Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

Just a sweet day for a ride up the James Cook Highway.. 120 km loop - sat and worked at my fav picnic table I pull the bike up to then coffee and croissant at Origins. Lovely ride home along the Pacific and a bit more awake. Had fun.

Gorgeous spiders above the picnic table

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couple of ibis aka bin chickens in Aus poking in the leaf litter. I'm sure the Egyptian pantheon are spinning in their tombs at the sacrilege.

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Sun is wicked ...half hour moving gravel to our redone bin platform and I'm soaked
  • Max UV Today​

    12.4 Extreme
Extreme risk of harm from unprotected Sun exposure. Alert in effect for 7 hoursbetween 9am–4pm.
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Shoulda worn the long sleeve shirt.
23 and likely feels like cooler - riding in the overcast is nice, cooler is nice, misty rain not so nice but think it will stop soon. Could see it from a ways off so buttoned up - have to start carrying a spare long sleeved poly shirt for just this sort of situation. Little wind and supposedly it's sunny and 28 in Cairns so will be dry by the time I'm home.
Had a feed of scones yesterday with local Nerada tea and local forest fruits jam plus cream from Mungali Biodynamic Dairy on fresh scones.

Did not sleep well so was riding cautiously up the Gillies with zilch traffic and lazed at the lake. Home by two then napped then watched Hidden Figures.

Will reload on photo expedition to Hasties Swamp.
Scooped a decent Ergo office chair for $160 - half price locally ...will help with my sciatica. Comes with new arm rests and an extra set of casters. My current one the hydraulic lift has failed and I need a bit of height given my computer time.
Besides a trip to Palm Cove is always fun.
Dentist tomorrow, Palm Cove then Hasties the next day.

got conned into going native with sandals and of course that did not end well
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Likely will lose that nail. :(
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Lovely day forecast and got a good rest. Pizza with partner and sis-in-law. Try for Hasties Swamp again shortly.
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Got out at sparrows and a bit chilly up the Gillies - loads of bikes out. I was sightseeing on the way up as nice fog laying in the valleys.
Then at the top the landed clouds which are fog were thick enough to bead up up the visor ...annoying but not dangerous - then the sun burned them off. Got to Hasties early but not much birdlife in evidence except a gorgeous kingfisher that was nesting just outside the hide and posed nicely. Worth the trip for that. Some finches also nesting tho a bugger to photograph - so flitty - will see when I get home.
Nice treat before I left was a brood of ducklings and mom puddling all the edge in front of the hide...might have got some decent shots.

Really enjoying the audio book

About Scott's Antartic expedition. Title seems correct. They were insane given their gear.
Mostly directly from the journals which makes the dire experiences very vivid yet spirits stayed high. Amundsen did much better with his gear and reliance on dogs instead of "motors", ponies and dogs plus man hauling. Beat Scott to the pole and lived to tell the tale.

I had not realized how much longer and tougher a journey than the race to North Pole. I do now.

About an 1 /2 hour out from home and hitting my fav pie place which has not been open much. They are naturopaths and refused to vaccinate and cops made them do take out but they let me in the pie is coming fresh from the oven. yum. It's 11 now so home by 1 ish is fine even going the longer way....book is really good.

Pie was tasty as usual but a bit too much salt but I was hungry and enjoyable break save the fundie music in the background :rolleyes:
Beat up toe seems not a problem so far - glad it was not on the shifter side.
Off home....beat the heat. That of course is a relative statement.


31 °C
Scattered clouds.
Feels Like: 35 °C
Forecast: 31 / 25 °C
Wind: 11 km/h ↑ from Southeast
At least a small tailwind heading back north up the coast.
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Scarce take
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Red browed finch - 30 snaps to get one useable...so flighty but it was building a nest and so I could focus on it's landing branch before it could jump away. More luck than good management.
Sacred woodpecker...was the very first shot and it was close so had to move slowly in the hide to get the camera out. Turns out there was a nest about a two meters to the right...nothing visible but clearly a nest.
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Spoonbill napping in the morning sun.
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Pacifc Black duck - might be nesting but was munching the greenery.

