Riding on the HOV vs normal lanes.

We have very little enforcement on 400 series highways and the people who tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, hog the left lane or the HOV lane and move in and out of the HOV lane at the wrong place know this.

Using the HOV lane as an example AI can assess the relative speed of traffic in the HOV vs. the left lane. If a vehicle in the HOV lane is moving slower than the left lane for a certain distance then you record the license plate and mail the vehicle owner a ticket. 1st offence a warning, second a fine, with escalating fines for continued infractions. Another example would be car moving to / from HOV across solid white line. Mail the vehicle owner a ticket. 1st offence a fine, with escalating fines for continued infractions.

How many tickets would a car owner have to receive for these type of infractions before they changed their behavior? An AI system could do this at relatively little cost. If a ticket is issued in error, then fight it in court as you would normally do, but if the AI algorithm parameters are properly set up there would be few disputed tickets.
While it would cost a fortune to install all of the cameras, you don't even need AI to deal with crossing the line. Use the line as a trigger just like red light cameras. It keeps images before during and after line crossing as well as the plate. Person looks to make sure it is reasonable (eg a lane change across the line vs collision avoidance) and then sends out the ticket. Given the cost of government projects, this could only happen at a few locations (likely leading up to bridges) as covering entire line would cost billions.
Using the HOV lane as an example AI can assess the relative speed of traffic in the HOV vs. the left lane. If a vehicle in the HOV lane is moving slower than the left lane for a certain distance then you record the license plate and mail the vehicle owner a ticket. 1st offence a warning, second a fine, with escalating fines for continued infractions. Another example would be car moving to / from HOV across solid white line. Mail the vehicle owner a ticket. 1st offence a fine, with escalating fines for continued infractions.

From what I've heard, the Canadian govt's Tech projects are generally tied with delays, scams and scandals. But yeah, if done right, then it's great. Camera at entry/exit point to catch and tally all entries with exits should do the trick.
Define "Aggressive driving" in a form that wouldn't get shredded in court and you have a start to getting the idiots off the road. Until then the only answer is a flip plate, skilled passenger and a Glock.
While it would cost a fortune to install all of the cameras...................

We already have the Compass system on a number of 400 series highways and at a regular camera replacement interval purchase high resolution cameras capable of capturing a license plate number. Or set up a trial in an area of the 401. Or contract out to private sector and pay for system through fines generated. Lots of options vs. doing nothing.

Problem is, of course, that just about everything the government touches turns to s..... We have passport issues, CRA can't manage COVID payment issues, submarines spend 95% of the time in drydock, tanks that don't run, subways and LRT's projects that are years behind schedule and double, triple original cost. I'd be challenged to name a government program / project that runs well or is on time, on budget and where the finished product / service works as intended. Compounding this, there is just about zero accountability in government. No consequences when you screw up.
We already have the Compass system on a number of 400 series highways and at a regular camera replacement interval purchase high resolution cameras capable of capturing a license plate number. Or set up a trial in an area of the 401. Or contract out to private sector and pay for system through fines generated. Lots of options vs. doing nothing.

Problem is, of course, that just about everything the government touches turns to s..... We have passport issues, CRA can't manage COVID payment issues, submarines spend 95% of the time in drydock, tanks that don't run, subways and LRT's projects that are years behind schedule and double, triple original cost. I'd be challenged to name a government program / project that runs well or is on time, on budget and where the finished product / service works as intended. Compounding this, there is just about zero accountability in government. No consequences when you screw up.
A program similar to speed cameras seems viable. Hang them off the edge of bridges (hard for people to screw with them) and give camera company 30% of ticket revenue. Not 100% coverage but some locations and most drivers are too dumb to figure out which locations.
We already have the Compass system on a number of 400 series highways and at a regular camera replacement interval purchase high resolution cameras capable of capturing a license plate number. Or set up a trial in an area of the 401. Or contract out to private sector and pay for system through fines generated. Lots of options vs. doing nothing.

Problem is, of course, that just about everything the government touches turns to s..... We have passport issues, CRA can't manage COVID payment issues, submarines spend 95% of the time in drydock, tanks that don't run, subways and LRT's projects that are years behind schedule and double, triple original cost. I'd be challenged to name a government program / project that runs well or is on time, on budget and where the finished product / service works as intended. Compounding this, there is just about zero accountability in government. No consequences when you screw up.
They aren't even ashamed of it. It's like a drunk bragging about throwing up.
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