Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

@MacDoc you have to watch this episode if you haven't already...it's the latest one...

Although fun to watch. It's frustrating to watch her struggle with the junk tires she had to buy in the previous third world country. A decent set of tires would have been a completely different story. Oh, and better suspension on that Honda pogo bike.
i'll to it in order. i'm only a couple away - meanwhile a perfect day

tropical breeds do well here - these are Brahmins...Noraly shooed lots away in India but regular milking breeds do fine on the Tablelands as well - it's the only successful tropical dairy region apparently ...so the local propaganda goes
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almost worth a swim today but too chilly
all those days of rain topped up the source clearly.
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Damn Noraly sure can ride sand hilarious crazy toboanning down a volcano √...
Caught up with her videos ...
Nother nice day tomorrow.
This guy looks okay too

Charly Sinewan - he's personable but not up to Noraly ..camping eary on, big bike and lots of gear very small tent. Music is okay ...early on his video quality not so good
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we'll see. 🍿 Million subscribers and 10 years - switched up to his latest. Better video - bigbike still tho 800 not so bad ....and much more off road oriented especially rubber.
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Really enjoyed his combined video with Noraly
- there is some real affection and laughter between for their simliar life styles and the road less travelled.
If anything he's crazier than her given the weight of his bike and gear.
Going down that railway track was insane.....and the poor French guy that decided to be a fellow traveller briefly
Charlie falls a lot o_O
Loses things, but makes me laugh at times. Watching on the 55" is easier as can read the subtitles easier.

Trying to sort a playlist for Kinga.
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Short ride to the Esplanade
Trying to figure out best way to swim, bird watch ...both types :rolleyes: and take/wear minimal gear.
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lots of homo sapien version....not much avian - wrong time of day and was just testing the big lens at short range and goofy dove kept waddling closer inside the shortest range.
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Some crustacean activity in the mudflats - long lens useful without getting muddy

and the tourists are back
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The Esplanade is a very well conceived and executed city asset
A long board walk and green corridor offers the lagoon, free gas barbeque, loads of tables in and out of shelter and shade,
exercise machines, bike and pedestrian paths ( separated ) terrific kids water play area
It fronts loads of resturants and accommodations that do not infringe on the waterfront park....they are across the street.
It's simply a treat and I don't spend enough time there. a 7 minute ride for me. My pic from a few years back. ( 2013 )
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Lorakeets hang out in droves,
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and fruit bats - nice to see them take off at dusk for the rain forest. Big critters and even saw a sea eagle stalking one in downtown Cairns for a quick lunch ( have to locate that photo )
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Forgot ...free if limited Wifi too...back packers delight.
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Got snagged for housework today. Relocated motorcycle gear out of sight but actually closer to outside so fine. Keep partner happy ( she fully approves of my riding ) and she's only back from mon care for 2 days. Lots of good weather coming.

Getting used to this guy ...certainly goes where I will never but I find it interesting - occasionally dismaying.
Finally got out and a very nice 211 km out to Palmer RIver by 10.30 via the Rex which as a fun uphill set of twists
Likely home the same way ...not sure
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Bike tires are up high 32 F 36 rear after the run and got terrific mileage with the light wind behind me.

Had a soso corned beef sandwich - cuz I cheap. should have sprung for the steak which has a reputation.
Apostle birds still hanging around for free bread.
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They snuggle up all in a row on the branch - hence the name.

almost forgot - one of the few times I wished I had a video cam rolling…came up a twisty hill and surprised two wedge tails on a road kill and one flew along right in front of me at head level for a few meters and looked back at me. Was very cool to see his eye that close and gorgeous feathers. They are very big birds... here is one hauling away a fox kit.( Not my photo )
You gotta feel sorry for the poor confused baby fox... a painful once in a lifetime ride in the air followed by ......

