RIP Rider at Mosport

Wow ... this was another Pro 6 Cycle day.

My condolences to the family of the rider involved, and I wish the best to the Pro 6 Cycle crowd after what they've been through lately, also.
RIP to the rider and prayers to the family.

A tough year for the Pro6 team...
R.I.P Rider.

I was there on Mon and Tue. Pro 6 staff were very thorough about the safety at each rider's meeting and pull any first timers for 2nd meeting for additional talks. Mosport is the second fastest track in North America... they repeated that fact. It is very rewarding track but can be unforgiven. I personally experienced nasty crash last year at Mosport.(fractures my knee)

P.S. Heard the crash was happened in the Red group.(Fastest group)
We were there Monday and I know a previous rider had posted that Pro6 had been thourough with their safety and I agree they are amazing and I am sorry to hear that this has happened again at another one of their days. R.I.P. to the rider and my condolances to the friends and family.
hugs and thoughts to the family of the fallen rider
R.I.P Rider and condolences to family and friends.
Sad news every time I read, wow.
dang... RIP Rider
Very sad to hear. RIP rider, condolences to the family.
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