Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

Wordle in SIX!!!! :( barely.
Hoping to hit Daintree Village Hotel for an emu, roo and croc meat feast for lunch.

Mid 20s all day, cloudy which is fine. 220km round trip but long break for lunch
Noraly back in her happy place wandering a desert. Surprised she did not cover her hair :unsure:
Pretty impressed she lifted the bike upright fully loaded. I guess she's learned to travel lighter over the years. She's not getting any younger.
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Rode all the way up the James Cook to Daintree Village getting soaked along the way in pursuit of an emu, croc, roo feast only to learn the floods to the south killed their supply :(
Decent ride tho. Pacific was remarkably flat as wind from the northwest blowing offshore.
Made for a quiet ride home and actually got 400 km range with 3L reserve left.
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Got pretty wet on the way up - was partly dry when I got home. Was clearing and sun trying to come out when I got home.
Felt good to be out.
Forgot my padded shorts but did not seem to matter. Throttle lock is not holding, however it helps resist the strong return spring so easier on my neck.
Thought about a deflector on the windscreen but decided against. Very little turbulence.
Getting the proper grips and cramp busters on both sides was a big help.
Need to reset the time on the bike.
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Finding Marcs ride in China very interesting.
Impressed with the move to EV and quiet cities. Excellent roads.
Way too much surveillance. One of those series happy to watch, not be there,

Ditto India for different reasons
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Finally got out long enough to get the spare key sorted.
Geez, $80 for a chipped Honda keyblank, $20 to have it cut to match the main key, $80 to have it coded. Just for a spare key to run the bike.
At least the dealer threw in a chain lube for free.

The next few days are all rideable finally. Time to get comfortable with the new helmet. There is an annoying whistle with the visor up I'll have to track down.
Think I'm okay with the footpegs for now. Riding gear smelling pretty musty after getting soaked on Monday. At least the sun is trying.
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The flooded towns to the south of us will welcome the break.
Not likely riding today but tomorrow looking very good.
Actually looking okay for a ride but I also want my jacket and riding pants to dry from the soaking earlier in the week.
They were pretty ripe riding in them to get the key sorted. Good thing with the tropics in the summer when the sun is out it's a seriously good dryer.
Pants more critical to dry as have spare Joe Rocket mesh jacket to use.
I could use the the Rev'it pants due for replacement...just not sure what to do with those.
Lifetime warranty but same failure twice now.
I have the correct size but something with my physiognomy puts pressure on the seam.
If I order a size up I can only get in black and I'll swim in them which is the same situation with my Airglides. 🤪
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Warm and muggy night. 25.4 fells like 32. Too many flying ants about being annoying. Attracted to the laptop screen so easy to knock off but just annoying.
I get to pick up a free electric blanket today ...someone moved from down south and thinks they don't need it. When it's 13 and no heat in the house it comes in really handy. :D
No rain forecast so will get in a good ride. √
A very short ride. 🥵🥵🥵
33 °C
Feels Like: 41 °C 😱
Forecast: 35 / 24 °C
Wind: 20 km/h ↑ from Northwest
and we are under a heat warning.

Got the blanket - not without a few u turns - glad I did not go last evening...the driveway was non- starter for Ontario - steep, awkward cambers even on the steep street...moneyed class neighbourhood - nightmare when flooding happens.

Got the laptop back not fixed but out of the looping- glad I have the Air.
Need to sort out a phone mount tho it is okay using voice nav.
Can't use the plastic window on the tank bag - will destroy the phone.
Lovely mid 20s and dry at 1 am after a cleansing T-Storm
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need to get out early as it's into the 30s by 10 am. If I go up the Gillies then will be cooler on the Tablelands. First time on the Gillies on the CB500F.
Got the Atlas throttlelock working a bit better to relieve my right hand getting numb. Not sure it will hold at speed but reduces the return spring pressure.
German buddy wants a ride tomorrow ....maybe Kuranda or go up further. 🍿
Cooler in Mareeba today
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Lovely ride up the Gillies to Millaa Millaa.
was overcast in Cairns but nice and sunny. 27c.
$10 wraps turned to $13.50 - $4.50 flat white to $6 - good feed tho. Thanks to Ozempic will take half home.

might drop by the falls
have gone swimming there
Looking like proper sports tourer now - marginal photo too far away.

Time to start bringing the camera gear with me.

Each 200 km ride will be $10 in fuel and $20 for lunch tho can do better on the food at Jacks.
$10 for two brekkie rolls and a flat white. or
With the brekkie rolls I can take one home for later.
Hard to beat for value and I can still kick back and read. That brings the ride down to $20 - reasonable.

