Riot in Vancouver

I don;t get it, they lost and destroyed their own city. Idiots I say.

Its like they had a bad day at work and come home to destroy everything in sight
Never underestimate the power of a few very stupid people in a large crowd.
It really has nothing to do with the game outcome or the particular city. It's mob mentality run amok, and it takes very little to spark this kind of behaviour. It's really pathetic how susceptible human beings become in large crowds.

It's still embarrassing, either way. At least we don't have to feel bad about G20 anymore.
This had more to do with the real estate bubble and crap economy than the playoffs I bet.
I thought they hated Toronto? Wow they hate themselves more what does that say???? When the Leafs DO yes I said DO win the cup I have my cinder block ready to help obtain a new tv to celebrate on Younge street before the whole downtown core disappears from site and never to be seen again in our life times.
Welcome to VanRock, welcome to VanRock
Out in the streets, they say the Canucks got murdered!
From what I hear (and I mostly believe it) it's not the hockey fans that are rioting (a bunch of the fans wearing jerseys were saying how it makes them look bad) but just hooligans. I mean if you watch the video its just a bunch of teens and young adults wrapping their faces up with shirts smashing things. You'd think that having them do it on video allows the police to press charges but they don't seem to do much save for the occasional beat-down.

It sucks to live in a city that riots though, think of all those small shop owners. I would grab a bunch of friends and stand in my shop with baseball bats and intimidating items lol. but yes, shameful to see, police shoulda brought out the beanie shotties.

I read somewhere a shop owner actually forced the crowd back using fire extinguishers.
I am not buying the small number of troublemakers talk. From the video footage it was a huge number with lots of people standing around egging them on. So it is shame for the ENTIRE city. Standing around watching is just stupid, for you own safety but more importantly the large crowd makes it hard for the cops to grab the perps.

Now it is up to the people of Vancouver to send in all the pictures they took and the names of anyone they know or recognize. Step up and show you are not all like this, can't be too hard to do.
What is even more disgusting is that this happened after all the crap that went down in montreal last year and the national embarrasment that that caused. People who do stuff like this because of mob mentality make me sick. I wish mob mentaility would have had them kill themselves instead of contributing to the social problems now associated with hockey. People trash their own city over hockey but lay down and take it when you get fcuked by corporations and government every day. The american's don't even do this type of thing.

It's only a matter of time before toronto burns too. Though ottawa, edmonton, calgary, winnipeg and probably quebec city will go first.
What is even more disgusting is that this happened after all the crap that went down in montreal last year and the national embarrasment that that caused. People who do stuff like this because of mob mentality make me sick. I wish mob mentaility would have had them kill themselves instead of contributing to the social problems now associated with hockey. People trash their own city over hockey but lay down and take it when you get fcuked by corporations and government every day. The american's don't even do this type of thing.

It's only a matter of time before toronto burns too. Though ottawa, edmonton, calgary, winnipeg and probably quebec city will go first.

Wrong. Every country seems to do it over baseball, soccer, football and it doesn't matter if the host team wins or loses. This had nothing to do with Vancouver losing. Yes it would happen here too (Unlikely with hockey)
The worst part of this riot is that there are videos being leaked of bystanders trying to stop the looting, and they are then ganged up on and beaten.

None of these people are going to get any serious time either. Absolute slime.
i like the one video of a kid hitting a store window with a bat or something, and some bystander just takes a run at the kid and tackles him...yup, the fans failed way more than the team did...i felt bad for the guy that got swarmed though...totally uncalled for...dumbass mob mentality...
police shoulda brought out the beanie shotties.

I haven't seen them used rubber bullets! They didn;t even let the dogs go, lol. They were just posing with the dogs

They should've bring the G20 cops there, lol
Yeah I never understood rioters that damaged cars, nearby shops, city material...they are completely irrelevant to the outcome of the game!
But to a beer drunk 18 yr old that makes perfect sense.

You have to hand it to the hundreds volunteers that came downtown early and started cleaning up the mess before they went to work, one item I read said the mayor came downtown for his photo opp/outrage media event, but the streets looked pretty good by then.
I haven't seen them used rubber bullets! They didn;t even let the dogs go, lol. They were just posing with the dogs

They should've bring the G20 cops there, lol

Some of them were G20 cops. Remember G20 cops came from all over the country
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