Riding down to Mexico in april


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In 2011 I flipped a coin to see if I would ride north or South. North won and I ended up in alaska

Now it's time to ride south, so I am heading for approx. A months ride to Mexico. I plan to spend at least 13 days just riding around down there. It will take a while to get there but I don't ship and I don't trailer.

Prolly hit the Barber and the gap on the way home. It's going to be another solo trip. Planning is helping me pass the cold winter days.
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I planning/daydreaming about my solo trip around the US this summer too. Have a great ride!
There are a bunch of blogs about people who have headed to Mexico on a bike and all of them (that Ive read) go on at length about safety concerns on the Mexican side of its border with the US. The summary is essentially cross the border as early as possible in the AM and be prepared to go full throttle south and do not stop for anything. They make it seem that you have to out run the bad guys that are close to the border. One blog I read was from a guy on a Honda Ruckus and people basically told him that his bike is not fast enough to escape the murderers and that he shouldnt go.

Worth considering. Theres tons of awesome places to visit in the US.
Female travelling alone to these areas? I won't recommend
Same as a male traveling alone in those areas, They just have to be smart about it. Me being from South America I wouldn't do it, but each person needs to make their own decision
I wouldn't go to Mexico anymore. More people becoming more desperate and willing to be more violent, than years ago.
Well.. well, how you been stranger?

Good to see your still at these huge rides of yours!

Sounds like a great trip.

As already mentioned about Mexico, friends of ours all went down with their bikes into Mexico this year.
One fella had to fly back after his bike was stolen.
Never mind Mexico,is that a big samitch for your avatar? And if it is,where do I get one of those here in Cobourg?
sounds like somthing i would want to do.
I THATis a big sammich. That was at a little mom and pop diner in TN just before I hit the gap one year. It was an epic meal. Afterwards I think I fell into the biggest food coma ever. Just shifting gears seemed to take colossal effort.

I have been doing a fair amount of research about riding in mexico and I am not afraid. What's the point of riding a motorcycle if one is to afraid to take it anywhere,. I may as well stay in my house. When I first started touring years ago, after I had returned from a trip, I was asked if I was afraid.

I was taken a back by the question. It had never occurred to me to be afraid. Was I supposed to be? You decide where you want to go, get a map, do some research , organize and prepare yourself, then get your bum on the bike and go.

Travel smart, be aware and manage the risks to the best of your ability. Sometimes ***** happens and either you cave or you deal. When you travel solo, there is no one to lean on or share problems with. You deal with **** or you go home.

So....I am just looking for a couple decent days in April and I'm off.

Hey, inferno, hope to bump into you at some point next summer. Be well and be safe.....
Hey,good on ya. I'm guessing some in this community are just looking out for you ,and that's great,but you never know what's going to happen on any day. Besides the planning gets our minds off of winter.
Pick your route south through the US avoiding New Mexico or AZ, unless yours days are short. You still see black ice and frost at the altitudes getting through there if its early April. Mexican border towns butting against Texas and Arizona are an acquired taste. I'd cross and be booking south. Nogales is a rather unfriendly place. Travel safe.
Riding in Mexico is absolutely safe and I speak from experience. Like everything in life, common sense is needed and don't let those that haven't ridden there put you off. Bikes get stolen in Toronto as well, does that mean one shouldn't ride their bike in TO?
Riding in Mexico is absolutely safe and I speak from experience. Like everything in life, common sense is needed and don't let those that haven't ridden there put you off. Bikes get stolen in Toronto as well, does that mean one shouldn't ride their bike in TO?
I definitely think it's a be aware of your surroundings and situation down there. You shouldn't mess with the wrong people and you won't have any problems... Check out ADVRIDER forums. They'll have great knowledge about Mexico and planning out your trip. Actually... theres a thread on there that talks about how safe mexico is. I guess theres a huge military and police presence so if you find trouble... its likely cuz you're looking for it. Also, Check these saddlebags out for your ride down http://www.vikingbags.com/axe-sports-bikes-motorcycle-saddlebags.htm ~
Since you can't be talked out of heading to Mexico, would you mind picking up a package for me that's down there and bringing it back?
Canada's travel advisories for Mexico: http://travel.gc.ca/destinations/mexico

On the bright side they've found Marc Menard's dog.

I'm often curious about those advisories, when they issue warnings. Does that mean that they are not going to bail you out if you are kidnapped?
I know most of the time a country is responsible for its citizens. They need to negotiate a safe return
I'm often curious about those advisories, when they issue warnings. Does that mean that they are not going to bail you out if you are kidnapped?
I know most of the time a country is responsible for its citizens. They need to negotiate a safe return

Heh, from the security tab it says:

"The decision to travel is your responsibility. You are also responsible for your personal safety abroad. The Government of Canada takes the safety and security of Canadians abroad very seriously and provides credible and timely information in its Travel Advice. In the event of a crisis situation that requires evacuation, the Government of Canada’s policy is to provide safe transportation to the closest safe location. The Government of Canada will assist you in leaving a country or a region as a last resort, when all means of commercial or personal transportation have been exhausted. This service is provided on a cost-recovery basis. Onward travel is at your personal expense. Situations vary from one location to another, and there may be constraints on government resources that will limit the ability of the Government of Canada to provide assistance, particularly in countries or regions where the potential for violent conflict or political instability is high."

To paraphrase: If we find you we'll bill you.

But really, click on the security tab it is more specific.
Love bits like this from the advisories:

"Only travel on Highway 15 from Nogales to Ciudad Obregon during daylight hours."

"If you must travel to Monterrey, in the state of Nuevo León, avoid movement after dark and stay within the suburb of San Pedro Garza García."

Sounds like a fun road trip. Good luck to guy.
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