Roaming Rally 2016

Take parts off my bike? ***** can try...I sleep with one eye open :)
And a syphon in one hand! Lol

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That is why he is trying to sell us these hammocks so bad. He wants us to sleep real good to do his business

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No worries there. I've done the Corduroy Enduro, "Canada's Toughest Race" twice. Sleeping soundly is never a problem after two days like that. I doubt the Roaming Rally is any different.
Saturday night at the Cord you could've started up my 2 stroke outside my tent and rode away, I wouldn't have heard it.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
LOL :)

not it trying to push hammocks onto anyone. To be honest, they're very good but not for everyone and I'm not convinced they offer a better sleep than the traditional tent approach but they are compact and light and one way to avoid having to find a proper clearing for your tent when wild camping. I have a neighbour who used to sell camping equipment years ago and when I told him I was considering getting a hammock, he said that I either better be totally exhausted or stoned out of my mind to enjoy a full night in a hammock :)

That is why he is trying to sell us these hammocks so bad. He wants us to sleep real good to do his business

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Dacre and Corduroy are both on my list for this year. I've got to be a bit careful though as I'm currently planning to race the Baja Moto Rally in October and I had knee surgery this past June. My knee isn't totally quite right and I've got to figure out if I'll need some more surgical tweaking or additional physic for it - it might impact how much I can actually do prior to October if I want to be able to actually go. But there are lots of rides and races to choose from:
Orange Crush in quebec
Magnum Opus in Michigan
Sandblast Rally in South Carolina
Rockhound Rally

if all goes as planned, I'll work nonstop through June and then take time off until end of October - just ride my butt off all summer long...

No worries there. I've done the Corduroy Enduro, "Canada's Toughest Race" twice. Sleeping soundly is never a problem after two days like that. I doubt the Roaming Rally is any different.
Saturday night at the Cord you could've started up my 2 stroke outside my tent and rode away, I wouldn't have heard it.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk
LOL :)

not it trying to push hammocks onto anyone. To be honest, they're very good but not for everyone and I'm not convinced they offer a better sleep than the traditional tent approach but they are compact and light and one way to avoid having to find a proper clearing for your tent when wild camping. I have a neighbour who used to sell camping equipment years ago and when I told him I was considering getting a hammock, he said that I either better be totally exhausted or stoned out of my mind to enjoy a full night in a hammock :)

They do look really cool. I guess it comes down to personal preferences. Not sure about the ones with bottom opening. Id probably be the one guy falling off during the night. More thinking to do. I'm not usually going to bed high so maybe the tent option will be better for me. I showed my wife the essay you did over the weekend and all she could think to tell me was "you read all that??" Lol.

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In my experience, you'll never be happy with just a hammock so do both :) and yes, I avoid the bottom opening ones. To me, that seems as logical as pissing into the wind.

im surprised your wife didn't say "someone wrote all that?" :)
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