Riders in Brampton.

It'll have to be in the afternoon... Are you both ok for 4pm? I'll check this thread every hour or so until then

At the Tim's at 4, didn't see you, but ran into a buddy, Team_Green.

Went up to Hockley road for a couple passes.
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Anyone looking to meet up for a ride in the next hour? Rain is supposed to start around 4pm.
What are some roads around Georgetown / orange ville area that have some turns for a beginner

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What are some roads around Georgetown / orange ville area that have some turns for a beginner

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Hockley Road between Hwy 10 and Airport Road has some nice sweepers. Forks of the Credit Road (south of Orangeville) has some tighter curves.



Do you want to meet up, vlocka?
Im on a cbr125r so idk if I can keep up plus I just started riding so I'm still learning more everyday

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vlocka, I got my M1 on July 2nd, and will have my M2 on Tuesday. I am by no means fast or smooth yet - just happy to be out there. :D

It's up to you... I'm at Bovaird and Torbram. If you want to meet up let me know. I'm going to go suit up.
I'm down for a ride to Hockley rd. I'm in Brampton and got a M but don't mind taking roads suited for M1 riders and I like to ride at a pace that allows me to keep my licence. I should be out of my place within a half hour or so.
Let's pic a spot to meet up. Tim's somewhere?

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Cool see you there.

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Yeah I meet tc moto at airport then we cab head over to hwy 10

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I'll be at forks of credit in couple hours hopefully rain don't come down. I didnt realize how xlose it was to my house. Going home now to suit up . where do you guys plan on riding ?

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Isn't that the best time to sneak out for a ride? When the wife is out shopping? Lol. I was just thinking of riding up to Hockley rd but am game for wherever around there.
I'm at the Tims at airport, I'll rollout of you guys aren't coming.

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