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Mama and ducklings ....was amusing to watch and hard to get a shot as they were sticking to the greenery edge. The birds congregate in this wetland during the dry season and are dispersed during the wet. Still was worthwhile and I have to decide whether to fix the GX7 , switch to the spare Gx1 or get a used Gx7 body. Bit disappointed the Gx7 failed. Might be able to work around it.
The part is cheap but installation not so straight forward. :(

Most of the newer MFTs are more 4k video oriented ( Indie movie makers love them ) but I have no use for that.
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Events conspiring to keep me off the bike ...short ride yesterday with little notable except it is getting a bit cooler in the afternoon. Had plans for today but rain and The Masters might mean a delay. I always loved The Masters as it was a sure sign of spring with all the greenery and flowering bushes and trees. Nice to see Tiger playing even if not in contention.
Lovely here on at Ravenshoe 24 going to 25 - brisk SE wind which means easy ride home.
Have to remember this place closes cafe's on Wednesday but there are lots on the way home and it's only 11.30 am
Ton's of people in town and in the park where I'm online - surprised no eateries open tho I think there is one further up but was not so pleased with it. Know I would get a good feed at Millaa Millaa and likely lots of bikes there. Will skip the steak pie at The Teahouse...last round was too salty plus they are anti-vaxxers so still have some restrcitions. The breakfast wrap at MM is good and filling. ( and seriously messy ) :D

New visor came in, it's better but still not great due to the coating on the inside of the visor. I'll live.
Might get damp ...no biggie. Up the Gillies and well rested so was a bit more agressive and had fun. Likely say up on The Tableland and then down range road at Kuranda. Relaxing day listening to The Voyage of the Beagle on audio books which are a narration of Darwin's daily journals as he traveled .....you can hear the speculation arising over time but it was decades more before it gelled into Origin. Learned a fair bit about S America.
Good listen and was he ever knowledgeable and observant.
Might get damp heading back ...can always cut down the Gillies again but not if it's raining :oops:

Bike still not using any oil which is a treat.
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Just over 17k km since I got the bike lasyt May and quite happy with it. Up for an oil change soonish. Quite remarkable not a drop used.
Lovely tho windy day coming up. If I slip south early then I can have an easy ride back.
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Found out there was a head on of two motorcycles on the Gillies in late Feb. Not surprised as some pass on the double line. No one killed but some injuries and likely some expensive charges for the miscreant..
I better get my riding in today and tomorrow even if likely get a bit damp. Try out how the anti-fog coating on the Shark visor works.Screen Shot 2022-04-15 at Apr, 15    2022    5.43.14 AM.jpg
stay home and read later in the week:eek:
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There is always something to photograph ...the short visit to Hasties Swamp had me focusing on flowers and insects since birds were non existent. This dragon fly was reallllly patient as I I'm out of practice at focusing in a cluttered background. Had trouble finding him in the lens. A case for the Gx7 with focus peaking but meant changing cameras and lenses and thought he would be long gone. Turned out okay. Background a bit grainy.
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liked how this looked.
Stingless bees are native to Australia and have an interesting relationship with some plants as they have co-evolved so the plants won't release their pollen unless they detect the frequency of the stingless bee hum. Introduced honey bees don't vibrate at the correct frequency so aren't useful for pollenating some plants.
Steady line of light showers coming off the Pacific and it's too early so back to bed for a bit and read about the secret life of bats,

The Secret Lives of Bats: My Adventures with the World's Most Misunderstood Mammals by Merlin Tuttle, Tuttle | Paperback / softback | 2018

Fascinating, a life long story ( he started as a teen ) and is one of the world's pre-eminent bat experts and preserved species and changed the perception. Astonishing how productive and important they are around the planet. We have giant fruit bats that head into the rain forest every evening to feed.
managed to catch a sea eagle stalking the flying foxes in downtown Cairns looking for an easy lunch
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Easter Friday here and everything closed down - this made me laugh

