the Banhammer is lifted.

Srsly what did the guy do?
The latest trash from TorStar suggests Renata might have a spending problem - perhaps Bob and Doug anticipated this and organized some protection for his kids against a hapless drunken mother.

In the 24 months after Rob Ford's passing, his widow re-mortgaged their family home 3 times for a total of $780K. Blow at high dough?

Ghetto for sale sign popped on on Renata's lawn with a phone number for one of the dodgy people from the Dixon drug den. Maybe they called in her private mortgage? Is it just a prank? Is Renata selling? Who knows anymore. Way too much drama in that family.
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