Riding home a non satisfied bike?


Well-known member
Say you found a killer deal, you go to check it out, it looks good, sounds good, heck you even ride it around the block and everything seems to be in good working order, but no safety(perhaps lazy or cheap owner) do you ride it back to your place approx 2-300 kms?(as good deals in GTA are rare)

yay? nay?

Have you ever done it?
It is really, really not advisable for the previous owner to allow you to rely on their insurance (and license plate and everything else), because that's what would be happening if you rode the bike before the ownership, licensing, and insurance were switched over to your name.
right, i get stupid when i see nice and shiny stuff
Say you found a killer deal, you go to check it out, it looks good, sounds good, heck you even ride it around the block and everything seems to be in good working order, but no safety(perhaps lazy or cheap owner) do you ride it back to your place approx 2-300 kms?(as good deals in GTA are rare)

yay? nay?

Have you ever done it?

lack of a safety is not a big concern for me
if I could get an insurance binder from my broker I'd do it
but without insurance, not a chance
If it's listed as "UNFIT" under the previous owner then you could get nailed with operating an unfit/unsafe vehicle if caught, not to mention the charges for having the wrong plate on it from another bike, which in themselves are not a small charge IIRC.

Insurance..absolutely. I wouldn't even leave his driveway without it. Fines are HUGE.

Then again, if you have insurance, and it's registered as FIT under the current owner, you're only a few dollars away from just getting a temp plate from the nearest service Ontario and riding it home entirely legally at that point anyways, so why wouldn't you?
I've never seen a deal that I couldn't walk away from.

I've also never ridden a bike home as purchasing it.

It's always gone in the back of a truck.
Then had a thorough going over, adjustment and a few short test rides, before going on a regular ride.
If it's listed as "UNFIT" under the previous owner then you could get nailed with operating an unfit/unsafe vehicle if caught, not to mention the charges for having the wrong plate on it from another bike, which in themselves are not a small charge IIRC.

Insurance..absolutely. I wouldn't even leave his driveway without it. Fines are HUGE.

Then again, if you have insurance, and it's registered as FIT under the current owner, you're only a few dollars away from just getting a temp plate from the nearest service Ontario and riding it home entirely legally at that point anyways, so why wouldn't you?

Didnt know that was an option, if you really are serious about buying it, you can get insurance for it beforehand?
I've done it.
Get the VIN, call your insurance company and set up a policy. Go to the nearest licensing office and get a 10 day temp. Everything is legal and above-board.
If you've ridden the bike, looked it over and it all seems good, go for it.
Bring your own plate if you have to do it. Then it's on you, not the previous owner. I would never let a stranger ride a bike with my plates on it.

If you bought an identical model to your current and give the ins. co the VIN and take your own plate.... ;)
A friend of a friend of mine rides all his newly purchased used bikes home with his old plate. Not me though I'd never do it. ?

Current: 2000 VFR800

Past: 2001 ZX12 | 1998 ZX7 | 1998 ZG1000 | 1992 VFR400 | 1992 CBR250RR
To keep my bike satisfied I give it shell premium and synthetic oil and ride the snot out of it to keep me satisfied. Happy camp:D
"Safetied" people not "satisfied", lol.
Didnt know that was an option, if you really are serious about buying it, you can get insurance for it beforehand?

Yes. Call insurance company, give them VIN, get (if you're insurance company is a good one) temporary liability slip via email in about 10 minutes, and you're go to the Service Ontario and get a temp.

Just make sure to not change the ownership beforehand - if you transfer it into your name before you have a safety it will be re-registered as "UNFIT", and unfit is not eligible for temp permits.
I take my plate with me when I buy a bike and just stuck it on and ride the new bike home. I've done this at least 10 times. Bit risky but saves a lot of hassle.

And please don't lecture me on the risks, I know them.
I've done it with my last two bikes. Got insurance and temp sticker and rode them home. One before that the guy left his plate on and asked me to mail it back to him. His comment was - what's the worst you're going to do? Take the 407?
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