Still too rainy :(
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Washed out yesterday and cold at night ..needed a blanket. 22 this am and clear but need to do some errands. Layered up sitting on the deck at 6 am. Might get out this aft but the four day weekend is stoopid for bad drivers. Will see.
Wallowing in my travel pics, ( weeding a few out too - much needed ) Will miss this scene
a good book -
and finally got Tokyo Vice
...excellent Michael Mann series...memories for me of Tokyo in the 70s.
lotsa sleep ...longish loop up to mareeba and down the rex.

new fav lunch stop since juliatten closed......tasty, filling and cost effective empana.
usually many more bikes here ...big Triumph and an Indian good company.

Old guy on the Triumph could barely walk but roared off in great style with some colours on his vest.
202 Km loop Screen Shot 2022-04-17 at Apr, 17    2022    2.18.14 PM.jpg
Really enjoying the Darwin book ...learning a lot and makes the ride easy. Finally got a serious shower and ended up under a bus stop shelter for a few minutes while it blew over, even a car pulled over.
The replacement shield worked well, did not fog and shed water easily - dried completely clear. I can see the trade offs but wish I could get an untreated one.

Reasonably soaked so left the jacket over the bike under the carport ...will be dry by morning. Tomorrow is another day ...then the deluge.
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Easter a huge thing here and suggestions to replace the wabbit.1650232279002.png

Hopefully a ride before the traffic hits. Showers coming in off the Pacific but stayed mostly dry more by luck than good management. Very busy at Etty Bay but the local cassowary wandered along unconcerned.
1650243607946.pngLots of surf from yesterdays blow but wind down today. Still will get a 20 kph tailwind for an easy ride home. Pleasant 28.
New hotdog cart but above my pay grade. Settled for a can of baked beans,

nice enough with the cooler temps and occasional shower

I might regret my stop at Babinda
Was hungry so got a $5 bowl of chips and gravy which filled the void for $5 ...lot better deal than that hotdog.but now it's raining
If I kept going would have stayed ahead of it likely ....ah I'll live
actually did not get any wetter ....timed leaving okay.
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Starting Itchy Boots Season 6 ... that 300 is very nice. 10 years younger I'd be after that bike here,
I want the mirrors she is using for mine...time to chase.
Revit Jacket and armour system pretty impressive tho wonder how it will be in the heat.
I'm always impressed that she rides without support team and does all her video and editing herself.
All alone in different countries,....impressive.
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Thanks ...yep - on Amazon here for $216 AUsa delivered with tax.
Available elsewhere but returnable on Amazon if for some reason they don't fit my oh so narrow bars.
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I wish I could get some detail on that - I assume it's a split mount.
If I dial in Honda on the Doubletake site it comes in with a different looking mount than the Amazon. I don't really need the "bullet proof" mirrors and I think I have at least one ram mount extension already. If I buy the Honda mounts, one extension and a couple of third party RAM mount mirrors...... but don't seem to see the third party RAM ball mirrors as an option.
1650354371204.pngIf this is what I a getting this should work. Can always return it.
Just took a look at my bars and the Puig screen takes up the space plus the OEM mirror mounts on levers so even with a 12" arm I don't gain anything much on the current stock mirrors. :(
Guess I will chase longer mirror arms/extensions instead. As much as I'd love the wider bars .....just not worth it.
Not that keen on bar end mirrors.
But now it's got me motivated to get the problem resolved and I'm really enjoying this season with Itchy Boots.
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Those mirrors are designed to be folded up out of harm's way before you arrive at the gnarly off road trail. As Noraly found out the hard way, they break when left out in the breeze. She ditched them in San Salvador for standard mirrors. Waste of money imho.
Her Honda Rally is perfectly suited to her diminutive size and very cautious riding style. With a normal size rider, the suspension is junk.
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