Only noon so will ride back via southern route. Bit longer but relaxing ride and wind behind me on the coast. Good audio book on the go too. A Beautiful Mind about John Nash

Hot back down on the coast...giant banana milkshake for $5.80 a worthwile break at Babinda....brainfreeze time.



38.0°C 🥵
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Supposed to leave at 6.30 am. Now 8.05 am and for whatever reason the riding buddy is bailing as it is crazy wind where he is 20 min away ....dunno but not too fussed....happy to go back to bed.
Going to 35 real today...already 28 at 8 am.
Someone wanted to come to see the CB500F at 10 am so I'm good.
No show on the CB500F visit. It's a noob girl wants the lower seat height - wonder if the bike is okay for her.
Seat height should be ...she's 5' 6" but wonder about the weight. Her call. I'm fixed on my asking $4900 so 🍿

32 feels like 37 at 10am 🤪 Going to hide in the a/c room most of the day. Was even too warm at midnight last night. WIsh sometimes I was still riding at night but my night vision is lessened according to last vision test tho still 20/20 otherwise.
Not too concerned about critters at night on the coast tho have seen a few dead wild pigs and that would be a come off event hitting one of those.
this was just up the road
FFS...wanna ride.. 🤬
I'm melting instead

Scored an earlyApple watch for $60. Think useful riding getting mssg and email.
Also it has 02 sensor which is useful to me.
  • Compass.
  • Always-on altimeter.
  • Water resistant. 50 meters1
  • Blood oxygen sensor. (Blood Oxygen app)2
  • Electrical heart sensor. (ECG app)3
  • Third-generation optical heart sensor.
  • International emergency calling
    • Emergency SOS4
    • Accelerometer
      • up to 32 g-forces with fall detection
    • Gyroscope
    • Ambient light sensor
    • Speaker
    • Microphone
    • Apple Pay
    • GymKit
    • Capacity 32GB
    • Ceramic and sapphire crystal back
Lotsa tech to play with for $60 :)

Slick interface...push button to turn on - bring near phone and it sets itself up
Screen is very bright OLED and easy to read. Should prove useful. Battery can be replaced as can the screen but likely will not
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Not succeeding with the watch :( ... have a buddy.
Temperatures much more civilized, dryer and slightly lower.
Tomorrow a rain rain but Thursday looking good.
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Noraly playing in mud puddles in the desert ????!!! Next episode will be interesting.

Should be out riding as decent day but waiting on lunch info from former riding partner. 🍿Spotty intense showers rolling through and I'm on somewhat deficient sleep - self inflicted.
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Shoulda stayed home. Went the wrong direction - which was okay since it confirmed I needed to return the helmet.
Then got to meetup and no one there.
Headed home.
Protein shake for lunch...how exciting. Reloaded for tomorrow.
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5.30 am
sigh - little sleep ...made a toasted cheese sandwich a new way. Used the shredded cheese we use on pizza ands my precious no stick fry pan that never sees detergent.
Pretty yummy going from frozen bread. Was crispy on the edges thanks to the mayo I put on the fry side.

Had it with baby sweet pickles,,,, :shiver:

Back to book A Piece of Red Cloth about arnheim land history etc...fiction, mysterious and engaging.
In the 1600s, a Yolŋu girl was kidnapped from an Australian beach. Centuries later her story is a novel
Based on a story from pre-colonial Australia, A Piece of Red Cloth is a pioneering, ‘real collaboration’ between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal storytellers

When she was a girl, one of Merrkiyawuy Ganambarr-Stubbs’ grandmothers was kidnapped from the coast of Arnhem Land by foreign traders.

“My grandmother’s sister used to tell me that they went down and saw the footprints of her little sister in the mud, and [the prints of] shoes,” the Yolŋu elder recalls. “And they figured out that the prau [sailing boat] had taken her – because the prau was there, and then suddenly it wasn’t.”

Got a solid 4 hours and a deal on a bacon deluxe for brunch for $7 with a diet coke which did NOT look like this but was pretty good.

They threw in fries which was not in the deal but the dog will love.

Lovely day out.
Ugh ....wading my way through Australian Citizenship application. Lucky my parents were homebodies - had a hard time recalling mums bday etc. At 77 some of these details are tattered in my memory.
Kids bdays okay - sisters details very foggy.
Worst one so far is travel for the last 10 years 🤪
I might recall where but duration and dates will be a tedious struggle.
Trawling email and calendar will take time as I had at least 5 months of travel each year. Gonna be a family effort.
I guess my photo albums will help a bunch.

