Having the kickstarter saves Noraly again. The slightly larger screen on the MacBook Air brings her view alive.
She was beat after that adventure.
"She gets by with a little help from her friends." 
Off to cheap brekkie deal and a ride up the the coast tho maybe I should go south into the lighter winds in the morning.
Sun just coming up
Got caught up in this restoration - very impressive woodwork
Nice start to the day. Have a new fav breakfast for $3.50
Good protein lower on carbs and cheaper. Tasty too and with a free latte.
26 gm protein with 35 gm carbs. √ ( lasted me all day to supper - I'm down to 107 kg from 132 as Ozempic works its magic )

More completely set up on the bike - spare this or that. Forgot the camera but will use the phone for the moment. Not quite the time of year for birding.
Spare meds, extra water in the top case, snack in the tank bag and spare clear glasses for rain events. Spare cable for charging whatever tho the MacBook AIr has a big battery so can do phone, watch charging with lots to spare.
Getting to thinking this is the forever bike given my horizon for riding. Think it's 85 for mandatory tests ....never have had to do one....always grandfathered in. I like the looks, the seat height and the power mix. Never any drama.

Nice to be able to leave the aging laptop at home and safe from the vicissitudes of dwelling in the topcase on rides. The Air is lighter and not subject to overheating. ( WRONG) Twice the power, no fan and insane battery life plus lighter. Lots of improvement over 7 years tho still not fond of the latest MacOS version ...some things are okay - some things annoying but really had no choice but to move forward.
Certainly a nice fit with the Apple Watch tho that is mostly through the phone.
Will be happy when they allow phone Apps to open on the Mac.
Might be there already.
Good ride 205 km loop - was very hot in the sun - pulled over for a break at Julatten and stupidly sat in the sun - reverted to being Canadian.
Laptop overheated for the first time and shut down for a few min.
Moved myself and the bike into the shade I should done in the first place. - it got to 32 today in the shade so doubly dumb but breeze was lovely and very low humidity.
Watch kept going til later in the arvo but no way I can use it without stopping with my HWK jacket...cannot get it in view.
Will try with the Joe Rocket tomorrow. I suspect I cannot get it bright enough either in the sun.
Bachelorhood over on Wednesday - kids back from Japan- pizza to celebrate. We get Dr Oetker spinach thin crust and then add shrooms, tomatoes, more cheese and fake lamb ( reallly good ).
Quite remarkable the taste and texture of the fake lamb....even gets stuck in your teeth and browns up well. We like the mince, the fake chicken tenders ( three variations ).
The fake chicken tenders make for a tasty sandwich...crunchy coating,
So one $6.50 package makes 4 sandwiches and fast to cook. 1 min in microwave to thaw then a couple minutes in a hot frying pan to crisp up.
11 GM protein per tender. A chicken tender is 18 gm. I used to like buying KFC tenders the 9 for $9.99 deal ....did me for a few days.
Inflation now makes it 3 for $11.99.....fugedaboud it.