Riding Down Under - Tropical Cairns Australia

Buddy decided to come along to Lakeland ? Takes care of my bike for 8 months of the year least I can do is buy him lunch.
That will make sure I get up too.
Lovely day ....long 500k + at speeds I would not normally go on the KLR but closer to the CB500x speeds. MotoSkivvies worked the charm. Shoulder was sore. Nice bird shots at Skybury.
He posed for me perfectly. White bellied cuckoo shrike.

got home at 4.30 ...slept to 7.30....

had my self inflicted scare of the trip

Buddy took off ahead of me -I always let him play in the few sweepers with the faster road bike and of course I accelerated out of the lookout on to the right hand sweeper to catch and came face to face with a ute coming down hill in my lane..!@@&*)_


.....then I realized I was in HIS lane. ? Glad it was a right hand sweep as was easy enough to drift into the correct lane but I'll bet gave him a fright .? me too.
We had crossed over to stop at the look out and without thinking I pulled out as I would in North America.

Other than rider lapse, was a good ride and really stunning day. Almost skunked for birds but the Skybury poser made up for it. KLR thumped along at 110-120 all day. Seat was fine, damn shoulder hurt. Needed to make a couple more breaks. By the time I left Skybury it felt okay after a bit too many painkillers. Feels fine now. Still a concern.

First leg was 246+ KM but I took a break waiting for buddy so figure 220. If I can do that 3 x a day in June on a longer legged bike I'm good to go cross country when I get back.

Second leg was 210 to Skybury and I was sore by then. then 74 km home so 526 total for day.

and a really good bird photo or two to show for it
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Sweet ride to Daintree Village which has really dried out from the flooding.
Had a smoked crocodile salad and got lots of work done. Bike and body was behaving nicely considering their ages. :D

Some parasails on the coast on the way home.


they were hanging almost motionless above the highway at the Rex Lookout.



and the wallabies were enjoying the cooler weather

Thought I was about done for this Aus round as daughter arriving in two hours but buddy was riding to Ravenhoe so joined him around 9.30 am in Mareeba and ended with 360 km and a nice addition to my Tablelands routes. Chilly tho 21 or less along the crest where the wind turbines are ...highest road in Queensland the sign said .....and then misty rain got me just enough wet to be annoying.
Lamb pie and coffee at Milaa Milaa Teahouse and came home the long way rather do the Gillies downhill in the wet.
Cleared the rain soon enough, I was mostly dry by the time I pulled in an hour ago and now its raining again....so it goes in the tropics.,,,

Buddies came a different route down the Gillies and got a bet wet too. Good ride as a final and new turf to explore next time. Hopefully the upper Tully Gorge road will be repaired then. Will be first on the list. next time.
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Can't complain about the Aus health system. Came down with a UTI which gets me about once a year for undiscovered reasons and of course I'm heading out on the overnight reef cruise in 24 hours.. :eek:

24hr clinic - got the test, got the script ( I know what works ) and home again 40 minutes later. :D
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We have been really wet here ,not riding weather ;).
Thought I was about done for this Aus round as daughter arriving in two hours but buddy was riding to Tavenhoe so joined him around 9.30 am in Mareeba and ended with 360 km and a nice addition to my Tablelands routes. Chilly tho 21 or less along the crest where the wind turbines are ...highest road in Queensland the sign said .....and then misty rain got me just enough wet to be annoying.
Lamp pie and coffee at Milaa Milaa Teahouse and came home the long way rather do the Gillies downhill in the wet.
Cleared the rain soon enough, I was mostly dry by the time I pulled in an hour ago and now its raining again....so it goes in the tropics.,,,
Off to adventure over night with daughter
Overnight Great Barrier Reef | Sunlover by Starlight
Looking forward to it. Riding it done here for the trip tho a few destinations remain unvisited :(
Not likely back for a year as we do other travels to Hawaii and around the Horn to Chile but if my immigration process moves forward I will be back to Australia in the fall.

