Saw today's sun headline while waiting for the doc. "Cancer thinks...blah blah rob ford". It's not a brain tumour. Cancer isn't some evil guy sitting in a fortress. It's a part of your body growing out of control, it is neither good nor evil, it just is.
It is true, the sickness itself is neither good or bad - however, sometimes
our life style is a component of the equation. And our life style can be 'good', or 'bad'.
Is crack a carcinogen? There has been talk about it for many years.
Source: USA Today -
[SIZE=+2]Could cocaine cause cancer?[/SIZE]
Aug. 16, 2000
By Mike Falcon
With medical adviser Stephen A. Shoop, M.D.
Is there a connection between cancer and cocaine? Baseball star Darryl Strawberry's second operation for colon cancer in two years - and his well-documented struggle with cocaine abuse - have reignited discussion about cocaine as a carcinogen.
On Aug. 7, the troubled former New York Yankees outfielder underwent surgery to remove a cancerous tumor near his left kidney. Doctors found no residual traces of cancer in adjacent tissue and are "optimistic for an uneventful recovery."
A 2.4-inch tumor, as well as 16 inches of surrounding intestine, had previously been removed from Strawberry's colon in October 1998.
Strawberry's cocaine problems first surfaced publicly in April 1994 when he entered the Betty Ford Clinic for 28 days. In an interview late last year, he characterized the experience as "a total waste of time."
In 1995, the talented slugger was suspended from Major League Baseball and released by the San Francisco Giants after testing positive for cocaine. In April 1999 he pleaded "no contest" to cocaine possession and was suspended once more.
After a much-heralded comeback in which he helped the Yankees win the World Series, Strawberry tested positive again last January. That prompted a third suspension, this time for a year.
Cocaine-cancer connection
Although it is impossible to say that cocaine use contributed to Strawberry's (or anyone else's) cancer, Strawberry's substance abuse history and cancer recurrence have rekindled interest in the notion that cocaine use can cause cancer.
Anecdotal stories of cocaine abuse, abnormal tissue growth, and cancer abound. But a statistically valid cause-and-effect relationship between cocaine and cancer has been hard to establish, particularly one that connects well-defined forms and dosages of cocaine abuse to specific types of malignancies.
Cocaine-as-carcinogen theories were first examined in the late 1980s when the crack cocaine epidemic spawned a wave of public health concerns. But research was inconclusive until 1990, when Dr. Herbert Rosenkranz, professor and chairman of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Graduate School of Public Health, Cornell University used computer analysis to quantify the carcinogenic effects of cocaine.
"We know that cocaine produces significant cellular changes, and we identified it as a carcinogen over a decade ago," notes Rosenkranz. "But the variables involved in linking specific amounts of cocaine, periods of usage, and factoring in individual genetic differences was well beyond what we could accomplish at that time" he says.
"We established that cocaine has an 80% probability of being carncinogenic in rodents, with an 80-85% confidence level," says Rosenkranz. The
American Journal of Surgery last year equated that to a probability of 73.6%.
In 1997, Rebecca Nelson - then a doctoral candidate at the University of Southern California School of Medicine, now a Ph.D cancer researcher at the City of Hope National Medical Center - confirmed a cocaine-cancer link by re-examining the results of a study that began in the late 1980s.
Nelson's findings, published in the December 1997 issue of the
British Journal of Cancer, showed that cocaine use was associated with an increased risk of developing non-Hodgkins lymphoma. She also established that the risk was directly tied to frequency of abuse. Those men who used cocaine nine times or more had triple the risk of non-users.
More startling, those who ingested cocaine up to just eight times had a 40% increase for developing the lymphoma. None of the subjects was HIV-positive, and control methods separated cocaine from the use of other recreational drugs.
"Of all the drugs we looked at in this study, and every time we manipulated the data in different ways, cocaine was always the one driving the analyses," says Nelson. "Of course, we also asked ourselves what could be going on under the data."
"When you're exposed to these antigens, your cells try to fight them off by multiplying and then attacking them. The more your cells divide the more there's a chance of a chromosomal error." Rosenkranz too suspects this mechanism as the likely culprit in a cocaine-cancer connection.
Nelson's findings were followed closely by four other significant studies probing the relationship between cocaine, cancer, and immune compromise. Each revealed clear causal links between the drug, the disease, and suppressed immune function which can open the door to the development of cancer.
Crack cocaine and precancerous cells - An August 1998 study in the
Journal of the National Cancer Institute demonstrated that people who smoked either crack cocaine or marijuana showed the same types of precancerous conditions caused by smoking tobacco. The researchers examined genetic markers associated with increased risk of lung cancer. Changes or overproduction of some markers were found in most study participants. Crack cocaine smokers in the study had smoked one gram or more per week for nine months or longer.
Powdered cocaine and pancreatic adenocarcinoma - A 1999 report in the
American Journal of Surgery by Brazilian researchers showed a strong relationship between chronic inhaled cocaine abuse and a type of pancreatic cancer seen most often in the elderly.
In this study, of the 13 patients under 40, "five had abused inhaled cocaine for about a decade," a statistic the AJS termed "astonishing." One other had used marijuana, while the remaining seven had no drug abuse information on their charts.
While admitting the sample was a small one, the researchers believed that "there might be a possibility that chronic cocaine exposure predisposes to the development of pancreatic adenocarcinoma," and called for more research.
Cocaine and immune competent cells - In the November 1998 issue of
Mutagenesis, researchers from the Maine Medical Center Research Institute reported direct negative effects of cocaine on four major immune competent cells - T and B lymphocytes, natural killer cells (NKC), and macrophages. A similar animal host study performed at the University of Tennessee and reported in the December 1998
International Journal of Immunopharmacology also found compromised immune functions.
Cocaine and immune system suppression - University of Illinois at Chicago researchers reported in the March 1998
Journal of Neuroimmunology that "cocaine had general suppressive effects on the mouse immune system." This echoes a 1991 report by a team of UCLA School of Medicine researchers, which noted the debilitating effects of cocaine on AIDS patients, but added: "The exact mechanisms by which cocaine facilitates this disease are yet to be proven."
"And that's still where we are in this research, for the most part," notes Rosenkranz. "We have much more research that needs to be done in determining exactly how all these factors may interrelate."
"But would I say that cocaine compromises the immune system and has a probable link to carcinogenesis?" asks the expert. "Yes."
Both Rosenkranz and Nelson note that while cocaine is carcinogenic, that does not mean an individual who has used cocaine will develop cancer. "There are many carcinogens, and many people who are exposed to them who do not develop any sort of cancer at all," emphasizes Rosenkranz. "You do want to eliminate those exposures, though."
"On a practical note, however, I doubt that the research has had - or will have - much effect on cocaine abusers," he adds. "If the short-term and very real possibility of cardiac arrest cannot deter some people from continuing addiction, I doubt that any studies demonstrating long-term increase in the risk of cancer and of the mechanisms involved are going to stop them."
For more information:
Information about colorectal cancer, including symptoms, stages, and treatment options (
Colorectal cancer: A preventable plague, Jan. 26 and
Good news for colorectal cancer victims, Jan. 27).
A concise timeline history of Darryl Strawberry's repeated challenges:
Strawberry's friend, fellow baseball star, and colorectal cancer survivor Eric Davis, fights for colorectal cancer awareness and screening:
A Doctor in Your, May 23