Off to collect my $60 Apple Watch at lunch. :giggle:Looking forward to it...some things I need.
Fall alert a big item.
Medicines reminder useful.
GPS on my wrist since don't have working phone holder. Also email and message alerts I can see.
Other health things. 🍿
Note to self - don't sit on the loo until my feet go numb playing with watch.

Pretty damp ride but working watch and good lunch with smoothie
Was not supposed to rain today. :unsure:
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Had ride planned for today - showers kept rolling through. No joy.
Cyclone not far but heading away.
Tropical Cyclone Alfred has formed about 840 kilometres north-east of Cairns off the Queensland coast.

The system is predicted to move further offshore before potentially turning towards the coast.
IF it comes ashore would be south of us.
It is still kicking up winds tho. 40 knot gusts tomorrow

Enjoying my new toy.
44 mm face, GPS and cellular $60. Still a big learning curve. :D
Got the fall alert set up useful both at home and riding.
Got love rich folks selling their cast off tech for cheap.

Apple Watch Fall Detection​

The Apple Watch's fall detection feature is designed to alert users if it detects a hard fall. When the watch senses a fall, it will "tap" the wearer on the wrist with a vibrating buzz, sound an alarm, and show an alert on the screen asking if the user is okay. The user can then choose to connect to emergency services or dismiss the alert by pressing the "digital crown" button on the side of the watch. If the watch senses the person is not moving, it will begin a 60-second countdown to call emergency services and provide the user's location using its GPS system.
some cool stories
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Having the kickstarter saves Noraly again. The slightly larger screen on the MacBook Air brings her view alive.
She was beat after that adventure.
"She gets by with a little help from her friends." 🎶
Off to cheap brekkie deal and a ride up the the coast tho maybe I should go south into the lighter winds in the morning.
Sun just coming up
Got caught up in this restoration - very impressive woodwork (y)

Nice start to the day. Have a new fav breakfast for $3.50
Good protein lower on carbs and cheaper. Tasty too and with a free latte.
26 gm protein with 35 gm carbs. √ ( lasted me all day to supper - I'm down to 107 kg from 132 as Ozempic works its magic )
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More completely set up on the bike - spare this or that. Forgot the camera but will use the phone for the moment. Not quite the time of year for birding.
Spare meds, extra water in the top case, snack in the tank bag and spare clear glasses for rain events. Spare cable for charging whatever tho the MacBook AIr has a big battery so can do phone, watch charging with lots to spare.
Getting to thinking this is the forever bike given my horizon for riding. Think it's 85 for mandatory tests ....never have had to do one....always grandfathered in. I like the looks, the seat height and the power mix. Never any drama.
Nice to be able to leave the aging laptop at home and safe from the vicissitudes of dwelling in the topcase on rides. The Air is lighter and not subject to overheating. ( WRONG) Twice the power, no fan and insane battery life plus lighter. Lots of improvement over 7 years tho still not fond of the latest MacOS version ...some things are okay - some things annoying but really had no choice but to move forward.
Certainly a nice fit with the Apple Watch tho that is mostly through the phone.
Will be happy when they allow phone Apps to open on the Mac.
Might be there already.
Good ride 205 km loop - was very hot in the sun - pulled over for a break at Julatten and stupidly sat in the sun - reverted to being Canadian.
Laptop overheated for the first time and shut down for a few min.
Moved myself and the bike into the shade I should done in the first place. - it got to 32 today in the shade so doubly dumb but breeze was lovely and very low humidity.
Watch kept going til later in the arvo but no way I can use it without stopping with my HWK jacket...cannot get it in view.
Will try with the Joe Rocket tomorrow. I suspect I cannot get it bright enough either in the sun.
Bachelorhood over on Wednesday - kids back from Japan- pizza to celebrate. We get Dr Oetker spinach thin crust and then add shrooms, tomatoes, more cheese and fake lamb ( reallly good ).

Quite remarkable the taste and texture of the fake lamb....even gets stuck in your teeth and browns up well. We like the mince, the fake chicken tenders ( three variations ).
The fake chicken tenders make for a tasty sandwich...crunchy coating,
So one $6.50 package makes 4 sandwiches and fast to cook. 1 min in microwave to thaw then a couple minutes in a hot frying pan to crisp up.
11 GM protein per tender. A chicken tender is 18 gm. I used to like buying KFC tenders the 9 for $9.99 deal ....did me for a few days.
Inflation now makes it 3 for $11.99.....fugedaboud it.
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