Riding alone. Pros and cons.

I like both. Riding solo for longer more intense days, and riding in groups for a more relaxed pace and having fun.

I have noticed that when touring solo, I meet way more people when I camp than when I am holed up in a motel. I also tend to ride less each day and relax more, because of the time needed to set up and take down camp.
Solo for me. I rarely play music and only occasionally listen to the radio. Alone in my thoughts and with the bike.

You meet more people when you're solo. When you're travelling with someone people assume your social needs have been taken care of and leave you alone.
I ride solo most of the time. I have maybe met 1 other person that rides very similar to me, whom I'm not always checking my mirrors to see if they are there, or shaking my head at them when I'm following.

My first tour was with a family friend to the Cabot Trail in Cape Breton and though we had a blast we were of different mind sets about certain things. He wanted to stop more often and I wanted to talk to the locals for longer. I wanted to go faster in the bends, he wanted to go faster on the highway.
Having said they I had a mechanical issue that would have been alot worse if he wasn't there. (cause he helped me bump start it until I could replace the battery)

The next long road trip I took was to the Dragon and I did it solo. It was a great trip and I enjoyed it quite a lot however I found the isolation a bit much at times. I was fine when I was on the bike, or when I got off and I got to speak with others but when I was alone I was lonely.

I'm planning a week(s) long trip through the US and this is the biggest concern I have. That I will cancel my trip out of sheer loneliness and turn around to head home. Also the uncertain reliability of my "new to me" bike is another concern.
You meet more people when you're solo. When you're travelling with someone people assume your social needs have been taken care of and leave you alone.

So what you're saying is travel with a mannequin :D
Both, it really depends on where I'm heading.
I like to go off the beaten path into remote areas riding logging roads and such. For such trips I rather be with somebody just in case.
No big group rides though.
I prefer to be on my own, move at my own pace, stop when I want, etc etc. It is fun riding with friends as well though, very different dynamic though and trips tend to take a lot longer to get anywhere. Every gas stop adds time per person, whereas on my own I don't even get off the bike for a gas stop, just fill it up and ride off.

I have been planning a trip for a few years out towards Moab area and there are places there where I would not want to travel alone.
When my wife had a bike we did a short 5-hour tour to up-state NY, and it was a learning experience. Varied weather, and no rain gear made for a "tough" ride.

She wasn't into it (on that level), so I think I would only do a long-ish touring ride with a group of close friends, or perhaps like-minded riders (and there aren't many). Sadly, none of the people in my "main" social circle(s) are riders, so it'll probably never happen.

Short day-trips around Ontario, or even into the US I would do solo though, but I haven't done that, yet.
Solo rides are nice sometimes because it gives me time to self-reflect and sort out my head. Moving at my own pace is also a big bonus. I've done solo multi-day trips and while I don't regret them at all it gets a little lonely after the first couple of days. Especially when you're camping by yourself.
I don't like an audience when I pull over to pee

Technically that one depends on who you are riding with, and the ratio of tacos to sausages in the group. lol
Arguably I think best situation would be meeting your soulmate who also rides, assuming riding styles are also similar. That said, I guess if that were the case, solo trips would likely be out of the question, since they would always want to go too. lol
Arguably I think best situation would be meeting your soulmate who also rides, assuming riding styles are also similar. That said, I guess if that were the case, solo trips would likely be out of the question, since they would always want to go too. lol

LOL! My buddy always tells me to never date a girl that rides cause then you can never escape.
LOL! My buddy always tells me to never date a girl that rides cause then you can never escape.

This - motorcycling is my thing I don't need to be joined at the hip with my S/O

Haven't done a solo trip (multi-day), usually there was at least 1 other rider with me to pull me out of the ditch if I happen to loose it in a corner.
I'm planing a 4 day solo trip in the near future and my only worry is crashing with no one around
Haven't done a solo trip (multi-day), usually there was at least 1 other rider with me to pull me out of the ditch if I happen to loose it in a corner.
I'm planing a 4 day solo trip in the near future and my only worry is crashing with no one around

My advice is to ride well below your limit on the twisties. If traditional wisdom is to ride at 70 - 80% then bring it down even further. And have CAA + charged cell phone handy.
Solo or group, depends on how I feel
-Solo - ride at your own pace, time to oneself, reflect upon life

-Group small to medium is good, if everybody has a com system it's better, like hanging out shooting the ***** but on the bike.
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I go on a few smaller group rides once in a while but I tend to ride with only one or two others most days. I have found 6-8 people that ride similar to my style and find it most enjoyable when it's a just a couple/few of us. I don't have much patience for slow-pokes or show-offs.
Arguably I think best situation would be meeting your soulmate who also rides, assuming riding styles are also similar. That said, I guess if that were the case, solo trips would likely be out of the question, since they would always want to go too. lol
My wife rides and enjoys getting out with me and by herself. I still log 4x the mileage in a season. She likes to ride but she doesn't live and breathe bikes like I have all my life.

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My wife rides and enjoys getting out with me and by herself. I still log 4x the mileage in a season. She likes to ride but she doesn't live and breathe bikes like I have all my life.

Sent from my Le Pan TC802A using Tapatalk

That's kind of what I meant...all the married guys I know have at some point said that it is hard to find the time to meet up and ride due to other things in life, or that they need to be back by x time. Since riding is something I like doing in my free time, especially on weekends, meeting someone who rides means I can spend that time with them on occasion. Also not a fan of 2up at all, so it solves that issue as well.

Also, most of the couples I know that do ride, still ride together sometimes, and also separately, so they are not attached at the hip.
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