Lovely day ....long 500k + at speeds I would not normally go on the KLR but closer to the CB500x speeds. MotoSkivvies worked the charm. Shoulder was sore. Nice bird shots at Skybury.
He posed for me perfectly. White bellied cuckoo shrike.
got home at 4.30 ...slept to 7.30....
had my self inflicted scare of the trip
Buddy took off ahead of me -I always let him play in the few sweepers with the faster road bike and of course I accelerated out of the lookout on to the right hand sweeper to catch and came face to face with a ute coming down hill in my lane..!@@&*)_
.....then I realized I was in HIS lane. ? Glad it was a right hand sweep as was easy enough to drift into the correct lane but I'll bet gave him a fright .? me too.
We had crossed over to stop at the look out and without thinking I pulled out as I would in North America.
Other than rider lapse, was a good ride and really stunning day. Almost skunked for birds but the Skybury poser made up for it. KLR thumped along at 110-120 all day. Seat was fine, damn shoulder hurt. Needed to make a couple more breaks. By the time I left Skybury it felt okay after a bit too many painkillers. Feels fine now. Still a concern.
First leg was 246+ KM but I took a break waiting for buddy so figure 220. If I can do that 3 x a day in June on a longer legged bike I'm good to go cross country when I get back.
Second leg was 210 to Skybury and I was sore by then. then 74 km home so 526 total for day.
and a really good bird photo or two to show for it