Wedge-tailed Eagle taking a young live red fox in Western Australia (Photo with permission: Scott Bell – Lake Varley WA
Got the evil eye from it for disturbing breakfast. I have a shot of a sea eagle harrassing a wedgetail somewhere. Sea eagles aggressive and very dressy all in white and black.
Here is the one stalking lunch on flying foxes in downtown Cairns
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440 km ...longest ride in a while, a near miss on running out of fuel. The little station I finally found had no EPTOS and I only had $14 cash which was fine. The headwind made a difference - thought I was making it nearer to home.
Good ride and not too trashed.
Couple extra photos from the Gx7 -
Teased out a good photo in a cluttered field of view. I will figure out its name soon.
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a lovely shag bark gum. One of my fav Aus trees...I just love the variety and colour of the gums.
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Delayed reaction to that ride ...woke up stiff today. It's raining anyway and panadol has resolved the aches.
Charlie made me laugh...I'd guess not a few would identify

2 min of pure kamakazi.
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Following on from the Palmer River run

The gold fields north of Cairns are littered with decaying machines from the gold era
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and there are failed towns too.
That said there are still prospectors in the area, one place we stopped in had scored big 2 decades ago with a huge nugget that paid for a fair bit of his property. A very open tin house next to permanent water in a lovely billabong.
Can't get there any more as CB300F not suitable.
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Miss seeing wildlife this heavily muscled roo peering out of the foliage..
Screen Shot 2022-05-22 at May, 22    2022    9.09.52 AM.jpg.felt mildly threatened as they are able to defend themselves rather spectacularly including inflicting fatal injuries.

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Looks like Charly had a nightmare with the same volcanic road Noraly did. Pacaya volcano.
He turned around tho.

so far just as many falls and much heavy to pick up. he lost his licence and someone found it who knew him from youtube and contacted him ( no wallet ) :rolleyes:

Noraly made it ...Charly didn't

he made on second try with less luggage

Nice ride to Skybury today for early lunch. Many more tourists on the go.
Temps are superb - mid 20s mix of sun and cloud. Longer ride tomorrow I think
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Bloody hell someone turned on autumn - 17 this morning ...with no heat in the house and sleeping in cotton woke up shivering.
Got out my heaviest riding riding shirt and finally warm sitting in full sun at Lake Barrine...black shirt soaking up the tropical sun.
just a gorgeous day otherwise...
We'll move to some lower temps at night an 27-28 in day time as today is very nice for riding. Will likely switch to my warmer riding pants too.

A great ride up to the west of Skybury …..just a terrific day for riding


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In Brisbane overnight - partner buying a new bow for her cello....expensive beasts...who knew,
Was miserable, grey and damp yesterday but nice sun this morning in the CBD ( central business district )
Finding cheap eats near the upper end hotels ( thanks to friends in high places ) can be a challenge tho a really good burger and fries yesterday with a beer for Jude was $36 so not so bad. She had salt n pepper squid for that all in ....there is no tipping in Australia and the 10% gst is not shown separately in most cases so what you see is what you pay.

We have some free food and all the latte's and softdrinks and juice we want and thanks to Marriot connections but the larger meals are brutal in the hotel.
Walked a bit and hole in the wall Kebob spot has me stuffed for less than $10. Kebapp.

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two wheels popular here and catered to with parking tucked in everywhere.

EV scooters everywhere and I think e-bikes too complete with stylish purple helmets.
They do present a bit of a hazard walking since ringing a bell for warning seems not in the culture and not shy on speeds.
The city centre has a long vehicle free walk that used to be a major street and is pedestrian and bike only and reminds me of the Ramplas in Barcelona....nice vibe. No living statues I could see tho.
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Queen st is definitely a nice place to spend the day when I'm Brisbane. The one way streets through the CBD can be a nightmare in peak hr traffic though.
Hence all the two wheel riders.
Enjoyable downtown.

Kept breaking my cramp busters with the velcro straps and at $30 each it's annoying and I need them.
They slip if not tight enough and break when you try to tighten - I have on both sides. The ones with no velcro are useless.
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Took a chance on these - 4 for $30 shipped and returnable.

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Well off the top they are simple to put on and sure do not slip at all.

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They are very soft and pliable and stretch easiy and some sort of grip surface on the inside. ( lower image right side) and it digs right into the grip.
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$8 each ....I can do with one but two is better for support.
The new ones are soft enough even without gloves on.......they simply don't move
Having two on also guards against losing one.

I'll leave the cramp buster on the the other side for now but annoyingly it slips as well...I could switch sides but seems too often to break when I try to move it.
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Hence all the two wheel riders.
Enjoyable downtown.

Kept breaking my cramp busters with the velcro straps and at $30 each it's annoying and I need them.
They slip if not tight enough and break when you try to tighten - I have on both sides. The ones with no velcro are useless.
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Took a chance on these - 4 for $30 shipped and returnable.

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Well off the top they are simple to put on and sure do not slip at all.

