Rider Fatality 507 Today


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2 bikes, one crashed. Rider deceased. No details. On the 507 at about 4pm today. Hopefully it wasn't anyone here.
Damn. I went up and down it for the first time ever today. I know some GTAM members were on it...

RIP rider. Condolences to the family.
RIP -- Just googled it and still no results. Haven't been out to the 507 this year, but was thinking of going tomorrow.
Yikes! R.I.P. and condolences to friends and family. I had a friend wipe out at 150ish on that road. Slid between a telephone pole and jagged boulder with inches clearance on each side and then into a big patch of bulrushes. Was uninjured! A foot to either side and it woulda turned out much worse :(
damn. RIP rider.

On Sunday Aug. 3, at approximately 2:25 p.m. Ontario Provincial Police Haliburton Highlands Detachment responded to a motor vehicle collision on Glamorgan Road – County Road 3 at Alsop Road north of the village of Gooderham in the Municipality of Highlands East.

The collision involved two motorcycles and an SUV. One of the motorcyclists was pronounced dead at the scene. The other motorcyclist and one of the SUV occupants sustained non-life-threatening injuries. The name of the deceased person is not being released pending notifications.

County Road 3 from Highway 118 to County Road 503 is currently closed for OPP collision investigation.
I was suppose to go riding with people on this forum at 507 in the morning. I hope it wasn't them.

RIP Rider
RIP Matt.... Just rode with him and had dinner on Thursday night. Very sad to have learned of this news... My condolences to his wife, daughter and family. Horrible thing to happen..

Please be safe everyone... We don't need to lose anyone else this year. :'(
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RIP Matt.... Just rode with him and had dinner on Thursday night. Very sad to have learned of this news... My condolences to his wife, daughter and family. Horrible thing to happen..

Please be safe everyone... We don't need to lose anyone else this year. :'(
My condolences to you, his family and friends.

Was he a member here?
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Rest in Peace, Matthew. :( He was a member of a sport bike group local to GTA. Currently having a drink in his honour. Condolences to his family and friends.
The article seems to mention 2 separate crashes around gooderham. The fatality on glamorgan, and another crash on the 507.
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