The children, aged five and 3 months were treated for glass shards that struck their faces and eyes.
Read more: http://www.cp24.com/news/driver-kid...t-of-road-rage-police-1.1905287#ixzz3700VJU9C
What a ****en wanker...
I was ****** off yesterday because it was reported that the kids were hurt.. sounds like they were ok.
I found this (In all places the SUN!) . Goes to show the big variation in media reports...
"Hills on Monday just after 10 a.m. when a black Ford Ranger pickup truck came baring down on them from behind and began tailgating them, the driver apparently wanting to pass, Det.-Sgt. Nick Milinovich said.
The slower vehicle was not moving fast enough for the driver of the pickup and there was “an exchange” between people in the two vehicles, with the pickup following the family’s vehicle “too closely” for a short period of time, he said.
When the highway turned into two eastbound lanes, the family’s vehicle went to the right to let the truck pass, but the pickup driver did the same in an attempt to pass the family’s car on the right, Milinovich said. The pickup then jerked into the left lane and proceeded to pass the family’s vehicle.
But while passing, the driver of the pickup hurled a heavy, hand-sized “steel block” through his own open passenger window and sent it smashing through the half-open driver’s-side window of the family’s vehicle, police alleged.
The pickup allegedly sped off but not before the man and woman in the car were able to note the plate number.
The woman driver of the family car suffered a scrape and bruising to her back from being hit with the piece of steel, and the two children — a five-year-old and three-month-old — were hit with shards of broken glass. Both kids were examined by EMS but were not injured, Milinovich said."
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