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They are very soft and pliable and stretch easiy and some sort of grip surface on the inside. ( lower image right side) and it digs right into the grip.
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$8 each ....I can do with one but two is better for support.
The new ones are soft enough even without gloves on.......they simply don't move
Having two on also guards against losing one.

I'll leave the cramp buster on the the other side for now but annoyingly it slips as well...I could switch sides but seems too often to break when I try to move it.
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I've always used the rubber ones like the ones you just got. No issues with them. Easy to adjust while riding and haven't had one fail in use.
They are working out well.....wish I had them sooner...now just waiting for the silicone tape to sort the throttle lock.

Being a wimp about riding ...15 degrees this morning ...too many layers. Have to switch to my heavier riding pants.
what the stylish Australian wears to bed in winter, Itchy Boots hoodie, two layers of technical shirts, spandex leggings, pin stripe comfie pants and serious wool socks…… no heat in the house and going to 13 🥶
Had a short but fun ride up the Gillies to Atherton and half way up the Gillies started getting cold and like a dufous did not stop a place for lunch with sun on the outside seating.
Grand Hotel, ATHERTON, QLD | Pub info @ Publocation

These classic Australian hotels remain popular - I was going to the Whistle Stop across the street which I like but decided to try for a good burger ....got the burger but no sun to warm up in :( Was fine once I got back down along the coast and a double Gillies was not tiring on a short loop.
Royal Hotel « Motor Bike Nation
I'll have to check out this site for some info on riding destinations.

The burger was good and excellent fries but stayed chilled. Zipped up all the vents for the 80 km ride home and decided to get to the Pacific in as straight a line as possible so back down the Gillies and was fine as not tired from a longer loop.

Going to wear the heavier riding shirt and a techical undershirt today even tho it feels warmer, keep vents closed and stay along the Pacific and see how the cassowaries are doing at Etty Bay. 200 km loop tho could extend....bit breezy going south but will be sweet riding home.
Max is 25 today but will be warmer on the beach.
Partner found my electric blanket so have a instant warm solution for the deck. (y)
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Well staying along the Pacific was okay so got cocky and rode up the Gillies to Millaa Millaa in search of lunch and chilled again, :rolleyes: ...no place in sun to sit ....grrr.
I have so much warm gear back in Canada really do not want to buy any more and will bring some back in December.
A Coldpruf double layer would be all I need, and bring gloves and glove liners. Unlikely to bring the Scott jacket - too bulky. Thermal layers all I need.
Heavier riding pants are fine with leggings and have socks. It's minor discomfort compared to some rides I've had but looking at 3 months of this so trying to get something that works without spending more money.
You'd not think 20 would get me chilled but ....it does after 2 hours. Sun just came out so might sit in it and read for a bit post lunch.
Bike running very well, nudged 130 kph on a pass today into a headwind and was was easy. Good motor in the little 300 single.
Very little maintenance to do ...front tire likely needs a top up tho stil showing 30 psi ...rear staying steady at 34.
The new palm throttle is excellent and the tape came in for the Go Cruise.

Discovered another quiet trick with the helmet - wrapped a spare balaclava around my neck to act as an air dam and it helped a bit and plugged the inevitable gap at the jacket neck.

Have misplaced my blue tooth headphones entirely but the Pioneer Rayz are doing okay as wired sub in.. :unsure:
Will recharge them on the way home with the Power brick...needs to be run down once in a while ,,,,I like this one as it even can run the laptop up to half charge plus charge the phones. I even could recharge the camera batteries but adding the USB charger would definitely run me out of space in the bag but could go in the top case. Low priority.

100 km to home, 60 to warmer. 25 now and quite pleasant.

Bit tired after two intermediate rides back to back and three Gillies runs.
There is construction on the left turn from the Gillies road to the main highway and pulled a "Canada" .....turned left across the highway into the opposite lane.....have not done that in a while - with the construction it's a total mess and habit took over ..
When it's like this it is an easy left but that entrance was closed , and I missed the new construction turn. The whole intersection was totally cluttered with tall plastic traffic markers. Certainly woke me up ....as a Canadian I tend to want to go out and around the island from long habit......so I did.....likely startled a few drivers as I cruised the shoulder in the wrong direction until I could cross into the other lane,
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..I missed the correct lane entirely without realizing it ....small agile bike useful 🤪
Lane filtered the whole way home. :D
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