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Back on the weekend. Fitting cap to a trip.


and a wicked clear sky over night on the reef with lots of fireballs from the debris of Halley's Comet.
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Damn ...the guy said the hand bags made from the belly skin were expensive...no kidding !!! For that money I'd handfeed the little buggers sirloin. A perfect skin brings a very high premium.


Was wondering if I'd ever go back to the Burgman 650 - have 100k km on two and fate or good fortune intervened.

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My riding partner here in Australia has had to hang up the helmet due to health risks but his 650 has migrated to me. Was quite a shift from the 2004 KLR650 to cruising down the James Cook on the Burgman. Bike ran fine with some added tire pressure and I was soon enjoying the ocean views and extra power ...and real BRAKES!! :eek:

Bit of TLC due - oil change and the tires were topped up by the local auto club. Nice platform for photography and certainly easier to keep up with traffic and since rainy season here ...much better weather protection.
The off pavement boots will have to go...too awkward and heavy. Love the storage tho. Short range not too big an issue as lots of servos about. Things change :coffee:
You got snow ??

We got the monsoon - think hours and hours of rain like you’ve never seen
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Trying my patience but windscreen almost here, oil filters arriving and mechanic wending his way back from Canberra on his new toy. Likely damp as he gets closer

https://goo.gl/maps/mLY4wohHx4WCq4m97 2700 km
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Wow that's a long ride for your mechanic lol. Is his new toy a SWM?

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He told me and I didn't recognise the marque so makes sense. He was happy got about $4k off new and something like 1300 km plus a ton of farkles. Since he retired as a pilot he's been loading up on toys....now I've added the Burgman 650 to his care stable.
He's just tarting up his 2008 KLR for sale, keeping the Moto Guzzi 850 and a new acquired older BMW tourer.

He won't take payment for caring for my bikes ...not even for supplies so thinking of getting him a good full length lift which he did think was a good idea.

Had a really good feed of kangaroo loin tonight at the Edgehill Bowls Club ....just a short walk up the street.
He told me and I didn't recognise the marque so makes sense. He was happy got about $4k off new and something like 1300 km plus a ton of farkles. Since he retired as a pilot he's been loading up on toys....now I've added the Burgman 650 to his care stable.
He's just tarting up his 2008 KLR for sale, keeping the Moto Guzzi 850 and a new acquired older BMW tourer.

He won't take payment for caring for my bikes ...not even for supplies so thinking of getting him a good full length lift which he did think was a good idea.

Had a really good feed of kangaroo loin tonight at the Edgehill Bowls Club ....just a short walk up the street.
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Oz has some great cheap eats, bowls clubs, pubs, RSL clubs, and ofcoarse Surf clubs. Nothing like having a great meal on a balcony overlooking the ocean. It feels like everything I a franchise in canada and quality/price suffers.
Certainly prices have jumped under new management but lunches $10 and seniors meals $12 is just fine.
For those from Canada ...prices are always all in and no tipping so if it says $12 that's what you pay out of pocket. Aus dollar worth a bit less than Cdn.
The kangaroo steak was $24.50 and just delicious tho too much food overall. That was just a treat.
Waiting for a barramundi feed somewhere.

Maybe a German feed in Kuranda for $10 today. Bratwurst, sourkraut, potato salad ....yum. Warm out so don't care if I get damp...no monsoon tho.
Managed to get in a couple hundred k between rain showers.
Tho two of my fav places were closed
IMG_1617.jpgscored a burger in Palm Cove -

dog is just now polishing off the remains of the fries. Lots of people out - Palm Cove is jammed often and mcycle useful for finding a park.

Did not dodge the weather by much - it was upper 20s so comfy. I was fogging up for part of the ride with misty rain ...saw some Cat Crap in the Burgman kit - will use some on the visor for tomorrow. Almost dried out by the time I got home....right now tho
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Buddy riding north from Canberra checked in ...dry so far for him ...
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glorious morning. Hi Ho. off to Skybury I go. Welcome to Skybury

waaaah 14 over radar ticket $266!!!! expensive coffee run


sooth my wounded wallet with a feed of paw paw grown on the Skybury estate
papaya ..yum ...so tasty


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